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Control Modules


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Another rage thread! : D It's all about luck and randomization...sure you've head it countless of times, but it's true, I can tell you I get a CM every run or 6/10 times, but that can be in one instance, I can go back later and get one 2/10 times. It's just how it works and yeah, drop rates are being looked at once again.

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Normal mobs, lockers and maybe containers drop control module too.


This. Do alerts with Theif's Wit on a fast frame like Loki or Ash. Open lockers and break everything. The drop rates are higher on alerts, there are more breakables and lockers on alerts, and breakables/lockers have the highest drop chance for crafting materials. I don't even farm bosses anymore I just do every alert that pops up this way and I find at least one unit of some rare material every run.


I'm not quite caught up yet, because I used to be a boss farmer, so I have this backlog of stuff that needs Morphics especially... but it's a much better way to get them than to try and do boss runs.

Edited by VKhaun
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Had the same thing with Orokin Cells when I was farming them with my girlfriend for her Latron Prime. Got 4 after doing about 30 runs. Then as soon as she has enough, they start dropping like freakin' candy.


It's just bad luck. Happens. Stick in there - at least the farming is fun unlike 99% of other grind/farm-heavy games.

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The problem with control modules is they only drop on one planet, which makes farming them more tedious then it needs to be.


That's not really fair. 




They are only used for one weapon, and things you build very rarely like warframes and catalysts. If they dropped in other systems you'd be getting them instead of other drops you'd actually use commonly. 


It makes sense that there's a less commonly used resource, which is less commonly found, for items less commonly built, and it makes sense to have one place to go find it.

Edited by VKhaun
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Had the same thing with Orokin Cells when I was farming them with my girlfriend for her Latron Prime. Got 4 after doing about 30 runs. Then as soon as she has enough, they start dropping like freakin' candy.


It's just bad luck. Happens. Stick in there - at least the farming is fun unlike 99% of other grind/farm-heavy games.


Some things shouldn't be up to luck.  When you invest time and effort into a specific goal, like killing a boss for a resource, you should be able to get it.  The fact that I can run a dozen missions looking for OC or CM and get nothing for it is the exact reason I'm done playing.  I'm disgusted I invested so much into this game, bought a Founder package, and have zero voice to the devs.  They don't respect your time, or your money, so I'm done giving either till things improve... IF things improve.


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i would say when it comes to farming rare resources never rush the mission explore every inch of the place and then you are much more likely to get the 1 every 2-4 runs 


I don't think the added time from doing this comes even close to boss runs and aborting if they don't drop.

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Some things shouldn't be up to luck.  When you invest time and effort into a specific goal, like killing a boss for a resource, you should be able to get it.  The fact that I can run a dozen missions looking for OC or CM and get nothing for it is the exact reason I'm done playing.  I'm disgusted I invested so much into this game, bought a Founder package, and have zero voice to the devs.  They don't respect your time, or your money, so I'm done giving either till things improve... IF things improve.


So what you're saying is you'd be happier if there was a 100% CM drop rate but instead it takes 20x more of them to craft what you want? Because if not, you're basically just stating that you want the game to be easier. In my opinion the system is absolutely fine, it can be hard to farm for some stuff sometimes but that's honestly what keeps me playing. I enjoy repeating the runs and going through killing stuff. It is, after all, what the game truly is. If you don't enjoy that then I don't really know what to say.

Edited by Churpy
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So what you're saying is you'd be happier if there was a 100% CM drop rate but instead it takes 20x more of them to craft what you want? Because if not, you're basically just stating that you want the game to be easier. In my opinion the system is absolutely fine, it can be hard to farm for some stuff sometimes but that's honestly what keeps me playing. I enjoy repeating the runs and going through killing stuff. It is, after all, what the game truly is. If you don't enjoy that then I don't really know what to say.

No, I'm saying that things like Control Modules, Orokin Cells, Neurodes, etc, should be automatically dropped by bosses.  You went through all the effort of killing the boss, having a guaranteed drop of a crafting resource won't tip the balance of the game, it will simply allow players to craft the things they want to so they can go kill stuff with the weapons they want instead of rage quitting the game because they can't get ANYTHING build due to ZERO drops of required resources and components.

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Collective memory.

Also, how long does a hyena run take you? Because if I run with ash it can be lower than 2 minutes if im lucky.


Its not hard, get over it.


It doesn't matter how long it takes if no matter how many runs I make I still can't get the drop.


Stop being a $&*^ just because you happen to have good luck.  This game is hardly fair when one player(you) can get consistent drops and another(me) gets nothing despite the grind.

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No, I'm saying that things like Control Modules, Orokin Cells, Neurodes, etc, should be automatically dropped by bosses.  You went through all the effort of killing the boss, having a guaranteed drop of a crafting resource won't tip the balance of the game, it will simply allow players to craft the things they want to so they can go kill stuff with the weapons they want instead of rage quitting the game because they can't get ANYTHING build due to ZERO drops of required resources and components.

"Dropped automatically" and 100% drop rates are the same thing. However if you want 100% drop rates, that means it will have to take more OC and/or CM to craft whatever you need them for.. the developers have stated multiple times and even in Livestream #6 that they want the game to have longer term goals. The weapon that took them 6 weeks to create should not be a nights content for a player.

You can't just say "it's not fair, make it easier" when it's already not that hard. Warframe is not a hard game..in fact, there are a lot more relentless games out there.

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They really need to remove the dojo materials from the boss loot tables, I get dozens from lockers and regular drops, I don't need them dropping off of bosses too!  Go fight something for a specific item or material that only they drop, and get loot that you got 8 drops from everything else on the level.

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That's not really fair. 




