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Losing Mods During Fusion?



Does it happen often that you lose a mod when you fusion another of the same type?

I have some mods that are equipped on a sentinel weapon such as serration and another on my main rifle.

I was updating my main weapon's serration with fusion cores and got the message that it would become too much drain for one of the other rifles - I think I had the wrym rifle equipped and it said the vulkok would need to be unequipped.

I said yes as usual, however when I went to upgrade the serration on my wrym the serration was gone. I still had two unleveled ones but I ended up losing a rank 4 or 5 serration I'm pretty sure.

It made me keep an eye out and I'm now sure this has happened to more than one mod.

Is this a known bug that happens and I should be more thorough to make sure all mods are removed when I unequip them?

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Yes, These mods can only be used on one weapon at the time unless you got 2 or more. So you need to upgrade another serration and put it on the Sentinel weapon.


So if you only have one mod for rifle or shotgun, you can only put it on one weapon kind at the time (either the primary or the Sentinel weapon).

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Yes, These mods can only be used on one weapon at the time unless you got 2 or more. So you need to upgrade another serration and put it on the Sentinel weapon.


So if you only have one mod for rifle or shotgun, you can only put it on one weapon kind at the time (either the primary or the Sentinel weapon).


Yes, what I'm talking about is that if you have multiple sentinels and multiple weapons, sometimes you will equip the wrong backup Serration on a sentinel weapon. For example, I equip a shotgun, so I equip a rifle on my sentinel. I put a serration on that rifle.


I then get tired of that shotgun, so I swap the sentinel weapon back to a sweeper (which unequips the Serration on the sentinel, but it is still assigned to the rifle weapon).


I go to upgrade my primary rifle and equip what I think is my primary serration, however it says "Already equipped on laser rifle" or similar. 


I think 'doesn't matter, this is why I have two of them, I"ll just equip the backup serration on the laser rifle if I equip it again". 


That's the whole reason I have 2 serrations in the first place. However, when I go to equip the backup serration, it is gone. 


So I went from having two serrations ranked up, to only having one. I believe it is a bug from swapping the weapons around and using the auto resolve function.


To test it from now on I'm going to keep my serrations at different ranks, with the sentinel one being kept a rank below the primary.


However, now I'm nervous about all my other mods like the nightmare ones I've put a lot of effort into. If they are going to get deleted randomly then I need to know so I can start removing all mods from weapons before I unequip them. It's annoying to do, but much better than randomly having mods deleted.

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I'm sorry, I'm not sure, if I'm entirely following:

Only those mods, you use in the fusion, should vanish. If additional mods disappear, you should contact support (if the mods are important). The pop-up usually means, that the mod you just upgraded will be removed from a specific weapon/frame/sentinel, but will(/should!) remain in your collection.

Make sure, you don't accidently click on the "fusion with duplicates" button though. Especially with some of the rare or event mods, that would be bad.

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