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[Warframe Idea] Varietas, The Transforming Mystic


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New Warframe: Varietas

Innate ability: high sprint speed/knockdown immunity

N. T.

Health : 75 200

Shields: 200 75

Power: 175 100

Armor : 50. 150

Ability 1: Transform (10 second cool down) Varietas changes into/from her bestial state.( Altered stats and different abilities )

Ability 2: Magic Bolt /Dragon Claw.

Throws a bolt of homing energy at enemies dealing radiation proc damage/Rushes towards enemies with a claw of energy dealing high slash proc damage (combos like landslide but with high chance of dismemberment)

Ability 3: Magic Weave / Dragon Roar . Varietas weaves a thread of energy through enemies pulling them closer together /Tiamat screams at enemies terrifying them (enemies effected by ability grant life strike when damaged by you or your allies)

Ability 4: Magic Storm/ Dragon Rage. Varietas calls a large storm down a storm upon enemies dealing proc damage based on energy color / Varietas sprouts wings gaining the ability to hover in air , smiting enemies with ground slams


Inspirations :




Description: Wreaking havoc on the battlefield ;Varietas changes forms to fill both offensive and supportive roles

N and T represent normal and transformed.Formatting error on my part

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