They are only used for one weapon, and things you build very rarely like warframes and catalysts. If they dropped in other systems you'd be getting them instead of other drops you'd actually use commonly. 


It makes sense that there's a less commonly used resource, which is less commonly found, for items less commonly built, and it makes sense to have one place to go find it.

Correction, now they're used with clan tech.


I've recently started on Neptune for a while as I like having things when I don't need them for construction purposes and the Feildrons and Detonites give me something to work towards.


However Hyena likes to drop Nano Spores on me. I mean, it's not like he doesn't die in a minute anyway to a high rank Despair + LOLki's invisibility but I still dislike the excessive tediousness.



Of course I post this then on my next run I get 2 in a single go.


My luck is weird.

Edited by YellowJacketXV
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They really need to remove the dojo materials from the boss loot tables, I get dozens from lockers and regular drops, I don't need them dropping off of bosses too!  Go fight something for a specific item or material that only they drop, and get loot that you got 8 drops from everything else on the level.

Eeyup.  I constantly get samples from boss runs, not crafting mats.

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That's not really fair. 




They are only used for one weapon, and things you build very rarely like warframes and catalysts. If they dropped in other systems you'd be getting them instead of other drops you'd actually use commonly. 


It makes sense that there's a less commonly used resource, which is less commonly found, for items less commonly built, and it makes sense to have one place to go find it.

Actually you need tons of Control Modules for dojo research weapons. Not the weapons themselves, but the parts (Fieldron, etc) each require a Control Module.
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Ah, didn't know about the Dojo requirements. That is another matter. You'd think they'd fix the farming on them to handle the load BEFORE adding the Dojo stuff rather than after...




Bosses should ONLY drop rare crafting materials.  Nothing else.  Not spores, ferrite, rubedo, etc, but neurodes, controle modules, and orokin cells.


Why? - Bosses are trivially easy once you go back with lv30 gear and even just medium ranked mods. Why would you make the rarest materials in the game into giveaways?


Repeated boss runs for gear isn't even a good end-game. It's boring and makes the bosses into jokes. I would rather encourage the devs to put in real farming mechanics instead of falling back on what happened in old game communities by accident. Like a warframe with a skill that's difficult to use but causes extra loot to drop, or a mod that increases chances for rare mats but reduces shields/HP/damage, or new mission types that are REALLY difficult but have great rewards.


Centering the whole game's crafting on boss runs is a terrible waste of design potential IMHO.

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Centering the whole game's crafting on boss runs is a terrible waste of design potential IMHO.

Having bosses drop rare mats doesn't make them exclusively centric to farming, although they already are with the blueprint drops, so what's the difference between balancing it between BPs and Rare mats?  Instead of being a complete waste of time?

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Having bosses drop rare mats doesn't make them exclusively centric to farming, although they already are with the blueprint drops, so what's the difference between balancing it between BPs and Rare mats?  Instead of being a complete waste of time?


You are answering your own question. You don't need multiple BP's. Only a few runs will complete your frame, plus frame parts show up in alerts. Past that why would running the boss be anything BUT a waste of time? Why would you make people farm a boss more than it takes to finish a frame? It's not particularly fun or interesting once you've beat him that many times that you finished getting all the parts to a frame.


Farming should be linked to something dynamic that keeps you interested, not just beating up the same boss who's super easy because you've progressed past him. Some people are still running the Mercury boss for Morphics for crying out loud. That guy dies to four HEK rounds and a melee swing, and my mods aren't even maxed out yet.

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I like how people seem to forget the fact that the control modules are not the only part which delays advancement in clan tech.  Oh, if you've got 100 Control Modules, you'll just blow thru all tech and be done with the game in a weekend.


News Flash - Corpus Weapons take anywhere from 1 to 10 Fieldron per weapon, each Fieldron requires 1 day to produce, on top of having 10 Fieldron samples, 1 Control Module, and some trivial bits.  So, for the Lanka (which is the last weapon in the Energy Labs), you need at least 10 days of building just Fieldron before you can spend the 12 hours on building the Lanka.  All of that doesn't include the time it takes to build up to the energy lab or do the four preceding researches required to reach that point. (Fieldron, Prova, Dera, Lanka research).  So, this idiotic notion of 'blowing thru things in a weekend' is ridiculous.


Now, sure you could drop platinum on each of the Fieldron to rush them thru, then rush the Lanka, but you can't rush the actual research on the weapons themselves.  Besides, if you're blowing platinum to rush these things, than Digital Extremes is making money, so how is that a bad thing for them?


Having drop rates be unforgiving is counter productive to someone wanting to play the game.  Knowing that I've got to go kill Hyena another 100+ times if I want to have enough Control Modules to be able to actually build the weapons I'm spending other resources on even having access to is kind of unnecessary.  And while I can understand them wanting to put delays into the game in order to hold back the feeding frenzy, there's a fine line to tread here.


Ultimately, having a boss drop a Control Module per run (not randomly per run) is not a bad thing at all.  It means you've only got to run the boss 30 times instead of 30 multiplied by drop rate.  This isn't even talking about the other things which can drop from bosses like blue prints and various other resources.  Some RNG is fine, but too much of it is far more likely to drive people off than invite them to stay.  As it is, they are using any other tricks of the trade to keep people sticking around, further discouragement is not a good thing.


Besides, even if a Control Module per run is 'too much', they can finesse this.  Have it act like the Mercury boss and the Cronus BPs, start at 100% before declining by a certain % per run.  At log in reward time, the counter can reset back to 100% so that you can do a little bit of productive farming every day.  This encourages repeat plays daily instead of long head bashing sessions with nothing to show for it.

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