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Helmetless Warframes (Aka. Helmet Alternates)


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Because they weren't designed to be faceless.  The Tenno were, and to my knowledge, DE has no intention of changing that.


Loki, Vauban, infinite melee dash...


They weren't designed to troll other players.


Happens anyways.


Having alternative helmet like that will increase revenue for DE. Not a con move.


Yes, it'd be a problem logic-wise when newblets blew open the airlock. But that can be solved with animations and what not.


Such as. Implement 2 alt maskless per character. One with small gas mask *Ones like Miranda Lawson use in Mass Effect, one completely maskless.


When mission consider to be in space station/ships. The one with gas mask loads out.


When mission consider planet wise. IE. Corpus boss Enyo. The one with completely maskless loads out.


Much like how Mass Effect does it.




I'm saying - It's a product that people will buy, with no real harm to the game itself. Tenno's face are shown in cyropods. Why can't it be shown in action?


*Before anyone say the cyropods are holding civvies. No, go check the Lore page that got pinned in GD. Those are Tenno Cyropods, and Grineer sells them to Corpus.

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 Tenno's face are shown in cyropods. Why can't it be shown in action?


Naked Nick's face is shown in the cryopod.  He's a placeholder, not a Tenno.


What other players do has no connection to what I said -- we're not talking about gameplay mechanics here -- so I'm ignoring that.  DE has stated that they have no intention of revealing the Tenno's faces, that's a fact.  Logic isn't the main point of those against it, it's whether or not we would like what we see.  Some of us like to imagine what they would look like under their mask, and people can have pretty wild and diverse imaginations.  People can draw whatever fan art they want, and nobody would cry out against them because it's the artists' vision.  If DE gave the Tenno official faces, I guarantee a lot of people would be -- at best -- surprised.


Will it happen in the future?  There's a slight, potential chance that they would consider it.  But don't get your hopes up.

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What I think would be the most badass thing ever is a toggle-able helmet with a push of a mouse key. Like in the old Dark Sector trailer where Hayden Tenno puts his helmet away and it just folds back was so awesome I really wanted that in game. I'd love to just flip it on and off when ever I please.

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DE has stated that they have no intention of revealing the Tenno's faces, that's a fact.  Logic isn't the main point of those against it, it's whether or not we would like what we see.  Some of us like to imagine what they would look like under their mask, and people can have pretty wild and diverse imaginations.

We won't know unless we see. Also there would need to be several (tintable) faces for diversity as stated in the main post.

If imagination is as fragile as you state, there would hardly be any fan-artworks of existing character designs - On the other hand I can count the numbers of Warframe artworks with fingers, the majority of them being "helmetless versions" of Warframes.

Those who fear their imagination of their anonymous avatar to be shattered, simply don't need to remove the helmet via optional...err "can opener artefact".


Judging by your post number you must be around Warframe since the age of dawn. You happen to still have the link to the source saying that DE have no intention of revealing Tenno faces? It may have been a fact of the past but I would still want to read their reasons :)


EDIT: There =/= Their

Edited by Kasamoto
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I hope they never do this. It adds a little mystery to the whole game not being able to see their faces. Are they human like or have big oval eyes with oversized heads?

We've been past that point several times now. I hope I don't murder your imagination when I say that the captivated Tennos and the Tennos in the cryopod look very much human.


That or:


...We could all be advanced Daleks!!


Edited by Kasamoto
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Judging by your post number you must be around Warframe since the age of dawn. You happen to still have the link to the source saying that DE have no intention of revealing Tenno faces? It may have been a fact of the past but I would still want to read their reasons :)


Livestream 4, about 38 minutes in.  Mynki and Geoff talk about it.

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Many appreciate the anonymity and and simplicity of fullbody Warframes.

But what if DE were to release helmet alternates with actual heads and faces? (Like Avalon for Excalibur and so on...)

Several per Warframe for diversity of course, taking up on customization and individualisation.



For reference, drawings from Penett and yuikami-da and Masateru from Dev.Arts (Nice find, Thanks Rudette #44)

Nyx by Penett

Ember by Penett

Ash by Penett

Bishie Frost by Yuikami-Da

Bishie Volt by Yuikami-Da

Trinity by Yuikami-Da

Ember by Masateru

Nyx by Masateru

Nyx and Mag by Masateru

Saryn by Masateru



- Would you want (tintable) helmetless heads?


- Is it a good idea or a bad idea?

- If so, why?


- What do you think about it?





EDIT: Regrettably, I don't know how to poll on this forum.


EDIT: Bishie = http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+bishie


EDIT: In case you find the artwork in it's anime/manga-esque style to be harmful to your health or enviroment, I am very sorry to inconvenience you and advise against clicking on the next link. Those images are references and at that, not mine.


EDIT: Some seem to mistake my intention, believing me to hold the power to turn Warframe into an Asian MMO, this is not the case. This is more like sharing my idea and having fun reading replies.

OMG id totally go for this:


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I like the mystery.


In the Art of Warframe stream, Mynki did say that they had concept art of their faces... However, I think I speak for others when I say that I'm always disappointed when I finally see the face behind the mask or the helmet.


Like seeing the voice actor of a cool voice... Once you see the face, it's never how you thought it would be. You're disappointed, you can't un-associate them and the magic is gone. Forever.


so yeh.



To be totally honest I agree with Fatal [kill-me-now].

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Minky: "... So you may have to wait a bit longer to find out"

Thats not a definite "no" from the art director. Now Geoff may like the mystery of Master Chief like design but he is also torn on the question wether to.


Thats different from:

DE has stated that they have no intention of revealing the Tenno's faces, that's a fact.


It however opens the question once again if Tennos look human, which contradicts with the captive Tenno and the Tenno in Cryopods. And, if the Tennos are actual successors of Hayden Tenno - Who we know from Dark Project to also look human.


This however is a question only DE can or... As seen in the video, cannot answer.

What "we" can answer for sure however is the main question on this topic:


- Would you want (tintable) helmetless heads?

- Is it a good idea or a bad idea?

- If so, why?





EDIT: Thank you Rabcor, with your help I have attained the next level of BB-Codes and the certainty, that the Bulletinboard codes also apply to this forum, even though they are not listed.

Edited by Kasamoto
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