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Warframe Concept: Arachne


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This is Arachne. The weaver, the spider. While slight of frame, Arachne is resilient and a cunning manipulator of the battlefield.
*All numeric values are estimations based on the values present in other Warframe powers listed in their respective pages at warframe.wikia.com. These are by no means 'set in stone'.*
Basic Stats:

Shield: 80 (240 at rank 30)

Health: 100 (300 at rank 30)

Armor: 150 or 190. 

Power: 200 (300 at rank 30)

Sprint Speed: 1.1

Aura: --

Polarities: 1x V, 1x --



Wall Cling: Arachne is capable of wall latching for extended periods of time. say... 1.5 or 2x as long as normal. This modification is treated as part of base value for the purpose of mods that affect wall latch leading to some excessively long periods of time she can remain attached to walls. Fitting, I think, for a spider themed warframe.


1) Weave: Arachne silently launches a silk-like cable from her palm.

Toggle ability.
Energy Cost: 10 activation, 5/4/3/2.5 per second.
Range: 15/20/22/25m (cast), 25/35/42/50m (maximum cable length)
If it hits a enemy, they are wrapped in the wire and the ability slows their movement and prevents the target from attacking or alerting other enemies. Weave deals no damage on its own and is silent. Enemies can still be alerted if they see a target ensnared.The effect accumulates over time. Within ~6 seconds, the target is completely cocooned in webbing. The exact speed varies depending on the relative level of the enemy compared to Arachne. If for example, shes trying to cocoon a heavy gunner that's ten levels over her, it might take something like 10 seconds, if she's targeting a Grineer that's ten levels lower, it might only be 4 seconds. Possibly affected by power strength.
While tethered to the target, Arachne can still move and use one handed weapons and actions. For example, she can snap off shots from a pistol while ensnaring a target. Holding down the quick melee button, however, sees Arachne reel the target in towards her, causing the target to stumble about. The speed at which the target is pulled in is dependent on power strength, but its not going to be as fast as Pull or Ripline. If Arachne comes in contact with the target while reeling them in, she'll instantly end the power and perform a melee finisher with her equipped weapon. If the power is toggled off, the status effects on the enemy persists for ~15s, affected by power duration.
If it hits the environment, it tethers Arachne to the target location. While toggled on, Arachne can still move and can use the fact that she's tethered to her advantaged for mobility (yes, she can webswing with it). If Arachne is not on the ground -or touching another surface- and holds her quick melee button, she reels herself in towards the point she's attached to (compared to Valkyr's ripline, she moves much slower. say, 2/3 as fast). While holding the crouch button sees her increase the slack allowing her to drop at the same rate. If Arachne ends the power while airborne, she''l fall to the ground and the web line will disappear after a few moments. However, if Arachne is wall latching or otherwise making contact with a valid surface when she ends the power, she'll instead attach her end of the cable to the surface she's attached to. The cable will persist and functionally be a zipline (though enemies/AI won't recognize it as such, so they won't attempt to use it). If set at too steep an angle, the webline disappears after a few moments, otherwise the webline persists for 60s, affected by duration mods.


Weave, as Arachne's first ability is the one that players are going to always have access to and should give a clear indication of her capabilities. I'll admit right off the back that it has an amazing amount of versatility, but that  has more to do with the fact that I couldn't see making the two aspects of this power into separate powers. One of the note worthy aspects of this power is that it directly incorporates elements from Parkour 2.0 and Melee 2.0.
My main concerns with this ability actually stems from the 'tethering' aspect. While Warframe has its multitude of dangles for character models, we've never seen an active character  dangle from anything before. Arachne could, and should, be able to use this power to make herself dangle from the end of her cable, dangle an enemy from the cable, drag an enemy around by the cable, or even swing herself around. 

The other major concern is in the ability to player zip lines/tight ropes more or less where she pleases. As these cables are intended to be used by her and her allies, its an amazing traversal tool. I can easily see DE deciding to make the cables not stick to any object outside the playable zone, and personally I expect that to be the case.


2) Web Burst:
Arachne thrusts both hands towards her target and ejects a cone of webbing from her palms.

Energy: 50
This free aimed power allows Arachne to launch a shotgun-like spread of web globules (relatively wide spread, ~45 degrees, possibly affected by power range. The exact number of projectiles based on rank - and possibly power strength.). The blast deals 100/125/150/300 impact damage and ragdolls  enemies back a fair distance. 
When they impact a target, the globules quickly expands, wrapping the target partially in sticky spider silk. A single globule will reduce the target's speed by ~20%, with additional globules increasing this value. A target that has their movement speed reduced by 100% (i.e. caught by five or more globules) is cocooned. There's a short delay between impact and the globules expanding enough to restrict movement, less than on second, enough time to the victim to be affected by the knockback effect. If the physics impulse causes them to hit walls or similar surfaces, cocooned targets are 'nailed' to the environment. 
Web globules that hit the environment expand, creating a 1m radius web wherever they land. The sticky webbing slows enemies that touch them by 15/20/30/35%. 
If Arachnophobia is active, Web Burst is infested with Arachne's tiny minions. This increases the per globule slow effect to 25%, adds toxic damage into the blast (see Arachnophobia for values), and creating secondary vectors for infestation. 
While Web Burst fires off relatively quickly, the casting animation continues for a short time after the projectiles fly (say, .5 seconds or so).
Augment: Web Burst is cast with a single hand. While this reduces the number of projectiles launched by 50/40/30/25%, it allows Arachne to reload while casting, and the new animation does not possess the lengthy 'recovery' of the normal version. This in turn makes it easier to weave the power into Arachne's actions.

