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Rush To Boss/rush To Extraction Criticism


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I understand this is a bit of an issue right now, and some players don't like it (whilst some do), so here are some ideas to counteract the speedrun nature of some missions and the game in general whilst adding in more variety.


1. Treasure rooms - Secret rooms filled with rare materials, abundance of credits and maybe mods/forma etc,. Gives players the incentive to explore the randomly generated tilesets.


2. Material tanks - Basically like 'chests of golds' in RPGs, except these are tanks filled with materials like rubedo/etc. They can randomly spawn in rooms, players might search the maps for these.


3. Rare enemies - More enemies like the Stalker but with rewards that are more generalized. Rare chance of spawning randomly in missions (e.g. an Infested mission might spawn an Infested Grand Ancient, or a Corpus mission might spawn a Corpus Moa Commander) and will require all players to take down, rewarding them with an abundance in credits and a chance of rare stuff.


4. Special room conditions - More stuff beyond "the enemy has seen you, go to a panel to unlock all doors". You could have players enter a room only to discover it's an ambush, all doors are locked and they have to kill all enemies to find a key to unlock the doors. Or a room that's been partially destroyed by the ensuing chaos and players have to navigate across chasms and debris to other side. 


5. Daily contracts - Contracts with randomly generated objectives to be fulfilled which refresh every 24 hours, which have randomly generated rewards. Example: a player logs in and he's given 5 randomly generated contracts and is able to choose 3 for the day. He chooses 


Contract A : Headshot 5 Enemies within 3 seconds, stealth kill 3 enemies without being detected in between, kill 25 enemies from 30 feet away. Reward: 250 Rubedo, 7000 credits w/e, 1 Void Key.


Contract B: Obtain 10000 credits in one mission, kill Vay Hek under 5 minutes, destroy 20 Moas with your melee weapon. Reward: 1 Forma, 3 Rifle Ammo Boxes, 1 Rare Fusion Cores, 2000 Warframe Experience.


etc. This not only expands on the Daily Log-In reward but gives players incentives to do things in missions beyond rushing to objective and rushing back. You can even have Rare Contracts that have a tiny, tiny chance of spawning for players with really good rewards (5 Tier 3 Void Keys, a blueprint, fusion cores w/e); make them feel special and whatever.



Rushing will be less of a problem with these additions imho, and players will be encouraged to do more beyond speedrunning. Thanks for reading. As a sidenote, there's not enough crap to give out as rewards beyond mods, materials and credits; there needs to be more stuff like Forma and Void Keys. Just more rare things to farm and collect which open up the game for players (as a stupid idea, maybe a rare item that acts like Rare Candy from Pokemon for your weapon)or even just more mods. moremoremoremoremore

Edited by Tangerine
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If they want to stop people from rushing, they need to make the rewards for exploring worth as much or more than the time they could have used rushing another mission. To speedrunners, time vs gain is the main thing, and if looking through every room would net them a gain greater than using that time to speedrun the mission again, many would stop to look around.


Unfortunately you will always have speedrunners, it is an easy and lazy way to get a quick buck.

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1) Hidden rooms exist, but currently rarely contain much in terms of rewards, except for the void. So more loot is always welcome. Though to me finding the hidden areas is its own reward. Just wish there were a greater variety of them XD


4) They tried the key thing. It was incredibly buggy and everyone hated it.


5) Contracts idea is good (though a bit recycled from games like Halo Reach that have the daily challenges). However, your first example of the headshots is terrible. Headshots are hard enough. 3 kills in 10 seconds isn't that easy unless you have a crowd rushing at you. 5 headshots in 3 seconds is damn near impossible.

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1) Hidden rooms exist, but currently rarely contain much in terms of rewards, except for the void. So more loot is always welcome. Though to me finding the hidden areas is its own reward. Just wish there were a greater variety of them XD

Also had similar idea. In the Void there are secret rooms where you will guaranteed get mods. This should be good enough incentive for everyone to serch the levels.

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This is what should happen to "fix" rushing (which doesn't even need fixing because it gets really tedious killing all the guys in front of the boss for the 30th damn time, making rushing totally legit at least in terms of boss farming, but that's besides the point) not discourage rushing, but encourage not rushing.

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I didn't need to read the whole post to agree with the OP.. This is a great idea that I would like to see implemented. Right now there isn't much of a reason to take time to explore. I would LOVE the reward for taking time to kill the enemies and search the extra stuff.

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As long as it is more likely to get a rare resource (neurodes, neural sensors, morphics...) from a boss rather than searching the level there will be bossrushers.


Either increase the chance of rare drop from containers/enemies and/or decrease the chance of boss drop.

Edited by techman
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As long as it is more likely to get a rare resource (neurodes, neural sensors, morphics...) from a boss rather than searching the level there will be bossrushers.

Either increase the chance of rare drop from containers/enemies and/or decrease the chance of boss drop.

Decrease the chance of rare mat drops from bosses?


It's a horrible enough drop rate as is, not to mention the new research mats made things even worse.

Edited by ElementLordofMilk
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How about instead of rewarding normal gameplay or incentivizing exploration, punishment be considered?

not punishment in the sense of losing something material (if pixels can be material) but punishment in the sense of being categorized in a different part of the matchmaking system, like LoL does with their players that leave alot- just put them in nothing but games with other rushers.


