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Ask A Cephalon, Dec 10


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Would the Lotus have anything against tenno altering their transport craft? I ask because I was talking with Darvo the other day about some enriched plutonium he offered to sell me as long as I didn't ask where he got it. I don't know why he thought I'd care, but anyway after some discussion I'm confident with his and some of his techs assistance I could modify my Liset to carry and deliver nuclear payloads with only a minimal reduction to speed and maneuverability. It would certainly make extermination missions easier if instead of risking my life killing the crew one at a time I could just drown the area in nuclear fire.

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Amazing Know it all Bro Cordylon,

Orokin Tenshin.How come did he bond so quickly with the Tenno?What is his school? Did Lotus approach him? How did he maintain himself awake for more than 200 years?Is the level of his genetic engineering from the prime time of the Orokin? And in the warframe universe, who is the noogle maker? will he ever make a Tenshin noogle? Or if Tenshin is the noogle maker,an ability gained through 200 years, will he ever make a noogle of Tenshin himself? Is Tenshin thinking of fighting along side the Tenno in missions. Will we see more of Tenshin outside the conclave like in Natah?How big is the grudge between Tenshin and Lotus? Is he responsible for the Umbra Frames? Are the Umbra the result of a division between the Tenno after the awakening?

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The dude Bro Cordylon,


Where are the High Tenno dudes located? Will we ever see them? In the code of honor of the Tenno, when clans fight for control of Dark Sectors, are there any rules of engagement in order to maintain the number of Tenno? Or is it all out war?Are they bound by rules from the High Tenno Council? Who exactly composes the Tenno Council, the masters of the schools?With Tenno pouring into the system, and Lotus acquiring and refurbishing new relays, what kind of society do you think Tenno will develop into?

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