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We Need The Auction House Asap!


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AboutHere post I think it sounds better than an auction house. But still disagree with any "post and forget" system based trading unless limited in both: time and amount of items (and here's where LMR players complain about difference of opportunities if the limit gets to be set by Mastery Rank)


My idea, posted in its own topic ( https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/547763-my-dream-trading-system/ ), does limit things by tying it into the already existing Trades Per Day system. Meaning players can only have as many posted items and offers (since my idea isn't an "auction house" or player shop, but more a proper trading post) as they have trades per day. If a trade goes through, it takes one of their daily trades off, meaning they need to wait 'till the daily reset before posting another item or offer.


It makes a lot more sense if you read the whole thing, and I've been trying to get feedback on it, but it was pushed to "Fan Concepts" and promptly buried, so getting people to see it has been next to impossible. Doesn't help that threads seem to die whenever I touch them...


So if both pro- and anti- "auction house" people could go take a look and let me know what you think, I'd appreciate it. You're also more than free to ignore me and continue as you were.

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Yes, a Public Testing Realm of sorts, similar to the ones Blizzard uses for their games. But that however, is something we won't see anytime soon, possibly... it's not on DE's to do list.


I mean, come on, they even forgot to add an /unstuck command in a Beta game, and the one they added this year is also sloppy, since you have to restart the game after using it.

It should be priority #1.

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We all know its a madhouse like being in a shopping mall on christmas day but we cant just take that away, give players the option to sell things at their Dojo in a specific room and the trade channel can remain the same its always been with the updated 2.0 chat system. A fix for all and dojos matter more....

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