For example- I'm in a game with three people. I'm a rhino, and my team is an ember and a saryn. The saryn and I will keep pace with each other easily, but the ember being a faster class has more incentive to rush ahead, killing monsters and reaping exp while we get nothing. Players would be able to be reported for rushing if half of the team is not within three cells of his current location. Once reported, they get kicked from the game into solo mode, and from then on for a week he can only join games with other rushers. This way, groups of two rushers can easily be removed from the game, because honestly they are the most problematic kind of rushers. The rushers are no longer an issue and the non rushers still get categorized with non rushers. No one really gets hurt except for the rusher, which is kinda the point.

Another idea would be to dramatically increase the damage done by all enemies when in a group match, making teamwork and cover vital to survival. No @(*()$ with the drop rate, no nerfing any particular warframe, just buffing the enemies to make rushing less attractive. Not only would this slow the pace of the game, decreasing item flow into the economy, but it would actually make every player better, because they're being pushed to their limits constantly to survive and conquer.

These are just ideas in the rough, but the rushing epidemic is making me want to quit warframe. It's fun sometimes, but I can't even play how I want to because there is ALWAYS one or two players rushing. I love warframe, I really do. But when i can't play how I want, it becomes not fun anymore. Warframe is not fun anymore.


TLDR: Rushers have ruined the game. We dont need to reward people, but punish people. enough is enough.

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How about instead of rewarding normal gameplay or incentivizing exploration, punishment be considered?

Nah. The fact that there are rushers at all indicates more of an issue of incentive. Why spend 20 minutes in a mission when 3 or 4 will do to get what I need for this run? Also, maybe I am going to need to do 30+ runs to get the amount of material I am searching for, while the rest of the squad just wants to explore.

To be clear, I am not a rusher, but I can understand some of the draw.

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Well, what happens when that incentive that everyone decided was a good idea actually turns out to be a bad one, because mats/mods/whatevers become TOO common? Encouraging players to explore and cooperate by using increased drops/more items in the map is just a bad idea. It will wreck the stability of the game and make it too easy. Too many mods means faster progression means boring game. Too many material drops means faster progression means boring game. too many credit drops means an excess of credits means a feeling of unaccomplishment.


Warfame is marketed as a co-op third person action shooter, or something along those lines. Mainly the words.....


CO OP. Cooperation. aka Operation in tandem. aka teamwork, aka sticking together, aka not rushing.

It seems Americans (speaking as one) have a fear of punishment. They don't punish their kids, their politicians, their businessmen, their real criminals. Games aren't punishing enough anymore either. It's all about incentive! reward! unlock every level! "rare" items being rare only by being designated as such. It's time to hop off this ineffective horse of "reward players and they'll do what they should". I'm all for punishing people for rushing. They RUIN. THE. GAME. the COOPERATIVE game that is warframe. It actually makes sense.

If they keep failing trying to rush, or keep finding themselves getting reported for rushing, maybe they'll learn that they're playing wrong and stop and actually work together, since it seems incentives are no longer working.

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The game is just way too simple right now, its intended to be this online coop shooter but as is, the game rewards you for distancing yourself from the coop portion as much as possible and just shooting your gun into bullet sponges. I want to see bosses that are complicated. I want to see encounters. I want to see a boss that has unbreakable shields, but can only project it in three directions. I want to see a boss that mind controls a player and turns him on his teammates for a set time limit. I want to see "encounters" rather than single boss mobs. I want to be trapped in a "boss room" while General Powerful Guy taunts me on the radio and sends waves of Heavy Grineers and Commanders at us, while activating gas vents in the walls that drain stamina and power until you shoot them out, and then at the end of like 3 waves he comes out with two escorts that heal him and randomly stuns one player. I want to go into a boss encounter where a guy struts out and uses some "forbidden Orokin artifact" to send each player into a "nightmare" scenario where they must solo some puzzle or combat challenge to escape in a time limit, otherwise they become catatonic until a teammate melees them in the face to wake them up, all while the boss shoots knockdown projectiles at you. I want things to require more of the players than W+M1.

The developers need to not be afraid to ask more of the playerbase. I feel most of us are smart enough and experienced enough at games, especially MMO's, to handle something more than just shooting dudes, and then shooting a slightly larger dude at the end of a level.

There is so much they could do to this game to make it an actual coop game, instead of just a corridor shooter that happens to allow other players to be there with you.

Edited by VitekR
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Great ideias, 



A simple solution for the Rushing is just let them leave the map early just like in a defence mission, and they could also implement a bonus mod if you make your mission in limited time, then every one wil be more happy,  speedrunners have a bonus and can leave the mission early and the explorers cando what they do...  

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Fantastic ideas, especially #4. Zelda-style extermination and key rooms are something I've been hoping would be implemented for a while now, and there could also be different special rooms that pop up when missions feature certain environmental hazards. Missions with a cryogenic leak might have super-cooled rooms that slowly freeze you if you don't keep moving, or you might be exposed to the vacuum of space as you traverse extremely damaged sections of a self-destructing ship (sort of like during the intro of Mass Effect 2, for any who's played it).

Edited by BlueIstari
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