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Game Play Improvements That Didn’T Make 7 Or 8, Requesting For 9


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I Immensely enjoy Warframe.  So much that, not only does it eat up all my (limited) free time, but I’ve happily plopped down $300 into a ‘free’ game.


That being said, here are some game play features that really need to be addressed:


1. Utilize the Whole Screen Boarder Lengths for Pop Ups/Messaging Areas:

Why is everything on top of everything else while in mission?  Chat messages are covered by Lotus.  They in turn are covered by Villain/Stalker Messages.   Which in turn are covered by the Team Listing.  Why are these all competing for the same 2 inches of screen area?  Please spread this out all along my screen boarders.  And now that Health (as a red bar) can be seen in the Team Listing, it is essential for Trinity to have that always ‘on screen’ so she can monitor the team’s health.  But that now means I can’t read the chat when doing so.  Please fix.


2. Defense Mission Freedom After Vote:

Once you have placed your vote on round 5,10,15, etc of defense, allow players to ‘return’ to the game for those final seconds.  How many times have I seen a Mod dead ahead and nearly in my grasp – just to have the vote screen pop up – and ‘freeze’ me from claiming that Mod?  Frustrating.  Reward early voters with an option to return to the game play.

Also to this point – allow chatting during this time.  Would be nice to confirm with everyone what the plan is next (if not staying – where to next?  Or, “don’t miss the Mod in the corner that popped up as soon as I killed the last guy”.)


3. Mission Difficulty Also Based On Number Of Players:

Once you get up there in the Planets, it seems increasingly harder (if not sometimes impossible) to actually complete a mission on Solo.  I get these levels are suppose to be harder, but some times I barely make it to Tile 4 before being killed (with a level 30 Warframe with weapons to match).  We are ninjas: going in solo should ALWAYS be an option.  Somehow there has to be a scaling effect on the mission difficulty based on the number of players currently in the game.


4. Same Selected Power Mod Upon Revival:

When killed, and then you click on ‘revive’ to get right back into the action, the Special Power you had pre-selected at time of death MUST be STILL SELECTED upon revival.  Frustrating to hop back in game, surrounded by foes (that just killed me) and knowing I can just instantly hit Saryn’s Miasma to thin them out.  But wait, nothing is happening when I hit the power button?!  The game re-defaulted the power to the first basic power upon revival.  Most likely causing a second death.


5. Retain Melee Weapons In Hand After Ground Strike:

Chances are, if I do a jump+attack= Ground Strike, I am landing in a pack of enemies.  If they don’t die instantly, I will be forced to dispatch them up close and quick.  So why does the animation after a Ground Strike instantly return my gun to my hands?  It should retain the hand-to-hand weapon for a follow up attack until I select to use my gun.  I only point this out because the second or so of time it takes to switch back to my gun, then from gun back to my Melee weapon again can cause you to take some unneeded damage (or death!)


6. Solo Play Mod Drop Rate Too Low:

Why is it that when I play Solo or Online, regardless of the mission, the Mod drop rate is consistently lower?  Defense on Io is usually a gold mine with 4 players.  But try it on you own, and your lucky to get 2 Mods by round 5.  Why not also encourage solo play with equal Mod drops?


7. Auto Ammo Reload:

The moment I run out of ammo, it would be great of the Tenno just instantly reloaded it.  How many times have I gone to squeeze the trigger, just to have nothing happen – because the last skirmish ended as I happened to fire the last round from the gun’s clip.  And now that I need to fire, nothing happens and the reload icon pops up (usually taking far too long now that I am in trouble.)


8. Alternate Affinity and Credit Amps with Cumulative Hours:

Some of us only get to play maybe an hour or so a day, maybe a couple of times a week.  The 24 hour period for the Amps is almost worthless at that point.  Why not make/sell an Amp that gives you, say, 5 cumulative hours in total?  You can only play 20 minutes a day?  No problem.  The Amp will just be in effect upon total log-in time of those 5 hours – whether it takes you a 100 log-ins and a month or otherwise. I would buy these in this format.


9. Host Migration Seems to Reset Certain Missions:

My team has made it to the Artifact, we break into it – and I grab it. I’m now glowing red to indicate I have the artifact.  Suddenly, there is a host migration.  When we return, Lotus is re-stating the mission parameters (as she did at the very beginning) and I am no longer glowing red.  Did I just lose the artifact due to a migration?


