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I Want My [Spoiler] To Be Able To Play With My Kubrow! (Also More [Spoilers])


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First I'd like to thank DE for this awesome update. Content that other games would pack as a 40€ DLC (Hey GW2 Heart of Thorns) you give to players for free. The whole quest was an awesome experience, my jaw hit the floor when I first saw the Moon hanging in the Void and it stayed on the floor until the end of the whole quest. Also since I was playing with Wukong the whole time I developed a special relationship with it and I'm currently unable to play any other Frame because WU IS SPECIAL! And yes I know developing emotional attachments to virtual characters is not healthy. Can't help it though. So gj on that. Also I hate you for making me spend 600 plat on those gorgeous cosmetics and War.


Now to the main topic: 


I know there have been quite a few suggestions of what we can do with the Operator in the future but what I haven't seen yet are suggestions for interactions between the Operator and Kubrows/Catbrows(I know cats have a new name but I'll bother to learn it when they launch.) We have the ability to interact with our pets while in Warframe form but if I were a kid that went through war and just realized that a) he is a physically weak kid and b) space is full of hostile things trying to kill me, the first thing I'd want to do would be to hug something big warm and fuzzy that would probably slobber all over me but it would make me feel safe. Hell even as an adult the first thing I'd do would be to hug my huge Alpha Huras Athena that's as big as a Warframe (e.g. big enough for the Operator to ride) just to feel safe and comfy and alive. 


I know that most of the Catbrow update is probably already done, but would you DE please consider the option to interact with pet not as a metal golem but as a warm human kid? It could just be the interaction animation. Everything else would be optional. It would make me even happier than I am now after having finished the Second Dream and it would be totally awesome


Edited by Hengeyokai
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