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Xb1 New Achievements Not Well Thought Out


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I made my attempts yesterday with the new achievements that just came out and I would say 2 out of the 4 were easy to obtain. My main issues are with the syndicate and T4 ext (headshot only ones). Why would you penalize a player who has 4 out of the 6 syndicates maxed? So now I have to penalize myself to derank and start all over again? This makes absolutely no sense. Now to my biggest beef. I don't see how "No Brainer" can be done for the following reasons: Those of use who are in a syndicate know all to well that rival syndicates can appear at any time and those then become part of the enemy counter. So tell me how do you get a headshot off roller syndicate enemies? Also how are you supposed to get a headshot off a opsrey or those flying drones (can't remember what they are called exactly but they give the enemies their shields). I tried on lower level enemies just to see if it is possible and I could not register a headshot on these even using a vauban to hold them in place. Even on the normal enemies using a sniper I noticed that some headshots dont' even register even at a fairly close distance. If DE wanted to implement this at the very least they should have eliminated the possibly of enemy syndicate fractions appearing and/or increase the headshot hit area. It's also unclear if using some warframes ability to have the enemies fight for you cancels this out. Obviously a failure mode/effects analysis was not performed on a developer level as the above should have been considered and ruled out as a "contender".

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Can really see some diehard Achievement people setting up T4 Ext. where they take turns getting 1 headshot and hide while others get the rest of the kills. At least my buddy misquoted as he told me it was T4 defense lol.


I was about to have to make a weapon to try for the explosion one, since I do not have any explosive weapons, but joined a T1Defense as soon as I got on to mess around with my Atlas and during Wave 1 it opened when my teammates took out a bunch of guys. 

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Can really see some diehard Achievement people setting up T4 Ext. where they take turns getting 1 headshot and hide while others get the rest of the kills. At least my buddy misquoted as he told me it was T4 defense lol.


I was about to have to make a weapon to try for the explosion one, since I do not have any explosive weapons, but joined a T1Defense as soon as I got on to mess around with my Atlas and during Wave 1 it opened when my teammates took out a bunch of guys. 


You can't "hide while others get the rest of the kills" : the whole squad must have only headshots, it seems.

(if I'm wrong, I'd really want to know!)


We really wanted to do it with a friend  but : how do you headshot drones / guardians ???

And headshots are a mess : they are more like "face shots" and must be made from the front. Even there, a lot are not counted as headshots.


This achievement could have been really nice if you could have it in a legit way ...

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Not you apparently, but I'm pretty sure you care about things we don't : that's how tolerance works ;)


But coming in this kind of topic to say that ... just lol!

+1 sir\madam!

Anyway, not seen these yet, wonder if they are coming to Steam?

Hope they get tweaked, I always thought achievements should be achievable...

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+1 sir\madam!

Anyway, not seen these yet, wonder if they are coming to Steam?

Hope they get tweaked, I always thought achievements should be achievable...


Really ?


I'm surprised : I would have thought them coming to PC as Steam achievements and PS4 as trophies ... wasn't aware Xbox was the only one.


And yes "achievements should be achievable" ^^

This one is achievable, but in a way that seems not right, by "cheating" the system.


I don't like achievements for my gamerscore, but for a challenge I can try to get normally.

Edited by (XB1)JestersShade
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Hi all :)


Just wanted to clarify a couple of things.Firstly regarding the Syndicate Rank achievement, which as Megan has stated in a separate thread, we will be looking to make retroactive in the next major update. Our apologies that it doesn't already work this way, but hopefully it will before too long!


Secondly, we realised when implementing the No Brainer achievement that during a Tier 4 Extermination players might come across certain enemies (some of which may have been spawned by a rival Syndicate) that cannot be headshot, such as drones, rollers, infested, and of course Vor, so those enemy types are not counted towards your completion of the achievement. However, as has already been mentioned above, this is a squad-based achievement, so it does require everyone in the squad to play their part! :)

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Hi all :)


Just wanted to clarify a couple of things.Firstly regarding the Syndicate Rank achievement, which as Megan has stated in a separate thread, we will be looking to make retroactive in the next major update. Our apologies that it doesn't already work this way, but hopefully it will before too long!


Secondly, we realised when implementing the No Brainer achievement that during a Tier 4 Extermination players might come across certain enemies (some of which may have been spawned by a rival Syndicate) that cannot be headshot, such as drones, rollers, infested, and of course Vor, so those enemy types are not counted towards your completion of the achievement. However, as has already been mentioned above, this is a squad-based achievement, so it does require everyone in the squad to play their part! :)




Thanks for the answer!


1 ) You mean that even if our kill count is not the same as our headshot count, we may still get the achievement at the end ?

So how do we know that we just made a kill that voided the achievement for this run ?


2 ) how do we know which enemy type counts and which not ?

You should nearly add something in the mission progress screen to say "still good" => "not good" when you kill an enemy that count in the wrong way ...


As always, I love DE for their quick answers / fix / updates but it is still a shame in this kind of cases where there need to be forum posts to have clarification : if you already knew it (since implementation you're saying), why not put it in the release note, at least ?


But thanks for your work and for passing by ;)

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What is "funny" is that DE_Megan tryed this one on the "Xbox 1 @ 1" of this week (replay video available on their Twitch channel), and replay it multiple times due to headshots that did not seem to register ...


I think, with this achievement, now would be the time for a patch to make headshots really count as headshots, whatever part of the head is shot, wherever you are from the target, and such ...

And maybe, a visual signal on the hud to tell you that you did a headshot, or like in other games, another colour for the cursor if it is going to be a headshot.

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