10. Mod Or Base Setting To Always Show The Data Unit On The Mini Map:

If the Data Unit gets dropped for any number of reasons – at times it can be nearly impossible to relocate.  If the Blue Orbs on it are glowing, that can help, but that is not always in effect.  Some way to consistently track where it is would be great and minimize frustration.


11. One Button Alternative To Combo Key Moves:

For the Flip, Back Hand Spring, etc. it would be nice to be able to assign a single key to perform these.  I am one of those rare players who detests the WASD keyboard style of play.  Thus, after re-mapped, it means holding some of those keys/mouse buttons simultaneously is near impossible (as it would require to hit two keys with the same finger at the same time).  I get the whole appeal to making combo moves, but I throw this out there as a thought.


12. Automated Or Vote Kick Feature For Start Of Defense Missions:

We’ve all had that one player who starts in your Defense mission group who suddenly and mysteriously AFK from the get-go.  Now the Mission won’t start because not all the players are in the main portion of the map.  Please do an auto kick or vote after 30 seconds of this.  Otherwise I am forced to quit (racking up an ‘unfair’ mission failure.


13. Escape Option From Control Decks During Lockdowns:

The ship goes into lock down, I run to a control deck and start the puzzle.  Suddenly a hail of fire is barraging me – I NEED OUT – NOW!  But there is no way I can find to ‘break away’ from the puzzle.  By the time the counter counts down – I’m dead.  Not fair.  Why am I magically chained to the console?


14. Move Solar System Map Bottom Chat Box:

Please move this pop up chat box over to the FAR lower right.  Half the time this can cover up certain lower right planets from view.  If I am chatting, and the team selects the ‘covered planet’, I will have no way of knowing they have actually already voted on said hidden planet(s).


15. Color Coding Or Name Tags On Markers:

It would be nice to know who’s marker is who’s.  This will help prevent returning to the same (already taken) Mod – or even to the marker I dropped myself!  Helping to prevent this redundancy would be good.


16. Link Weapon Load Out’s To Specific Warframes Upon Selection:

It would be great just to select Volt and have all my preferred weapons/Sentinels just automatically come up.  Just asking for an equipment link option that can be toggled on/off of each individual piece of equipment.


17. Elemental Protection Mods:

Mods that will give Warframes defensive protection in %s against Ice/Fire/Electrical/Poison damage (be it from enemies – or the map tiles themselves!


18. Check Box To Permanently Remove Strict NAT Warning:

My router works perfectly.  I have forwarded and adjusted until I am blue in the face.  Nothing seems to work.  I am not buying a new router.  I’m tired of this message every time I log in.  Please allow for a check box on that annoying warning for “never show again”.  Enough is enough.


Thanks to all (especially the DEVs for taking the time to read this novel…Appreciated!


And thanks for making Warframe brilliant fun!

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#17 was implemented, other than that - I agree.



I also seem to recall them mentioning loadout options in one of the past dev live streams.

Edited by J-Pax
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Oh yeah – almost forgot – the most IMPORTANT one:



19. – Move Your Head Out Of The Way!


PLEASE – when aiming and your back is against a wall – your head/body MUST become transparent!  This shooting/aiming inhibitor is the most frustrating thing about the game.  The quarters are just too tight – so this happened constantly.  We need to be able to see!!!!  Please make the Warframe disappear.


Please put every penny of my Master’s account funds towards this goal!!



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2. Defense Mission Freedom After Vote:


4. Same Selected Power Mod Upon Revival:

When killed, and then you click on ‘revive’ to get right back into the action, the Special Power you had pre-selected at time of death MUST be STILL SELECTED upon revival.  Frustrating to hop back in game, surrounded by foes (that just killed me) and knowing I can just instantly hit Saryn’s Miasma to thin them out.  But wait, nothing is happening when I hit the power button?!  The game re-defaulted the power to the first basic power upon revival.  Most likely causing a second death.


5. Retain Melee Weapons In Hand After Ground Strike:

Chances are, if I do a jump+attack= Ground Strike, I am landing in a pack of enemies.  If they don’t die instantly, I will be forced to dispatch them up close and quick.  So why does the animation after a Ground Strike instantly return my gun to my hands?  It should retain the hand-to-hand weapon for a follow up attack until I select to use my gun.  I only point this out because the second or so of time it takes to switch back to my gun, then from gun back to my Melee weapon again can cause you to take some unneeded damage (or death!)


