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Control Modules


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I am lucky to get one out of every dozen runs.


Pretty much impossible to farm or get period.


Come on DE.

I will have to agree and disagree with you. 


First off let's start off with I disagree with nearly impossible to farm/get, I can see that Control modules are a bit hard to find, but I don't have too much trouble finding them. I can easily take out the boss within 15 secs with my hek and repeat process fairly fast if I just run through via solo so no one can be bothered for me rushing.


However here's the part which I agree with you, not everyone has a supercharge hek and super charged frame, many less experience players will have more of a hard time doing this because they can't run through the mission in 3-5 min depending on the map size. Which is time consuming. I guess in the end here I am mixed, because for less experience players yes I agree it can be quite a grind, but for a seasoned player as my self it's not too bad.


In the end it's really up to the RNG system to handout the reward. Maybe they can do something like they did with Vor and Cronus? Make the control mod drop 100% at first then gradually drop the chance until it reaches the normal drop rate? 

Edited by Rafarix
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I just don't understand why *every* dojo weapon requires control module.  According to what little lore there is, control module is a piece of corpus technology.  So why do I need it to make grineer and infested weapons?  Personally I'd like to see them change the recipes for those components.  


And some advice for OP: when I do hyena runs, sometimes I'll get a control module off him.  When I do defense mission on Neptune, I'll sometimes find I got two of them.  

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Yeah, when you need 10 Fieldron to make a single gun, that means ten control modules per gun. And as ridiculously rare as they are, and only appearing on one planet, it just makes the farming unbearable. DE should raise the drop rate for it and include it as a drop on another planet.

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Alas, my point has been ignored, and the argument still somehow stands that people should be able to craft what they want, when they want, no questions asked.


You want OC/CM/Neurodes to have 100% drop rate? Well then expect the requirements on the BPs, as I said, to at LEAST multiply by 20, if not way more. This game is not about simply being able to instantly acquire things whenever you want, you have to work for it. I'm aware that the Fieldron takes ages to craft but you have to take into account the fact that CM are used for other things than just Fieldron. (Perhaps this should indeed be changed though)

"A single gun" is supposed to be VALUED by a player. MASKSMITH, you are implying that a single gun is just something that can be overlooked and is "meh", "just another gun", right? As I have previously stated this is not what the developers want..the game is supposed to make longer term goals and achievements, not stuff you can finish off in a night. Those guns are supposed to be very hard to get, I haven't actually seen any player in the game yet using dojo weapons. Doesn't it feel great after you farm all the stuff, craft the gun, wait for it and actually get it? Wouldn't it be cool to be one of the few with one of those weapons? I really enjoy achieving that, I find that fun. Lots of others do too.


Boomstick720 couldn't have said it any better:

oh boy its this thread again.


No OP.  Drop rates are fine, at least with these parts.  They are rarer, and make it so you don't get all the end game material in a weekend, and then $#*(@ about how there is nothing to do.


I will say that I can relate to drop-rate woes and have spent quite a lot of time simply not getting drops. However these materials are meant to be rare and so effort is expected when it comes to acquiring these things. You can't just throw money at it, or do a single run of a mission and get a crapton of progress, or waltz through it just to make you feel good..it's supposed to be long term, relentless, but worth it in the end.

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Stop being a $&*^ just because you happen to have good luck.  This game is hardly fair when one player(you) can get consistent drops and another(me) gets nothing despite the grind.


As a counterpoint, I present to you mathematical statistics and probability:


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It doesn't matter how long it takes if no matter how many runs I make I still can't get the drop.


Stop being a $&*^ just because you happen to have good luck.  This game is hardly fair when one player(you) can get consistent drops and another(me) gets nothing despite the grind.

Theres no such thing as luck. Theres RNG. 

How come every time I want to farm cmodules or sensors It doesnt take me longer than 20 minutes to get one?

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Alas, you failed to comprehend something DE has already figured out and addressed once, the disparity between rarity of material and what it requires.


So how many Control Modules did you need originally and how often did you need those?  About 1 every week or so for a total of ~10?  That's for all the base warframes and some of the more rare weapons.  This does not include if you want to make enough Catalysts for everything, which the BPs for those are very rare, so at best, you'd need to to farm one up once a week (probably longer).


How many do you need now?  Let's take a tally.


13 Warframes

3 Sentinels

1 Weapon

28 Fieldron

7 Mutagen Mass

7 Detonite Injectors


So without taking into account Catalysts, you need 59 of them.  And they aren't the only requirement, you also have to get at least 13 Neural Sensors, 13 Orokin Cells, 280 Fieldron samples, 70 Mutagen samples, 70 detonite samples, 7100 Rubedo, 1780 Alloy Plate and a lot of more common materials I won't list since you'll most definitely get by the time you have enough of these rare materials to make those listed items.


This particular list here doesn't even include all the other weapons in the game, nor does it include the alternative weapon skins or helmets.  This also doesn't include Frost Prime since that BP may not become available again in the future.


Once more, this idiotic notion that a higher or more rewarding drop rate on a few key items that are required for progress and cannot be attained in any other way is going to turn this game into a walk in the park only hurts this game over all.


Just take a look at Mass Effect 3 multiplayer.  How many people do you think have maxed their manifests?  Probably a handful by comparison to the total number who've completed their rare pool.  There is a very real progression barrier that, when hit, will effectively end people's interest in a game.  When the amount of time required to put into something is so incredibly detrimental to forward progress, people will go do something else.


Now, sure, scoff at the hyperbole all you like of a 100% drop rate all day erry day, (even though you'd still need to run Hyena 60+ times), but you cannot deny that the amount required has increased by ~6 times what it was previously when the drop rate was established.  Just because someone throws out a figure you think to be too high doesn't mean you have to deny any change to the drop rate is required. There is a middle ground that can be achieved here.