3) Parlour:
Arachne leaps into the air, pointing both her palms towards the ground, before laying down a radial web at her location.

Energy: 75
Parlour's radius is 5/10/15/20m, affected by power range, and, much like Frost's Snowglobe, pushes targets within it's area away from it's center point while incapacitating them inside a cocoon. Similarly, the sticky web laid down slows enemy movement by 15/20/30/35% and an additional 5% per second the victim remains within the area, up to 100% whereupon their legs are visibly bound in spider silk. (preferably, I'd have this slow effect only affect movement speed and not fire rate/attack speed, but to my knowledge we've not seen any power or effect to only do so).
Unlike Frost's Snow Globe, the enemies caught in it's initial cast are not flung away at high speeds, they'll be pushed only a few meters at maximum, with the distance moved based largely on how close they were to Arachne when it was cast. Parlour doesn't affect flying enemies -it's a ground based effect.
If the web created by Parlour is infested with Arachnophobia's spiders, the incremental increases of the slow effect is doubled and any target reaching 100% slow becomes cocooned instead of simply rooted in place. 
I'm thinking it'd look something like this: 
Casting Parlour is silent, but enemies that wander into the web will struggle and shout for assistance. This makes Parlour an excellent trapping skill.

Arachne spreads her arms as a swarm of tiny spiders crawl out from under her carapace, covering her and all those she comes in contact with. 

Toggle Ability. 
Energy: 25 initialization,  5/4/3/2.5 per second.
The spiders swarm out from Arachne starting at a 3m radius and slowly spreading out at a rate of 1m/s  as long as Arachne stays within the area. When she moves around with Arachnophobia active, Arachne leaves a 3m wide trail of spiders in her wake. Further, the spiders instantly spread across any of Arachne's webs and weblines that she (or another infection vector) comes in contact. Allies that become covered in spiders become additional vectors for dispersal. Spiders linger for 16s after loosing contact with Arachne, this value is affected by power duration. 
Enemies that come in contact with her, an ally, enemy, or area the swarm has spread to take 150/275/300/400 toxin damage initially, and and additional 50% per seconds afterward as the spiders bite and slowly encase them in web. To further complicate matters, any affected enemy  also have a 10/15/20/25% chance to flee in terror (as Nekros' ability of the same name) upon initial contact with the swarm. 
Working alone, the spiders take 8 seconds to cocoon a target. If Arachnophobia is coupled with another power that also cocoons its target over a duration, the time it takes is significantly reduced.  Victims of the power that die remain on the field for 16s, slowly radiating spiders in a 1m/s spread. 
Spiders crawling over Arachne or her allies grants them a ~50% bonus to their armor value. Arachne, as the origin of the spiders plague, has her threat rating dramatically increased (I'd say about the same rating as Loki's Decoy and similar effects).


Arachnophobia does not create actual units, instead it uses a relatively simple effect overlay that depicts spiders that are outlined in Arachne's energy color skittering here and there.
I don't want this power to spread all that quickly without the use of her webs so that it rewards players for utilizing the power intelligently and in conjunction with her other abilities.The initial 3m radius  spread is actually taken from Volt's Socking Speed Augment, I figure that with that radius being in effect while mobile, it would make a good starting point.
If this it seems like too much, I'd suggest dropping the chance to terrify before anything else.


Cocooned enemies are protected from external damage by the cocoons - which have their own hp values - but take periodic impact damage while encased.The damage is affected by power strength, but the overall damage should be fairly low. Cocooned targets are vulnerable to stealth/melee finishers.


Allies of the cocooned target will attack these cocoons to attempt to free their comrades, though the cocoons have a relatively low 'threat level' and thus target priority. Enemies inside the cocoon struggle against their bonds, dealing a small amount of damage (that scales with the target's level) to the cocoon per second. The cocoon's health is based on Arachne's level x ~250 +500% Arachne's Armor value, affected by power strength.

Misc Augments:

Predator: While in the area affected by her Parlour or on a silk tight rope, Arachne's movement speed increases by 10/15/20/25% and her melee attacks deal 10/15/20/25% more damage. 


Symbiotic Feeding: When cocooned targets take damage from any of Arachne's  abilities or her melee finishers, Arachne gains 10/15/20/25% of the damage done as healing if she's in contact with the cocoon, either by physically touching it or touching a web that touches it.


