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Recent Updates - My Constructive Thoughts


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Due to the fact. My hope is maybe one day devs read and find this useful. I will update it with good suggestions i read from my people. My goal is not to make anything unbalanced, overpowered but just fair and fun.


True be told, i really dont like making threads like this and giving my thoughts but the last few updates has had me worried, and i seen very little constructive feedback. Just a lot of unhappy customers. So here goes.

Rihno changes.


Removed views on rhino. Apparently if you have not played him, only observed him. You have no right to say he should be made stronger.




I already own one of these, so this did not affect me but you SHOULD of said you was going to remove it before you did. As i said somewhere else, people need to be able to trust their devs and this must of come of a low-blow to some people.


What ever reason you had to remove it, was fine. You already have "exlusives" such as prime exal, pistol sword, the beta pistol, the beta rifle, so the sniper would of been added to that list of "If u played from the start, u have weps that are no longer around" but as others say. You always given people a time frame, so they know. I think it would of gone done so much better if u said "next patch, 1 week. The snipertron is being removed". So those that wanted it before hand, could of got it. I am aware they will be adding it temp or something but i am just saying. Its best to avoid starting a fire, then to make one then throw sand on it 3 weeks later :)


Credits to platium.

I can understand the idea behind it, "Pay to get it now" or "grind + wait" for free. Its generally the model for most f2p games. For "skilled / experienced players" the change isn't a problem. As we already have the resources and means to get them. So buy the blueprint and wait until tomorrow but for new players i can see this being a serios issue.

My "soultion" is to make a test map. Letting anyone try a wep, and saying where to get the resources for it. This way a new player would not feel "burned" when he grinded for 2 weeks, to try a wep they dont like.

Platium in general

Very expensive. I have never spent a plat, but prob never will. Not because i am against the idea but simply that of as price. £40 for 3 weps, is alot. I do feel at the moment my "trust" in devs is a little low. Some people buy keys, and never find a recieve. Some might buy rihno, it gets nerfed. I might buy a wep, and see it become useless the next day.

There is a fine line between nerfing and breaking. As said at the start, you have a smart commuity. Tell them what you think about x and y before doing it then having to work on 10 pages of damage control and flaming rather then useful feedback.

Change the market a little.

I feel the market is a little forceful which increases prices, and makes people unhappy. What if u went to the market, clicked a wep / warframe and it showed u the option like

Buy frame - 100 plat
Buy frame helmet blueprint - 25 plat
Buy frame systems blueprint - 25 plat
Buy frame cass blueprint - 25 plat
Rush - 25 plat

So now people still have the option to "pay high plat or higher plat" to get now instantly. While others have the option to spend less but farm / grind. Maybe in 1 way reduce the odds of RnG if they have been unlucky. Yet still having the game afordable. If u have been grinding a boss, and 1 part of the blueprint is only a pound. So micro-transactions + work become pratical.


Another example is, every item comes "overcharged". Well what if someone has 30 potoats ? it should be 20 plat cheaper, and then if they want to buy the overhcarge unit.

Improve Void Keys Drops.

I have done many defenenvies, raids, captures, spys, bosses, killing mobs. I only seen 2 keys. Both level 1. Considering how rare the receiver is, and the fact its lvl 3 now. (Lvl 3 keys being any rarer). As things stand it is a "Pay to get" wep, or "have a friend who has pain to get". I have done well over 100 runs. Never seen a receiver. If i had payed to get all those keys, i would of felt betrayed a bit. If it is really "Random" Why is it some people get 100 handles, and no blades?

Loot tables are becoming clustered.

Now resources are needed and we have to grind more. The loots are too scattered, bosses being able to drop 4-5 things, along with the RNG can make farming very hard. Its a simple fix, add a new system, add a new boss, spread out the loot table.

(Though i can understand this might be, for new players harder to get alerts / more things to unlock. In which case just add more bosses, 2 per system instead then). Bosses are always fun to kill.


