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I Found Out Kunai Were Automatic


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If they make Kunai semi auto and give Lex armor piercing, I'd be happy with that balance. Shooting throwing knives full auto feels strange to me. There's no weight to the shots. Going semi auto would be the best thing for it and will give players more control of what is supposed to be a skill-based precision weapon. I don't mind leaving everything else about it alone, it's perfect otherwise.

Lex on the other hand, could use some love and perhaps get armor piercing to make up for its sloooow firing speed and reload times. Make it officially the new Snipetron so that equipping the Hawk Eye mod is worth it and make it more viable for high level content. And let's bring some of the lesser used secondaries closer to the new standard of the Kunai and Dual Broncos.

Edited by Vorpalstryke
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If they make Kunai semi auto and give Lex armor piercing, I'd be happy with that balance. Shooting throwing knives full auto feels strange to me. There's no weight to the shots. Going semi auto would be the best thing for it and will give players more control of what is supposed to be a skill-based precision weapon. I don't mind leaving everything else about it alone, it's perfect otherwise.

Lex on the other hand, could use some love and perhaps get armor piercing to make up for its sloooow firing speed and reload times. Make it officially the new Snipetron so that equipping the Hawk Eye mod is worth it and make it more viable for high level content. And let's bring some of the lesser used secondaries closer to the new standard of the Kunai and Dual Broncos.

...If you give the lex AP no one will ever stop whining about it. it's already a good weapon, and I'm not saying giving it AP wouldn't be awesome but it definitely won't happen. With max Hornet and a 100% multi shot you get 756 damage on a non crit, non head shot bullet (two actually)..no amount of slow rof will balance that kind of damage...especially since you can still upgrade it with ele damage and other stuff.

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simple solution just like for every other issue people whine about when they see other people do something fun.

you don't like it doing something? stop doing it.


you can throw them semi auto all day long while other people use full auto. forcing it down to semi auto makes no drop of difference except it being more annoying to use.



i use them semi auto while doing stealth or when killing stranglers and use them full auto when i want to see a horde of infested turn to Swiss cheese.

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Honestly, I love the fact that they are fully automatic. Feels really "ninja" so to speak. I originally though they would be slow with semi-auto, but this was a nice surprise.


If you haven't used them, please don't complain about they being fully auto...


It's one thing to complain about balance, it's another to complain about how enjoyable something is (especially if you don't use them).




Making them semi-automatic doesn't "balance" anything, it just makes it annoying for anyone to use.

Edited by Alarox
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When I first got the despair and the kunai I assumed they would function as a high powered lex weapon but stealthy.  I didn't expect to be able to throw them like a trick shooter with the same power as a lex with ap rounds. I didn't even hold down the clicker till my kunai was level 20 and was surprised it was full auto.


Use a kunai or despair level 30(60slots) with rank 8-10 hornet strike, multi mod, max frost, (fire or eclectic) the ammo mod 90% then sticking a max rank gunslinger mod 72% speed in it. I doubt the developers play tested them with different mod commination. Not going to say its op just try it out. Main issue is it shoots so fast with the gunslinger mod.


Could it be that removing gunslinger from working with the knives would be a good enough fix?

Edited by LazyKnight
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I've sat out of the discussion for a while, but I might as well throw in one other point.


I suppose the more eloquent way of putting my reaction that the full-auto firing felt "gross" is that it's utterly inconsistent with the internal logic of the game.  Kunai and Despair are actually very slow.  They're much slower than all semi-automatic weapons excluding Lex and the shotguns, and has dramatically higher damage per shot than all automatic weapons, again, except shotguns.  And yet they have automatic fire?  It utterly breaks the standard set by all other weapons.  And say what you will about clicking a mouse being very different from throwing a knife or pulling a trigger, the action of moving an arm to move an object is significantly slower than curling a finger.


There just isn't a reason for this.  And the worst part about it, perhaps, is that this makes an already powerful weapon just lazy.  It benefits from high damage per shot, almost completely negligible reload time, and no recoil.  This is not an advantage (and yes, it is an advantage) this weapon needs.

Edited by Cursor
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