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Suggestions For New Enemy Types


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Hello Developers and Fellow Players,


I opened this forum to help establish any future ideas for enemies types for the present factions in the current warframe universe or the introduction of new factions. Since this game is still in beta and always changing, I strongly recommend my fellow players to partake in this opportunity to let the developers listen and let your imagination run wild with new concepts you would like to see in the game. I will start the ball rolling with a couple ideas for factions I think are possible in this universe, but any suggestions or changes are welcomed.


Raiders (Space Pirates) - This class of enemies would be very realistic for the current universe considering most of the levels are on space ships. This faction is very crude and organized and is a constant threat to the interests of the Grineer and Corpus. They are able to amass large attacks on ships either to loot or overtake completely. This group could also be a rival for Tenno during the occasional raid missions, thus forcing players to rely on teamwork and speed rather than firepower to be first to the artifact. Just like the Stalker this group is unpredictable and can show up when least expected.


However, there is a twist with this faction. They tend to follow the ancient mantra of, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” This group may not have any qualms in wanting to hire Tenno to achieve their own ends. But, be warned if you take a mission through them be prepared to be stabbed in the back.


Also, this would open up a new tile set for this faction.


Orokin Cultist/Worshipers - Update 8 has opened this possibility for  this faction. This faction is made up of individuals that have survived the Void and returned to this dimension. They believe they are chosen few to create a pathway for the Orokin's return. Anything that is considered impure or is a taint to the Orokin, in this case the Tenno and Infested, must be eliminated with extreme prejudice. There are rumors that some within this faction have mastered Orokin technology to the point they are to be considered deadly.


Also, this opens up a new tile set for this faction. It could be a ship sanctuary or a makeshift replication of an Orokin void level.


Bounty Hunters - Inspired by the Stalker character, this enemy type would show up randomly and hunt for the most veteran member. The only difference is that the bounty hunter will eliminate anything that gets in its way considering even low level Tenno players as additions to the trophy case. This group can be comprised of many individuals or from the current faction, such as disgraced Grineer, sociopath Corpus, etc.


Scavengers – This faction is comprised of the remains of colonist forgotten by time. They can be summed up as techno-tribal. They may use laser and plasma nased weapons, but there organization is driven by strength of it members and survival. Anything that enters into their domain is considered a threat or in some cases food.


This faction opens the possibility for future tile sets for ruined cities/colonies or derelict ships.


If you like these ideas or have other ideas of your own, please write them up on the forum and let the developers know.





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This group could also be a rival for Tenno during the occasional raid missions, thus forcing players to rely on teamwork and speed rather than firepower to be first to the artifact. Just like the Stalker this group is unpredictable and can show up when least expected.


Now THIS is an awesome idea to blow some fresh air through the gameplay: How awesome would it be if all of a sudden, the lotus says: "Change of plans, tenno.Pirates have just boarded the ship - they are after the orokin-artifact!It must not fall into their hands.get there first!" Or something like that and then it´s all about speed and teamwork :D

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Space Pirates, now that is a really good idea. Maybe we could even have raids on the pirate ships? Getting back stolen relics or something. Maybe the pirates use a wide assortment of weapons? Maybe some guns we haven't seen yet or even weapons stolen from other factions. That would be pretty fun.


The cultists or worshippers, it sounds like a cool idea but I have no idea how that would work? It just sort of sounds like corrupted that found their way back from the void and use orokin tech? Something like that? I'm not sure.


Bounty Hunters, they sound sort of like the space pirates to me. Maybe the two factions could be merged? Bounty hunters could appear in the raid missions attempting to steal the artifact which would be their bounty? Or to hunt down a member of the team. Or maybe just keep the factions seperate? Either way sounds pretty awesome.


Techno-Tribals, the first thing I thought when I read this was, Wookies from star wars that eat people. Not to sure how I feel about this faction but it would still be something fresh to fight against instead of the current ones.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Glad those who responded liked some of the ideas especially with the raiders/space pirates. Have to clarify on some of the ideas concerning the other factions.


In regards to the cultist, they are a group that idolize Orokin technology and find a higher truth in its design. This idea is nothing new to history. I do like the idea PlatinumDragoonX inspired that they could manipulate or summon corrupted form the void. But, unlike the corrupted the followers are fully aware of their actions and use the Orokin to advance their own superiority. What structures or machines they make will always show they are in control of the Orokin and not the over way around.



Bounty Hunters, would be more or less boss characters withing the universe. Unlike the raiders/space pirates they operate in a small group or alone and only fight for themsleves and a price. They would operate much like the stalker, but unlike the stalker could set a trap or ambush in the least likely times. For example you go on a mission for a rescue and fight and arrive at the cells. You fine the right cell only to have emerge a non faction speicific character with a 70 level and a dead or restrained hostage below them. Then that rescue mission suddenly becomes a very challendging boss fight. Another scenario, is you go on a raid mission and find te ship completely empty. You reach the objective only to find a group of characters that state your worth alot of money dead and begin to stalk you throughout the ship. Suddenly, direct fighting is not an option and you and your group have to be more tactical in your engagments. Warframes hunting warframes is the idea I am going for.



The techno-tribals would operate more in tow with Lord of the Flies than the Wookies form Star Wars. The idea of the individual is outweighted by the good of the many is what would guide this group. This faction would resort to anything to survive, but does not create anything new only recycles older technology for their own usage. This group would be comprised of explorers, colonist, etc. and of human origin, just like the tenno and grineer, corpus, and infested. Yet, since having been stranded in space for quite a long time would have mutated and evolved, possibliy from radiation for a space craft or from the evolutionary demands of their enviroment over the years. As you would predict this would change their appearence making this group appear similar to humans, but not quite as grotesque as the infested.


This idea is feasible considering the size of the ship levels. It could open a tileset of a jungle enviroment within ships. Not being able to return to resupply for food or have enough power within the ship to filter the air to produce oxygen the crew members had to resort to cultivating plant life to maintain an enviroment for them to survive. This could even expand to planetside tile sets.



If you have any ideas, post them up for the DE to hear. This is your game as much as theirs.

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