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Why Do People Use Rhino?


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Why do people use oberon and equinox when there's trinity?

Why do people use nux when there's loki?

Why do people use vauban when there's frost?

Why do people use banshee when there's nova?

Why do people care what other players use? As long as they mastered their frame of choice and can hold their liquor I'm fine.

I get 'looked down' often when i bring mesa in a T4 survival, yet i manage to show off how godly she can be, almost reached 2 hours yesterday with a non meta team with my mesa~, loki can disarm while mesa can't, hysteria makes you invincible and shattershields doesn't, yet i still use her because i know how to use her. Its the diversity that makes this game fun, why only use those 5/6 frames when we have 20? Why restrict yourself to a meta squad just because, im not a fan of rhino and never will, but if people like him, let them be.



Someone here on the forum told me that Oberon is completely useless because Trinity, Loki(Irradiating), etc... exist.


But I kept on saying that Oberon can do a little bit of what all of them can... all at once.




"No you're a noob, Oberon sucks."

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It is a good frame for newer players because of the Iron skin, however most do fall into the habit to only use her 2, what is the main reason why many people look down on newer players with a rino.


Overall it is the best pick for NM missions and NM alerts, since you can tank without energy, without shields and have a very strong CC lockdown that allows you to pass situations easy that will be death to other frames most of the time. This also makes it ideal to hold a random group together in NM by doing the revives and stop incomming fire by CC for other frames.


It is also not a bad frame at high levels, the CC range and duration is very solid as well as the damage buffing for your team. If you consider the toxin, knockdown and proc imunity that you get with Iron skin it is still farily useful at high levels if you use it more like a 2k+ recastable overshied.

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We still use pens even though we have technological advancements like computers. Traditional(rhino is one of the first frames) doesn't mean it is obsolete. People use him because they're skilled enough and knowledgeable in warframe to make him unlock his true potential, and they know for a fact that whatever frame they use their skill as a gamer won't degrade anyway. Plus they have an open mind to be diverse in playing games in different ways(in this case using different frames for different playstyles). They are the kind of people who enjoys games more rather than be salty about it, because they understand what it means to really play the game. 


The question here should be: "why am I still not skilled enough to use and understand how to use rhino, a basic frame. Have I not learned anything from playing? Why am I even concerned as to how people have fun, like using frames they want to use?"


This is a GAME after all, where fun is its core essence. And fun is subjective, where each player has his/her own ways of having fun. Questioning how people have fun in a GAME is really beyond me.

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Someone here on the forum told me that Oberon is completely useless because Trinity, Loki(Irradiating), etc... exist.

But I kept on saying that Oberon can do a little bit of what all of them can... all at once.


"No you're a noob, Oberon sucks."

I once got called a noob for my oberon, I was typing back and took 7 bombard rockets, 3 heavy gunned shooting me, and a few of the normal enemies hitting me, the other guy went down from one rocket and I was like Trollolololol then t-bagged him till bleeding hit 0 and revived him, oberon is greatXD
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We still use pens even though we have technological advancements like computers. Traditional(rhino is one of the first frames) doesn't mean it is obsolete. People use him because they're skilled enough and knowledgeable in warframe to make him unlock his true potential, and they know for a fact that whatever frame they use their skill as a gamer won't degrade anyway. Plus they have an open mind to be diverse in playing games in different ways(in this case using different frames for different playstyles). They are the kind of people who enjoys games more rather than be salty about it, because they understand what it means to really play the game. 
The question here should be: "why am I still not skilled enough to use and understand how to use rhino, a basic frame. Have I not learned anything from playing? Why am I even concerned as to how people have fun, like using frames they want to use?"
This is a GAME after all, where fun is its core essence. And fun is subjective, where each player has his/her own ways of having fun. Questioning how people have fun in a GAME is really beyond me.



 i cannot agree more :) this guys knows what its all about :) +1


 edit: also speed rhino is the frame of choice for cap missions , meep meep !!

Edited by BAD9eR
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