11. One Button Alternative To Combo Key Moves:

For the Flip, Back Hand Spring, etc. it would be nice to be able to assign a single key to perform these.  I am one of those rare players who detests the WASD keyboard style of play.  Thus, after re-mapped, it means holding some of those keys/mouse buttons simultaneously is near impossible (as it would require to hit two keys with the same finger at the same time).  I get the whole appeal to making combo moves, but I throw this out there as a thought.


13. Escape Option From Control Decks During Lockdowns:

The ship goes into lock down, I run to a control deck and start the puzzle.  Suddenly a hail of fire is barraging me – I NEED OUT – NOW!  But there is no way I can find to ‘break away’ from the puzzle.  By the time the counter counts down – I’m dead.  Not fair.  Why am I magically chained to the console?



2. This is happened to me many times, I have always thought  "Why can't they just let me pick up all that stuff after we vote, just give me like 5-10 seconds."



A lot of these other things you mentioned can be done.


4. You can use the 1-4 keys on your keyboard to use any skill whenever. You do not have to select and use skills with the middle mouse button and scroll.


5. I do this all the time with no problem. I do a jump attack and keep pressing E after I stand up and I have no delay at all.


11. This game is supposed to have come challenges and they are combos for a reason. All of them at pretty darn simple to do also once you practice them or even just use them a few times.


13. Hitting my escape button does the trick. There is also another way but I forget.

Edited by Fireblac
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18. Check Box To Permanently Remove Strict NAT Warning:

My router works perfectly.  I have forwarded and adjusted until I am blue in the face.  Nothing seems to work.  I am not buying a new router.  I’m tired of this message every time I log in.  Please allow for a check box on that annoying warning for “never show again”.  Enough is enough.


Thanks to all (especially the DEVs for taking the time to read this novel…Appreciated!


And thanks for making Warframe brilliant fun!



ive been having that issue, 

called up my isp, had them remote desktop me,  been on with de support all that stuff,


eventually said F*** everything, 

purchased a  new modem,

same issues   (but $7 less a month in rental fee)








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17. Elemental Protection Mods:

Mods that will give Warframes defensive protection in %s against Ice/Fire/Electrical/Poison damage (be it from enemies – or the map tiles themselves!


Could this be merged with that mod Warm Coat? Maybe call it insulation?

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Targeting circle colour option changer thingy would make me very happy. It's been around as a (minor) problem for quite a while now.

I watched the livestream and the UI being updated was mentioned, I just don't want this to slip by again. :)

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Hello im new to this amazing game so far. it has many little errors in my view tho. it could be one of the best shooters around tho if these items and many of the other items were fixed. 
I do not use keyboard for gaming last time i used keyboard was back in 2003 i think with unreal. many gamers of shooters have gaming consoles so the idea that gamer pad can be used is a great idea. a keyboard is easy to use when you have been using it for a good while. but if you have kinda forgot where the keys are and have to keep looking you kinda cant play the game with lights down low so you dont get immersed into the game asmuch. most gamers i know would not get the game if it cant be played with gamer pad. you game does allow gamer pad to work in certain area's but not all.

list of little problems.

1. cant navigate the pause menu with xbox gamer pad you can go up and down with the d pad but cannot press a to select.
2. every shooter i have played on the xbox has the reload button on x this game has it on b and you do tend to press x then think why have i not reloaded then u have to second think it and then u press b.seems an easy fix to have a selection for alternative selection to swap b reload to x reload.
3. no way to edit gamer pad deadzones. and if you have a controller and you play many different types of games you will find the thumb stick tends to stick a little and does not return to the centre exactly this can cause the character to edge a direction very very frustrating as i have had new controllers(original xbox ones not the cheap tack) do this within weeks. in the end i just adjust dead zones on games.

4. the fact you have to keep switching between gamer pad and mouse. the solar system view should be controlled by the thumb stick also not only the mouse. maybe make the thumb stick control the mouse pointer. which i think xcom game does.

These are the only things i have found so far i have only played it until the solar system view tho. lol


p.s for all the hardcore keyboard gamers i know ur gonna start saying why not use the keyboard. but if you think of it if keyboard was so easy why would they not have fitted it to the xbox / playstation as the primary form of control. so please do not start having a bash at me due to the fact i dont wish to use the keyboard i have had many of these types of conversations before on other forums lol. 

