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Who Isn't Going To Buy Or Farm For Nezha Out Of Principle?


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I dont know if it occurred to anyone that DE Is running a big experiment, and we all volunteered.

And perhaps I'm just getting old, but when I started gaming timewalls and grinds WERE the game. The RNG was the invisible final boss. Why? It kept you playing. In the context of Warframe the grind adds value to the play experience by giving you the opportunity to play a free game and get some cool digital swag for free.

If you do not like the way this is set up, you can exercise several options such as buying for plat in the market, using trade (which will probably end up costing less plat), not bother with the frame or walk away altogether. Is it a sloppy setup? Maybe. But do remember that we ARE in beta, and that means a lot of different things- not the least of which is that every once in a while we'll see things that don't work for everyone.

This is also an action video game. That means the priority is put on visuals and play control. Lore can wait, because if the new thing doesn't work in those contexts, what's the point of a back story? I maintain, this is an experiment and we all volunteered.

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I'm a little upset.


As someone who likes to earn my warframes, I do not like the idea of having a regular warframe timewalled to the point that it is made tradeable.


I believe that regular warframes should be free/earned as a result of enjoying the game, spending time, grinding if must. These warframes should be a gateway to a new experience in warframe which any player can try to get, given the limited amount of time they can afford to play in their busy daily lives. The option of buying it in the market is but of course acceptable since it is for people that wish to bypass the grind. Prime variants are different from regular warframes since it's for people that enjoy that specific warframe and want to take it one step further.


Being an economist, someone that bought plat for the purposes of slots, palettes, cosmetics, and potentially the possibility of getting war(ughhh); ways to extend my enjoyment of playing a warframe. if I ever get the urge to use plat to purchase a regular warframe, I would rather cut myself off and maybe consider an alternative source of amusement. Given my opportunity cost to try something new would increase by a factor of days where each day I am forced to gamble roughly an hours worth of effort for a 1/3 blueprint requirement on a 1/10+ odds lottery, my interest in completing sortes will diminish at an exponential rate especially under situations like double defence days.  


Nitain, yes there is a timewall to it, however it is a resource, thus the value of it does not diminish since there will be future uses to it. Nezha blueprints on the other hand, why not just make Nezha BPs an uncommon enemy drop. Why put so much effort in putting it into sorte, putting it into the reward pool, stating to the public that it will be permanent, and letting the community rage at you based on the fact that it will not be a future proof option since it becomes a deadweight reward later on. 


Unless Nezha is never getting a primed variant, I do not see why there is such a need to make it timewalled to the point of being tradeable. 

You're right. DE are good people. And they were very much tempted by money. But not necessarily in the way you might be thinking.
For the TL;DR people, in 2014 DE sold 61% of their shares, 3% to Perfect World online, a games publisher based out of Hong Kong, and 58% to Sumpo Food Holdings Ltd, a chicken meat manufacturer based out of China. In addition, Perfect World also gains exclusive publishing rights for Warframe on consoles in China, which(for me) really puts frames like Wukong and Nezha into perspective.
Questioning the how's and why's of this business deal would only lead to rampant speculation from the community at large. What IS important is what this means for DE as a business, and for we, the community that patronize them.
What used to be a tug of war between a company that wanted to create, sustain, and benefit from a service and the consumers that want the best possible product, has now become something of a mexican stand-off with the introduction of shareholders, whose only concern is the bottom line. Not the grind for Nezha, not the Nitain Extract and certainly not how happy/angry your playerbase is.
Digital Extremes now must walk a tightrope between keeping their community happy and playing, and making sure that profit margins are up to snuff by the end of their fiscal year lest Big Daddy Sumpo comes knocking, demanding answers as to why their $73 million investment hasn't started paying off yet. I suspect that the current direction they are taking with this game merely marks the beginning of what Digital Extremes has in store for us. I can't say that I look forward to it.
To answer the forum post's original question concerning Nezha: I have zero intentions of even touching Nezha, and the entire sordid affair surrounding it, sorties included, have only served to push me away from playing Warframe at all, which saddens me a little.
DE has created quite the gilded cage for themselves. Whether or not it was worth it, remains to be seen. In the meantime, my backlog of unplayed games could use a bit of a trim. Maybe I'll check back on Warframe in six months or so, see if it's gotten better or worse.
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By the way Nezha parts no longer show in dojo for trade just the BP shows, are DE changing there mind on it's tradability or is this a hotfix issue as some are saying?

Either way I submitted a support ticket as i had a full set to sell only to be embarrassed in my dojo trade screen!  


I had chassis + helm from sorties, bought system to sell full set and sold enough bits to earn the 275p to buy it from market but now I might be out of pocket if it's no longer tradable.

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"Farming" for something out of a vast drop table is a poor idea. That's subjecting yourself to a very likely scenario of being let down and frustrated.


Just play the game. If you get Nezha stuff, rad. If not, oh well. Sell other stuff and buy the parts. Life has options in it, not just a few limited ones.


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