The resources are clans are a mess atm, and prompt the need for big clans. Simple reason, strength in numbers. If something needs 10k of x. thats alot. but with 2k members it suddenly becomes 5 per person. Way more pratical but then saying its bad we have big clans is silly. Its the system you made after all.

The solution though is simple.

When someone makes a clan, they say how many people they want.

50 - 100 - 500 - 1000 - 2000 - 5000 - 7500 - 10000


*Edited. To scale "Progressivly" in Small increases so 50-75-100-125-150-175-200-225.


So each time u upgrade it. The "Resource increase would not be a HUGE kill". Maybe also have a delay. So after the cap is "increased". The clan has 3 days before rooms become disabled. This would allow the clan to have enough time to pay for the small increase and not be effected.

The clans "resources" will be scaled to this if a clan wants to increases its "cap size" let them but any building they made will be "disabled" until the difference in price-scalling has been payed.

So for example if u payed for room x with a 50 man clan. It costs 500 credits. If u upgrade to 100 clan. It becomes disabled until u payed the difference (1000 - 500).

This way, small clan can still enjoy it. People can increase the clan if they want, and it cant be exploited. Make a small clan, buy it all, make it a big clan.

One more thing is. YOU NEED to record WHO HAS PAYED WHAT in a clan. So if they LEAVE or are kicked. They get their resources back. The building again, will be disabled until tis resources are re-payed. "Not the time-research, that should be a one-time deal".

As i can see "Big clans" saying "COME JOIN". Everyone pays to get stuff made, then the leaders will kick all, cuz they got what they wanted and want a smaller / friender clan. Only sore losers is the "commen man, the big guys stepped on". ^^


I still belive, people should be refuned if they leave or quit. What if a clan become not so fun, what if the someone did rub someone up the wrong way. He should not lose hours and hours of resources because of this and it does stop the "clans inviting the masses, to kick them once they got what they want" style. The only downside i could see is someone using this to blackmail a little "Give me what i want, and i leave taking the resources with me" but with the suggested idea of the clan has 3-5 days before things do start going "offline" then i think this would be countered. Remember Research time would not be lost. U just need to punch in the resources and its back online.


Remove Solo.


Its not needed any more. In my mind there is NO valid reason for anyone to be in solo mode. Invite only, is the new solo mod but lets you invite people if needed.


Instead solo should become "offline mode". In those times, when u just want to play by urself, without any interaction by clan or friends.


Mastery for clan weps.


I can understand why they did this, but i am not all for it. Again its good for people who have played alot and are already rank 8 but now needing to buy and level up LOTS of weps, u might not even like, just isn't "fun". Its just a grind for the rank. If it must say, then let fomla on weps, give mastery. So u can still get it, while using weps u like. I feel sorry for alot of new players who have giving so many resources to a clan, to find they need rank 8 mastery. Now need all those resources to grind 40 weps, and will prob get kicked from the guild "as now the guild has want it wants, and just wants "skilled / nice people" rather then resource fodders.




Make NO attempt in any shape or form, to balance the game around pvp. Its not needed.


Infact i have already seen a fantastic idea from my own clan, to let the clan balance the pvp. Not allowing mod x / y / z. Not allowing ability a / b / c. End of the day, its a pve game. PvP is a "mess around" and should be left up to clans to manage how they want it.


*If u are hell-bound on doing this, then make it so if someone enters the pvp with frame  x / wep y. It becomes a balanced frame x and wep y. With standards mods / set up for it. but this does "detract" from the customation of the game. No matter what stuff u lvl or put. It would become a balanced thing in the pvp.


Add some real-end-game content.


I was happy to see lvl 3 void having mods around lvl 80. As it got my hopes up for lvl 4 and lvl 5 keys. Maybe even lvl 5 assination keys. Killing lvl 150 boses. Oh the fun to have some serious content that challanages, the "elite" side of the commuinty but i should point out. Putting content this way isn't good, unless u increase the drop rate of keys. As needing to farm a defense mission 24/7, 7 days a week, for 1 lvl 5 key. Is not fun.


