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The Lair Of The Stalker


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First, sorry if my english is a little weird, I have a good domain of it, but it isn´t my native language.


Second, I´m not sure if this post should go here or in the fan section. I think this would be the best place for it, but I have no problem if it has to go in another.


I´m writting this because I like a lot the Stalker, not only the role that he plays now in the game, but all the potential that he has behind, and after seeing how stuck has he become today with the need of some rework.


After a time learning the lore of warframe I have discovered a lot of interesting things, but I have finished with a lot of doubts, and ideas. Watching the stalker... Yes, he hates us, but he don´t act only moved by a blind rage and vengeance, but a deep sense of justice. You commit crimes, you pay, and then he leaves you in peace. And is by this, and other reasons, that I propose that.


The idea the that I have had implies not only a quest, but the introduction of a new mechanic and overall some work over the lore of the game.


I propose a new quest, The Lair of the Stalker, that would become avaiable after having in the players arsenal (or having had) the three weapons of the Stalker.


That could start receiving a message from him, a different one this time. "You have proven to be a hard prize, (player´s name). I give you an option. To finish this for ever. Come to my sanctuary, and face me one last time.", and with the message comes the quest.


I have to say that I think that this should be an one-player adventure. The Stalker has invited YOU, and because of that the quest would perform better in a more personal way.


Here I don´t have thought about any specific missions, but I think that there should be one at least with a "fake" location until the final one.


Why "fake"? I see it in this way. When you accept the quest, the stalker personally talks to you, giving you the location of his sanctuary(1). In this, or these, mission he brings you to another place, but not for anything. These missions should happen in the last ruins of the Orokin Empire. Remember that the Stalker is one of the last Orokin, and he was there when the Tenno slaughtered the Orokin leaders.


An obvious place would be Terminus, where the betray happened. In these missions he should talk you about all that was and was lost. And what is now. If the place is under grinner domain he could say "And now is plagued by these decaying lunatics", or by the corpus "And now is being spoiled by these greedy scumm"(2).


The thing is that he wants to make clear to you why is he hunting you and your kind. One of the last things that he could say in theses missions could be "Do you understand the magnitude of your crimes, (player name)?"


And then you arrive to the right place, surely in the void. I think it should be a dark and weird place, a tower flooded with shadows, maybe his own dojo. Why? I like to think that the Stalker´s warframe is the shadow one. Yeah, it´s indubitable that he is "a Tenno", even if he doesn´t consider himself one. And the place should reflect that, including an extension of Dispel that negates or nerfs your powers.


The fight itself could happen in some ways. Various minor fights and a final great one. Only against him or some kind of minions. The minions being some kind of shadow entities or his own breed of kubrows. Maybe some trials... This part have many options.


But go to the key one, the definitive one, the one proposed to you in the message. He faces you with all that he has(3), and the fight should be as hard as epic. A fact about the stalker and you is that he has hundreds of years of experience more than you, and is something that I don´t see reflected in the game due to his poor AI and lack of tactics or original powers.


Other thing that should have this fight is some cinematics, a presentation and a closing one. Why? The Stalker is stronger than you (Steven Universe apart), and when you “win” then should start the cinematic where, in fact, you cannot, and he defeats you.


You are on the floor, defenseless, and he is ready to put an end to your life. Remember what he said, “one last time”. No more slap and you go free but hurt. Yeah, butthurt, I have thought it. I would like that this cinematic represented it.


And then Teshin arrives. Why him? Remeber again, one of the last Orokin. If I´m not wrong, Thesin and the Stalker are the last Orokin alive, although we could see more in the future. Another point, what makes Teshin here? I see it in this way. As one of the last Orokin, I think he would deposit his reliance on him, maybe even being trained by him before becoming “a Tenno”. Because of that he could know where his lair is(4).


Then they talk, probably while fighting. Yeah, it would be more logic without that, but I want to see some action, and of what Teshin is capable when he unsheathe his sword. The conversation resumed:

Stalker: Why you defend them? They are betrayers! Criminals!

Teshin: No, they don´t. They where deceived by the Lotus.

S: I know that, but you cannot open a door that isn´t firmly closed.

T: There is something that you don´t know.

S: What?

T: She is a Sentient.

Some seconds of silence, and the end of the fight, if there is one.

T: She say that she is no longer one of them, but with her truth and lie is ever unclear.


At this point the Stalker doesn´t want to fight more, and Teshin leaves the place with you. But the Stalker has something more to say. “We will have a talk, (player name). Soon.”


The reward? To be alive, isn´t it enough for you? Appart of that, the Stalker warframe, if it were, could be the reward. Or the possibility of getting it. I don´t know. My point for that quest is the potential of lore that it has.


But more than that, it could be a good introduction to a new game mode, that I will comment in another post. This has become so long.


Hoping that you like the idea.




(1) Here could appear Teshin too warning you about this a trap. Yeah, it´s obvious, but his appearance here have a reason.


(2) I don´t know what the Stalker thinks about the Grineer and the Corpus, but I think he should not have a very good opinion.


(3) It would be awesome if he used the prime version of his gear for this fight. Remember that he comes from the time that things were developed.


(4) Remember the point 1? That would be a good reason for his appearance in the precise moment, he knew you where going to a trap.

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I would like overall to explode his Orokin and wanderer past  before the fall and his possible relation with Teshin.


I´m very curious to with the figure of Teshin, for me the one that trained the Tenno in the begining like he does today.

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