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Mastery Rank Relay Test...


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It's me again. :-D 


I was just trying out the Mastery Rank tests at the Relay in the Simaris room and I thought of this.....

.... the load up to do the test is similar to the real test that can be done once a day.... but since you can just try them out, why not make the load up a tad different?


You see, when the test is done (if it's failed or not), it should have the option to retry the test just like we currently have for normal missions but then with a timer (5 seconds maybe) which allows you to choose retry or quit without it automatically return to the Relay. 


Current situation: Test is done, you get an automatic kick out of there, that will take you some time to load out and then if you want to retry, it will take you like forever to load back into the test.


I hope you understand what I'm explaining. If you have any questions feel free to ask them.


Thank You,



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