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Pay 2 Win Much?


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Thats why I said the only thing that needs to be changed are the drop rates for higher levels. Making them more often in hard levels would easily solve the problem.


My stance is that actual content, ie levels and tilesets in this case should not be gated. So drop rates wouldn't matter in the slightest.

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My stance is that actual content, ie levels and tilesets in this case should not be gated. So drop rates wouldn't matter in the slightest.

The thing is that new content is meant to last for a bit. Making it not easy to obtain is completely right.

Same goes for the dojos. People whine about them being hard to get. I think, WTF is wrong with those people.

I dont understand how people can demand instant access to the new stuff. Thats ridiculous.....


And droprates would matter since you would get a key with higher chance....

Edited by Venarge
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really, pay2win? then how did I get my charged excalibur and charged rhino and charged hek, charged kunai, and on top of that all my non charged weapons like my strun, paris, boltor, gram, dark dagger, dark sword, heat dagger, duel ether,twin vipers, lex, and furis without paying a dime?


After playing for three months that's how.

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The thing is that new content is meant to last for a bit. Making it not easy to obtain is completely right.

Same goes for the dojos. People whine about them being hard to get. I think, WTF is wrong with those people.

I dont understand how people can demand instant access to the new stuff. Thats ridiculous.....


The time sink is fine, not wanting it to wear out is fine. That's not my issue. My issue is gating certain people based on drops. Free or Pay player and all in between should not be limiting on actually DOING the content. Make it hard to get to, or time consuming. Maybe a community effort to unlock each new area, something like the huge war effort thing in Vanilla WoW before AQ opened, although maybe not as drastic.


The key system is an obvious ploy to get people to buy things, which has the nasty side effect of limiting people to the new content.

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After playing for three months that's how.

so in a nutshell what you just told me was your to impatient to grind like i did? what a legitimate argument...


And no i'm not trying to be an A****** i'm just stating the poor argument you are presenting.

Edited by thedrag0n22
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Really, really unreasonable post.


If you want to say "pay to win" or "unfair", at least use the clan dojo as the topic.

When you are talking about drop rate based on your personal experience, it is not only not convincing, but also shows your...lack of knowledge.

Just to use what you have said, you spent 300 hours in the same and you have already acquired MOST of the stuff (about 70% ~ 75% of the content),

and you seem like you have not paid a penny. What are you complaining?


First, the game makes you willing to spend 300 hours on, implying it is most likely "fun" or "worth to grind for the remaining items"

Second, you are complaining because the rest of the contents are harder to obtain for non-paying players and easier to obtain for paying players.

God damn it, you are playing a free game. You think they are a charity organization that exist just to entertain you for free?

Pay if you don't want to grind, and grind if you don't want to pay. 

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Its a pay4convience, not pay2win


You can farm all the warframe component BPs and buy all the BPs in the market and build all those warframes, weapons, and sentinels and level them all up to 30 long long long before you get the potatoes for even a quarter of them because potatoes BPs rarely rarely ever drop.  True, you do not need the potatoes to play all the maps and fight all the enemies.  But they sure do come in handy at high level high wave defense missions.  I would say you are limited in how high a wave you can go in defense missions without potatoes.  They also increase your farming rate and your score.


You might not care about those things but some people do.  What exactly does it mean to win?  That is open to interpretation.  Which is why Pay2 Win is an unfortunate phrase and DE should stop using it along with Free to Play.  They should use a better description that does not require so much explanation or open to so much interpretation.


DE should say that the game is Free To Try, or Free To Explore, or some other generous phrase.  Although you can play the game without spending money, it seems rather stingy when you see that you are limited without spending money.  This clashes with most people's expectations of free. 


Never clash with the customers expectations.  DE should use a more understated phrase to describe their game so that the player has a sense of receiving more than what was offered.  Customers love more.

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Its a pay4convience, not pay2win


It's pay 2 win when there is no other reliable way of getting keys. Unless you pay if you're unlucky you might never get a single key. Not to mention one key is NOTHING, you need loads of keys to actually get anything from them. Fanboys ruin games cause they support horrible practices like this pay 2 win void key S#&$.


The void key prices are outrageous as well, considering you'll end up using hundreds of them. 5 keys will at most last a day if you're a pretty casual player 5 keys cost 4 euroes or 5 dollars? If you play every other day it will cost you 60 euroes or 75 dollars ONLY to buy void keys, you need to spend a lot more since void keys are only half of what you need.


This game is only for rich people it seems. Who are willing to spend hundreds each month.


Either you have too much money or you've never actually had to work for your money if you spend that much a video game.

Edited by Mikki79
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so in a nutshell what you just told me was your to impatient to grind like i did? what a legitimate argument...


And no i'm not trying to be an A****** i'm just stating the poor argument you are presenting.


I wasn't implying anything just answering your question. But if you do want to make it an argument then I might add that you didn't get jack out of those three months. And that a paying player can get what you have in an hour.

Edited by Pisirk
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I wasn't implying anything just answering your question. But if you do want to make it an argument then I might add that you didn't get jack out of those three months. And that a paying player can get what you have in an hour.

and? thats not pay2win, p2w implies you can get an advantage over another player by way of weapon/armor that is impossible to acquire without real money, so in effect you trying to make the point that it is p2w proves that it is not.

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and? thats not pay2win, p2w implies you can get an advantage over another player by way of weapon/armor that is impossible to acquire without real money, so in effect you trying to make the point that it is p2w proves that it is not.


