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How Would You Tenno Feel If One Of The Major Bosses Were To Join Us As An Ally?


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It would have to be in the execution, but for the majority of them - any of the Grineer bosses and Alad V - I just can't see it happening. They're too loyal to their Queens or themself to become allies with the Tenno. Someone like Bek could make the transition to full-Tenno-ally easy, but he's not exactly as boss atm.

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PS4 players had common sense

Alad is unredeemable, used warframes as weapons twice, one he tortured and the other he turned into a infested shell, almost screwed over the corpus board, evolved the infested to infect machines and caused the mutalist strain (as well as giving infested projectiles) and tried to cause an epidemic.

We also don't know how old Jordas is (unless he goes by the old j3 lore) so he could have also caused that when the let the mutalist strain loose.

Don't give ps4 players too much credit, number 1 reason why they supported nef was because of the dera vandal so we could have an exclusive item as well..not because of the lore, i did support nef anyway because I can't and won't forgive salad for torturing valkyr and using mesa.

What i wonder is if the ps4 lore will be different from the pc/xbone. After all we destroyed the cure.

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Nef would be extremely easy to employ to our side, all we'd have to do is satisfy his extreme material obsession, and give him a large enough "donation to the void" and he'd be there right beside us...



But then that might mean he'll stop hunting us and we won't get any Dreads, Despairs,mor Hates! I ain't spending no plat on What Stalker pack! There's better things to spend it on like prime stuff or mods. Plus I'm more interested in learning why he turned on his own faction because he is Tenno because Warframe and powers. He's possibly a Tenno back in the Orokin age that was actually loyal to the Orokin instead of hating them like our Tenno did when they pushed them to extinction.


That pretty much is why he hates us. He was faithful to the Orokin, and sees us as betrayers since our kind slaughtered those who were trying to honor us.




Nuff sed

Or Darvo
Edited by (PS4)Abyss_Raider
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As cool as Tyl Regor is.... I don't think having him as an ally would be a good idea, like, at all. 

His awakening of the Sentients was some Orokin-level stupidity, even if he did do it by accident. Seriously, what did he think was going to happen, the Sentients were going to discuss how they toppled the Orokin empire over tea and then go back to sleep?


I don't want to know what in the Hek he might be able to screw up for us. Alad.... yea Alad is probably irredeemable. Sargas Ruk I could see switching sides, though. Vor's like the Emissary of the Corrupted or something now so I don't think him coming to our side is too likely. We don't really know enough about any of the other bosses.



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