Maybe as u like ur blueprint system, let people buy keys in blueprint form and make them in the foundary ?


Sort out the login reward.


I am glad, you reward people for logining in. It was one of the cool things but please remove all the rubbish from its loot table. It should only give things people stuggle with. As credits are so insanely easy to get. I remember logging in every day for 3 weeks. My reward ? tones of ammo boxes, health things and now i am getting blueprints for weps i already own, dont need or could buy for 20k cridits. Login rewards start to feel like a core like "I have to wait for this to end, before i can start doing missions or talking to clan".


Weapon slots.


I see alot of people talking about this now. wanting more wep and warframe slots. I myself if i could go back in time, would of spent my 50 plat on some slots rather then pototas. As u cant get slots in the game by default.


This can be a huge problem for "free to play" players. More so now u need mastery, as with only 8 slots, and u have x / y / w u like. but u want to try a / b / c. I do belive slots should be obtainble by free people but not so easily. As end of the day, they still have to "work" for their items, its just letting them keep their items rather then "make a item, sell it, cuz u need the space".


So please streamline the loot in it a little.


RnD System.


I know alot of people hate it, and it does burn some people while blessing others. Sense the update where "rare mods" became rare. I have gotten between 10-15k mods. Not seen 1 hells-chamber. While my friends mock me for having 16 of them ^^.


I do think the trade system on the livestream will be nice, for when clans or friends go togeather but i wonder what if hadding a small crafting system. So if u had a muti-shot of ANY kind for the right price or upgrade u could switch it from a pistol to a shotgun. As many mods are similar like that, instead of needing to get MOD X. U just need "eletric element mod" for any wep, and "craft" it into the wep u need. For those times when RnD does just fail u.


This is not a rant at the RnD but just an example when it really can just fail someone so horribly. 15k mods isnt a small number.

*Edit. I know there are lots of mistakes in grammar and spelling. I have hurt my hand recently, so typing isn't easy. I need to pase myself a little. I will post it, so people can see the ideas. and edit in a hour - two once i had a chance to rest.

Edited by IanN1990
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My thoughts on your points...

Rhino, agreed, the aggro with a damage bubble of 800 is totally useless. I do however agree with DE that it had to be changed, unlimited god mode breaks any game. The original nerf was way better, 80% damage reduction over it's duration.

Firing range to test weapons before you buy them or the BP and grind mats, great idea. The idea isn't to gauge it's damage, any spreadsheet out there can tell you that, what you are really testing is recoil, fire rate and feel.

Marketplace change so people can buy that one elusive BP, like it. People can run a boss maybe 10 times, get 2 of the BPs and any rare resource drop from the boss and then decide if they want to keep grinding or buy that last BP.

Clan upsizing looks good at first glance, however this is going to cause issues as a clan approaches a break point.

i.e. clan has 49 people and someone has convinced a couple of friends to start playing, now what?

Kick someone who has not contributed to any builds to make room for 2 more people?

Tell them they can only invite one friend?

Tell them they can invite both but have to buy the clan upgrade costs?

Downsizing a clan as people change clans to play with friends or stop playing. Downsize for free with no refunds on rooms already built or building?

Disabling rooms if people are kicked or leave clan, disagree.

Issues, someone could deliberately leave to cripple your clan after paying most of the resources for say a reactor. Reactor goes offline and poof not enough energy, entire Dojo offline until resources repaid or you delete rooms until energy no longer in the negatives.

Also, sometimes people have to be kicked from clans/guilds. Some people cause too much drama, some people just whine insistently and tick off other members off to no end, others lie and say they are an adult to get into places they are not wanted or meant to be, list goes on. Bottom line, sometimes people need to be kicked for the betterment of the clan/guild.

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