Edited by AlfaDave
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Thanks for all the replies!


I didn't realize there were already Mods to defend against he elements - guess I have not found any yet!  But glad to know they exist!


Played a few more games tonight. 


As addicted as I am to this game - having your own Tenno's head constantly BLOCK your view while holding ‘aim’ is just a unacceptable. 


Please, DE – that really is an ALL IMPORTANT FEATURE.  This must be a high priority fix.


Look forward to catching the new Live Stream on youtube…

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As addicted as I am to this game - having your own Tenno's head constantly BLOCK your view while holding ‘aim’ is just a unacceptable.


The problem is still there but you can reduce it drastically by changing which shoulder you aim over. If you didn't already know this, then just press "H" to toggle between them. I find looking over the right shoulder to give the least problems and best aim in general. I switch over to whatever view is necessary to improve my aim when I need to look around a corner or obstacle.

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Some more ideas to conider for next patch

In-game Clan tag, to identify members. But a system would also need to be implemented for anyone who wishes to remain without a clan from being trolled constantly... join my clan... no join mine...  Perhaps the opposite, give players a special Banner if they are actively trying to find a clan, and a different banner for those who wish to be left alone.


Can we also redo the tags on a LOT of ingame pics, eg you pick up a blueprint, you see its the looks like the latron prime, but good luck reading the text on the pic.


Other mission bonuses    Gives extra Bonus Random Reward

    - complete mission without setting off the alarm (obviously not for the INFESTED)
    - Find the lucky black pearl  (Item hidden in a completely random location, could be on the way to objective, could be a MARATHON away from main path, who knows
                , and can only be found by first player to touch it.  Maybe Random # Person,   IE This time only the 3rd person to touch it, can pick                     it up, next time it could be the 1st person, would help stop serial LOOTERS from stealing EVERYTHING
    - Find the Random Gold enemy, and kill him  Can spawn ANYWHERE

Other Mission Types


- We do need more, but I CAN'T think of a single opportunity for development here.

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After watching the LiveFeed, I have these Ideas. The others are posted in the (closest) relevant forum.



Trade system

Use something similar to Diablo3's new system (As I can remember from their descriptions)  
    A- You select what you would like to trade, and you select what you would like to trade the item for.    Players can search through a system,  IE I am looking for Cryo Rounds (lvl1) In exchange for either Fast Hands (lvl1), Mag Warp (lvl3) etc
    B- System then matches up your request with player B who Wants to offload Cryo rounds (lvl1) for Fast Hands (lvl1).
    C- System sends you (Player who initiated trade) a dialogue (or on next login) Player B wishes to trade Cryo rounds (lvl1) for Fast Hands (lvl1)...    Please select your Fast Hands (lvl1) or Decline the offer
    D- System then sends results to Player B

this system seems to work in theory but may need players to lock in their trade, to prevent conflicts.  Eg at step A Player must select the Fast Hands (lvl1), Mag Warp (lvl3) and LOCK them in, so that they cannot be used, sold Fused etc, and Player B must also Lock in the Cryo Rounds (lvl1) at step B. therefore the trade at Step D is Almost instant.

If the above system was utilized it would mean that players could offer a trade at ANY time they are NOT in mission, (alievating Players holding up a mission) and also alievating the need to "Discover" what other players have earned (as I believe that could get messy).

Alternately you could use trade chat, but I wouldn't suggest it....   look at WOW.... OMG Troll city

Dojo raids

My suggestion would be set this as an event IE  Grineer/Corpus/Infested will attack your dojo in EXACTLY 5 hours, so that smaller clans have a chance to defend themselves.

Also the attacks could be Sized based on Clan Size.

Maybe have it setup exactly like events so that each player in a clan can have a chance to participate, however this would the cause the raid to occour multiple times.

Reward / Failure system for These raids, also based on clan size (loosely)  eg if a LARGE clan fails, they loose 4 rooms COMPLETELY from dojo, whereas a small clan would only have to "repair" say one room, rather than replace the whole thing

Speed vs Exploration

Setup in the matchmaking, a speed or exploration option.

Eg if you want to do a speedrun, you would choose to join a speedrun session, not the exploration and vice versa

Maybe spawn some of the rarer resources in the "Dead end" tiles ONLY

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