[Even with a handful of targets caught in her parlor power, Aranche shouldn't be healing herself faster than she could using a Trinity's Life Well unless she is making use of finishers.]


A previous version of this warframe concept can be found here

Edited by CrashLegacy14
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i would like spider summons more tho, send them accross the battlefield to panic and bite mobs dealing toxic damage

Kinda wish she was a guy >_> but yeah I love it

when is the last time you saw a spider king

ive been wanting a spider queen forever omg

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i would like spider summons more tho, send them accross the battlefield to panic and bite mobs dealing toxic damage

when is the last time you saw a spider king

ive been wanting a spider queen forever omg

Concept art makes it look like a guy doe

Concept art makes it look like a guy doe

Anyway Typhus master race lmao

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This looks good and is the second really good spider-themed 'frame I've seen. (I'm assuming the OP of the other thread you linked gave up on their original concept?)


Looking forward to the finished artwork and polish.


One nitpick for now:


Augment: Web Burst is cast with a single hand. While this reduces the number of projectiles launched by 50/40/30/25%, it allows Arachne to reload while casting, and the new animation does not possess the lengthy 'recovery' of the normal version. This in turn makes it easier to weave the power into Arachne's actions.


Seems like a poor choice of augment. I think I would prefer to use a better augment (if she has 3) + this:




I'd keep the # of projectiles, and make up for some of the recovery speed by cutting down cast speed. The augment, though logical, does not appeal to me.


Overall, good job.



when is the last time you saw a spider king


Your preference is your preference, but there's nothing to suggest any one gender's domination of a trope means Warframe should follow the same logic.

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This looks good and is the second really good spider-themed 'frame I've seen. (I'm assuming the OP of the other thread you linked gave up on their original concept?)


Looking forward to the finished artwork and polish.


One nitpick for now:





Seems like a poor choice of augment. I think I would prefer to use a better augment (if she has 3) + this:




I'd keep the # of projectiles, and make up for some of the recovery speed by cutting down cast speed. The augment, though logical, does not appeal to me.


Overall, good job.




Your preference is your preference, but there's nothing to suggest any one gender's domination of a trope means Warframe should follow the same logic.

i agree with this, while i personally dont care about faster casting because im kinda cautious about my situational awareness, i think it would be better to stick with this,


and yea i suppose, im picky and enjjoy most tropes, but as you said it is my preference,

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i like the concept art, it looks like it could use the sayrn model as a base

not really. I actually had an image of Sayrn side by side for reference. Arachne is far more 'lanky' especially in the limbs and abdomen, yes, she has an exaggerated hourglass, but Saryn had the more compact, curvy form. 



Concept art makes it look like a guy doe

How so? 


Kinda wish she was a guy >_> but yeah I love it

A spider-guy frame? Why? the only thing that comes to mind of male character that have some sort of affiliation with spiders is Spider-man. While there's obviously some influence from our friendly neighborhood webslinger, I'd much rather draw on things like Black Widows, the Arachne myth and so forth. 



i would like spider summons more tho, send them accross the battlefield to panic and bite mobs dealing toxic damage

ive been wanting a spider queen forever omg

Eh. Arachne already does have minions, but I get what you're saying. I think there's already enough frames with minions as separate units. I mean, we did just get Atlas. Besides, minions like that offer a very different style of play than what I'm after here.



One nitpick for now:


Seems like a poor choice of augment. I think I would prefer to use a better augment (if she has 3) + this:




I'd keep the # of projectiles, and make up for some of the recovery speed by cutting down cast speed. The augment, though logical, does not appeal to me.


Overall, good job.


Eh, I forgot about Natural Talent. Honestly, I have a bit of trouble coming up with augments for these powers, without making them relatively dull and/or affecting multiple powers. 

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Bravo for earning anew spot in war frame frames as archer( why the hell they hate my concepts!)

please guys if you wanna see A ( prince of Persia warframe) vote for me( Hema the mystic)(master of the sands of time)(the ancient prototype of excalibur)(the unreleased orokin warframe) in the link Below


(this link above will be reworked compleatly  so wait for it)

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Bravo for earning anew spot in war frame frames as archer( why the hell they hate my concepts!)

please guys if you wanna see A ( prince of Persia warframe) vote for me( Hema the mystic)(master of the sands of time)(the ancient prototype of excalibur)(the unreleased orokin warframe) in the link Below


(this link above will be reworked compleatly  so wait for it)

 or don't.


What does your post even have to do with Aranche? 

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Bravo for earning anew spot in war frame frames as archer( why the hell they hate my concepts!)

please guys if you wanna see A ( prince of Persia warframe) vote for me( Hema the mystic)(master of the sands of time)(the ancient prototype of excalibur)(the unreleased orokin warframe) in the link Below


(this link above will be reworked compleatly  so wait for it)

if you wanna advertise make another post :/ dont hijack this one

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