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Credit Farming


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If I go to Triton looking for gold cores and keys, I will (on average) get 2.5 cores and 1 key per rotation set every rotation set. It's genuinely weird that enemies scale and rewards don't, but even if the rewards don't scale at least I'm still getting rewarded the same amount for roughly the same amount of time. If I want to stay until the enemies get challenging, I can do that without really losing anything for it.


If I go to T3D looking for Ash Prime BP's, I will get one chance at the BP per rotation set every rotation set. Again, it's genuinely weird that enemies scale and rewards don't, but even if the rewards don't scale at least I'm still getting rewarded the same amount for roughly the same amount of time. If I want to stay until the enemies get challenging or if I want to try and make the most out of a key, I can do that without really losing anything for it.


If I go to Ceres, Seimeni looking for credits, I will get a ~23k credit mission reward for the first A rotation and that's it full stop. The game does not reward me additional credits for any extra rounds I play, and every round I stay "for fun" is another 23k credits I could have earned if I had extracted and started over again instead.


DE's decision not to match scaling difficulty with scaling rewards is perplexing, but tolerable. DE's decision to reward fixed credit amounts for endless missions of any length is terrible with a side of "why do you hate us, DE?" Credit rewards for endless missions need to be per 5 waves/5 minutes/round. Note: this will not significantly speed up credit farming. The only time it will save is on loading screens, which is fairly negligible next to the time the missions themselves take. This is not a change that will break the game. This is not a change that will ruin the finely-tuned credit grind. It is honesly just a quality of life improvement for players who need to farm credits. It would mean that players could farm credits without spending 100% of their time watching small groups of weak infested die in a stiff breeze. It would mean that players could run endless void missions for credits without either wasting their keys or their time, and that's good, because fighting corrupted is a hundred times more fun than fighting infested.


tl;dr Per mission credit rewards incentivize fighting easy scrubs and extracting, and that's boring. Per round credit rewards incentivize staying until the enemies are actually challenging you, and difficulty is fun. Seriously, this is such an easy and obvious change that there's really no excuse to not have made it already. I get that the grind is just a part of Warframe being f2p, but there's no reason to make the grind itself so atrociously boring.

Edited by DSMatticus
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