Thanks, once again putting words in my mouth. I did not say anything about Pay 2 Win did I?


Anyway, the whole point is, if you had a scale to measure degrees of convenience, for what you can get in three months is between very inconvenient and a lottery. And you probably think that if you got what you have, others can too? Maybe some but with a system that players have no control over what they can grind for e.g ? alert chances are there are people who won't get half of the stuff you have in 3 months span, making it further more inconvenient for them and in their eyes, the "free and obtainable stuff" in this game is next to impossible to get thus the conclusion that some will make as PAY 2 WIN.


RNG lottery system


Lucky people say free 2 play

Average luck people say pay 4 convenience

Unlucky people say pay 2 win


And then there are those "fanboys" and people who sympathize.

Edited by Pisirk
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I've been playing almost non stop since the patch, and not a single key has dropped from defense or raid missions or any pther kind of mission i've run. The only reason i saw void content was simply cuz friends of mine who bought keys brought me along.

Some1 who goes "free 2 play" has virtually no chance of seeing content, you just give an illusion of free content dont kid urselves you force people to pay

"Oh they need to make money" ofc they do and i never said otherwise, but this is not the way to do it. People dont like to be forced to buy ingame stuff otherwise they wont progress. You should seriously look into other f2p models so this 1 doesnt go down the drain (League of Legends for example)

The current prices are no way "micro-transactions"

Plus some people like me if feeling forced to pay to progress i simply wont do it out of spite, and not because i dont like spending money on games i like. I've spent tons of money on League of Legends prolly way more than i would like to admit xD but still i pay because i want 2, not because i'm forced to do it.

Currently you got 2 choices either you buy ur way in, or you rely on "luck" with a questionable "Rng"

Are you serious with these drop rates? This is getting way out of hand.

I need 2 pay to get slots (i got 4 warframes sitting on foundry + 5 weapons simply cuz i got no slots)

There are plenty of threads explaining why this is a an extremly limiting problem

The "Rng" next to this the diablo 3 RNG is rewarding -_-. Farmed over 600 mods and no thunderbolt, are you kidding me? Ofc if i pay 50 quid i can get it obviously.

Platinum Price are an outrage, it's not even funny the amount of plat you ask for stuff

The plat packs are almost not even worth picking up

Every patch is turning this game into a more Pay 2 Win kind of game.

It's a shame a real shame.

Sooner or Later people will get tired

I'm expressing my own opinion, i love this game, i'm just sad with the road it's taking and the bad choices, so please restrain urselfs with flames.


over 2k mods farmed since thunderbolt released. not one thunderbolt or handspring.

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Really, really unreasonable post.


If you want to say "pay to win" or "unfair", at least use the clan dojo as the topic.

When you are talking about drop rate based on your personal experience, it is not only not convincing, but also shows your...lack of knowledge.

Just to use what you have said, you spent 300 hours in the same and you have already acquired MOST of the stuff (about 70% ~ 75% of the content),

and you seem like you have not paid a penny. What are you complaining?


First, the game makes you willing to spend 300 hours on, implying it is most likely "fun" or "worth to grind for the remaining items"

Second, you are complaining because the rest of the contents are harder to obtain for non-paying players and easier to obtain for paying players.

God damn it, you are playing a free game. You think they are a charity organization that exist just to entertain you for free?

Pay if you don't want to grind, and grind if you don't want to pay. 

I do get where you're coming from, I bought a Disciple pack based on that logic, but still, charging for items and then charging for the privilege of using them? It feels more like the game is taxing us rather than offering incentives to pay.


I'm not saying that keys should drop left right and centre, but I think they should at least be somewhat reliable.

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I've been playing almost non stop since the patch, and not a single key has dropped from defense or raid missions or any pther kind of mission i've run. The only reason i saw void content was simply cuz friends of mine who bought keys brought me along.

Some1 who goes "free 2 play" has virtually no chance of seeing content, you just give an illusion of free content dont kid urselves you force people to pay

"Oh they need to make money" ofc they do and i never said otherwise, but this is not the way to do it. People dont like to be forced to buy ingame stuff otherwise they wont progress. You should seriously look into other f2p models so this 1 doesnt go down the drain (League of Legends for example)

The current prices are no way "micro-transactions"

Plus some people like me if feeling forced to pay to progress i simply wont do it out of spite, and not because i dont like spending money on games i like. I've spent tons of money on League of Legends prolly way more than i would like to admit xD but still i pay because i want 2, not because i'm forced to do it.

Currently you got 2 choices either you buy ur way in, or you rely on "luck" with a questionable "Rng"

Are you serious with these drop rates? This is getting way out of hand.

I need 2 pay to get slots (i got 4 warframes sitting on foundry + 5 weapons simply cuz i got no slots)

There are plenty of threads explaining why this is a an extremly limiting problem

The "Rng" next to this the diablo 3 RNG is rewarding -_-. Farmed over 600 mods and no thunderbolt, are you kidding me? Ofc if i pay 50 quid i can get it obviously.

Platinum Price are an outrage, it's not even funny the amount of plat you ask for stuff

The plat packs are almost not even worth picking up

Every patch is turning this game into a more Pay 2 Win kind of game.

It's a shame a real shame.

Sooner or Later people will get tired

I'm expressing my own opinion, i love this game, i'm just sad with the road it's taking and the bad choices, so please restrain urselfs with flames.


I ran out of plat before update 8, so I bought no keys.


I can tell you it's not pay2win because I have 6 forma BP's  and all acquirable items from the Void.

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