DE aren't stupid, just look at what they did with Alloy Plate.  Clearly increasing drop rates is not something they won't do to address a very real progress barrier, and there's room to finesse this issue.  They do, however, require our feedback to say that the current drop rates are woefully inadequate given the demand.

Edited by NydusTemplar
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In regards to 100% drop rates.. nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope. Also, nope.


But I think with the addition of Fieldron to the drop tables, that Control module probably lost a few places in the RNG. I definitely had an easier time pre-fieldron then I did post. Either that or I had incredibly consistent luck all the way to U8.


If they upped the chance of it dropping just a bit more from crates/Elite mobs, I think it'd be a bit less mind-numbing. I've always preferred a model of increasing mob difficulty (Not mob level, that's different but also relevant), having increasingly better rewards. See Borderlands 2 Goliath & Varkid. 


Also, when the piece your farming is a material scavenged from the enemy, I don't think 100% drop fits into the lore very well at all. The likelyhood that somebody can spray a robotic sentry with hundreds of pellets and magically leave the key components undamaged while still downing it is a bit whacked.


Edit : Just had another thought, what if higher level corpus areas.. had multiple Hyenas, or if they started to show up in higher waves on defense missions.

Edited by Viperkid
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I do get what you are saying Templar, middle grounds can obviously be achieved, however whether the drop rate needs adjusted or not isn't what I was really arguing against. What I was arguing against was for a flat-out 100% drop rate of CM, OC, etc from bosses, with recipe requirements staying the same. You are saying that with 100% you would still need to do 60+ Hyena runs? This is easily accomplished in a single day.


I think that because the standard gears require so little CM to craft, but the dojo weapons require *apparently* so much, change is definitely required, but perhaps drop rates are not what needs to be looked at. Requirements for the supposedly impossible-to-get weapons should be looked at instead.

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In regards to 100% drop rates.. nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope. Also, nope.


But I think with the addition of Fieldron to the drop tables, that Control module probably lost a few places in the RNG. I definitely had an easier time pre-fieldron then I did post. Either that or I had incredibly consistent luck all the way to U8.


If they upped the chance of it dropping just a bit more from crates/Elite mobs, I think it'd be a bit less mind-numbing. I've always preferred a model of increasing mob difficulty (Not mob level, that's different but also relevant), having increasingly better rewards. See Borderlands 2 Goliath & Varkid. 


Also, when the piece your farming is a material scavenged from the enemy, I don't think 100% drop fits into the lore very well at all. The likelyhood that somebody can spray a robotic sentry with hundreds of pellets and magically leave the key components undamaged while still downing it is a bit whacked.


Edit : Just had another thought, what if higher level corpus areas.. had multiple Hyenas, or if they started to show up in higher waves on defense missions.

I've suggested different drop pools. Always drop a yellow resource, sometimes/always ALSO drop a blue.

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I do get what you are saying Templar, middle grounds can obviously be achieved, however whether the drop rate needs adjusted or not isn't what I was really arguing against. What I was arguing against was for a flat-out 100% drop rate of CM, OC, etc from bosses, with recipe requirements staying the same. You are saying that with 100% you would still need to do 60+ Hyena runs? This is easily accomplished in a single day.


I think that because the standard gears require so little CM to craft, but the dojo weapons require *apparently* so much, change is definitely required, but perhaps drop rates are not what needs to be looked at. Requirements for the supposedly impossible-to-get weapons should be looked at instead.


I'm not sure 'easily' is the word I'd used to describe doing 60 Hyena runs in a day, but I get your meaning.  Now, granted, I'm sure there are people who could (and would) run 5+ hours of straight Hyena with 5 minute runs and no breaks to have the 60 Control Modules, but I do not think that is the norm for Warframe players.  I could be wrong though, DE would certainly have that statistic.  I still don't think that drop rate would be quite as detrimental as everyone thinks (due to the other materials that aren't 100% drop rates and require much larger quantities), but I'm willing to give that it maybe too much for what DE wants.


I've never been the sort to ever concern myself with those indulge in games to that level, because they are typically smaller in numbers and are simply incapable of staying with a single game for a great period of time.  Appealing to those sorts of individuals has never failed to ruin good games for the majority of players.  I've seen it happen before and I do not want to see it happen here.  You can't please them, and they'll never be satisfied.  They are bottomless voids for content, born and bred consumers.


Even so, the suggestion I had earlier (A.K.A. the Vor Method) about the first time you kill a boss in the day giving you a 100% chance at a region specific rare drop (like Neurodes, Neural Sensors, Control Modules) followed by a reduction per run in % chance (or even just a revert to the standard drop table) is a fair compromise.  It means that progress can be guaranteed without handing out Control Modules like candy.  It would encourage people to play daily, and even if you ran Hyena once a day, it would take you about two months to get all the CMs you'd need.  If you want to continue grinding, standard drop rates apply.


And sure they could change things around on the research end, that's valid, but I shudder to think about what they'd replace those CMs with.  Every other rare resource is currently under constraints, such as Orokin Cells and all Akimbo Weapons, All Warframes, and both Reaper Prime and Latron Prime.  Drop rates seem to be the easiest solution to target, and we've already got a model and programming for it readily available.


Its seems like a quick and relatively simple solution.

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i would say when it comes to farming rare resources never rush the mission explore every inch of the place and then you are much more likely to get the 1 every 2-4 runs 

at the cost of it taking forever.



 Doesn't it feel great after you farm all the stuff, craft the gun, wait for it and actually get it?

No, not really. All this control module farming is just leaving me grumpy and tempting me to play PSO2 again or something even though that has more than its fair share of hellish grinds.

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