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[Rp]A Storm Is Brewing


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An rp post for my rp A Storm is Brewing

Ooc post where you can apply your character:


Long story short:

A rogue tenno appears, killing 16 other tenno and as an ally to the sentients. Whole system in chaos, rp starts in a relay right after a message by the rogue tenno is broadcasted.

Uhhh... Alright, then.

Rp start!

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Standing with her back lent against the rhino statue on the Mercury relay, Valkyrie watches the reports on the destroyed operators. She'd heard rumours across the star systems. Even had it confirmed by the Arbiters. Been asked to be on look out by Suda for further information and told to be ever watchful by Steel meridian. She'd still hoped it was blown out of proportion.

Edited by Loviam
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Phildrenn walked back and forth nervously as he saw a group of Tenno looking at the broadcast. A prime warframe with an army of sentients behind was sending a message, probably a threatening one. He saw lots of things happen in his life, but this was one of the most dangerous after the discovery of the sentients. His tenno clients seemed nervous recently, especially with all those dead operators. Until now, Phildrenn did not see any operator die, meaning that this would be one of the most serious issues. He turned, and started walking towards the landing bay, where he had his vessel parked. He was thinking of doing a bit of research. Just as he was passing the rhino statue, he tripped on something and fell down. A prankster Loki waved at him, as an apology. Phildrenn stood up, grumbling.

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Telum eyed the Loki from a dark corner. He shook his head and focused on the timer in his warframe. "1700" he thought to himself, "He's 2 hours late". 

He scanned the relay to try and find the buyer, to no avail. He was checking his inbox when suddenly a new message appeared. "Buy cancelled. Sorry for inconvenience". He looked at the message for a few seconds then deleted it and stopped leaning against the wall. Since he was already at the relay, he might as well do something. His eyes fell on Phildrenn, who was walking towards the landing bay. He needed an exilus adaptor and a couple lenses anyway. He dropped down behind Phildrenn and spoke so that the only the two could hear, "Phildrenn, you still selling items?".

Edited by Shademaster707
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Phildrenn nodded.

"Yes, I do. I was on my way to my ship."

He told the Tenno to wait, and headed to the landing bay. He passed the guards, who waved at him cheerfully. He looked around at the crowd of Tenno, wondering if the armed guards would watch as Tenno dealt with the invaders. He walked through the landing bay, looking for his ship. As always, lots of Tenno were taking a look at his ship, as corpus ships didn't come to a relay often. He parted the crowd, and entered his ship. He grabbed the crates sitting on the floor, and loaded them on his small cart osprey. It flew in a low altitude as he walked out of the ship, and back to the rhino statue.

"I'm back,"

Said Phildrenn, as he showed his osprey carrying crates of supplies.

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Telum looked at the massive stock of items that the osprey dropped on the floor. Then his eyes rose to the osprey that was silently floating in the air, obediently waiting for a command. He was more interested in that than the items right now. He looked back at Phildrenn and spoke, "I'll buy something but first, I'm interested." he said inquisitively. "How'd you repurpose that osprey to lift crates? And where did you find a heavy-class Level 3 osprey with hydraulic implants?"  

Edited by Shademaster707
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Phildrenn shrugged. "Well, you work as a corpus tech, you get to carry one osprey around most of the times," he answered. He remembered the times when he was just a normal corpus tech, when he saw the Tenno for the first time and was greatly interested in them. He snapped out, and continued his explanation. "I tweaked it a little bit, removing its function as a standard combat osprey, into my own personal carrier. I can say that it's hard to program an osprey to move stuff rather than to find a place to collect the resources away from the eyes of the Grineer and Corpus." He chuckled.

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Phildrenn grabbed a crate out of the pile, and opened it. A neat stack of exilus adaptors were in the crate. "No, I've got no much lense, as it came in quite recently, and I need some research on those." He showed the Tenno the crate of exilus adaptors, as another broadcast filled the relay. A prime warframe, standing in front of the army of sentients as before, has spoke again.

"The pain will begin soon. The children of the Void shall suffer."

Phildrenn watched as the crowd of Tenno checked their inboxes, and the relay was soon filled with the message.

"Rough day, huh? I've seen things go bad, but this time, I think it won't end with a single operation." He stood there, sharing a Tenno's screen who was taking a look at his osprey.

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"I agree. Whoever that Tenno is, she has to have a high level of skill to be able to kill 4 whole cells of Tenno." Telum's tone became quieter,"Almost as if..." Suddenly, Telum rose a hand to his head in pain. Voices filled his mind. 


We will create another one.


Are you insane? The first went terribly!


We know what we are doing this time. This time we will succeed.


How is this one going to end up different? How is this one not going to escape and kill us?


We will- 


He's here, run!




Good job killing them


They had it coming


They did didn't they Telum

Yes, yes they did


We should leave now


Not until I-


We leave, now or never




"God...dammit, do you have any painkiller's in there too?" Telum choked out.

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Phildrenn grabbed another box from the piles with a huge red cross on the lid.

"A bit of a headache, eh? I've got some pain killers. Medical supplies are always full of stock. They're cheaper than guns and bullets, you see."

He said, as he showed the Tenno the box. He opened the lid, showing the inside, full of small bottles containing 15 pills each.

"Don't take too much at the same time, Tenno. It's an advice for your health."

Phildrenn picked ten bottles out of the box. He then got a pen, and scribbled words on the bottles.

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From down the gilded hall of the relay could be heard a faint but growing echo. It grew closer and closer until it was loud enough to be recognized as someone's shouting. A moment later, and the words could be discerned.


"I'm ready for Ascension! Take me away into your kingdom of murder!" A volt was sprinting through the relay - despite having his powers deactivated by relay security, he was still running full tilt, and often bumped into things as he yelled at the ceiling. One of those things, unfortunately, was Valkyrie. He barrels into her and, whether or not she falls over with him, splays out onto the floor. "Welcome friends!" He cackles, "The hour of the Happening is upon us, prepare to reach Nirvana by Violence!" He seems less coherent than the transmission, it's unlikely that he holds any affiliation.

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Having just been rail-roaded the ill tempered Valkyrie has now grown beyond angry. she reached out to grab the Volt by the throat and pinned him to the nearest wall. "you really really shouldnt have done that" she growls growing ever more angry and tightening her grip on his throat

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The volt doesn't seem displeased at all. "Oho, what's this? A fellow pleasure-seeker amidst the dullards!" He holds his hands out at his sides, making no attempt to defend himself, "Sing your fight-music unto me, gentle muse, and enlighten me with the one-hundred-and-eight sacred ways by which mortal men may get smacked upside the head."

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Telum looks at Stig and Valkyrie bickering and decides the relay would be better off without a fight breaking out. He tells Phildrenn to give him a second and jumps behind the two Tenno. "I have 2 things to tell you guys" Telum's voice rings out threateningly, "One: We have enough problems without the Tenno-masterace Valkyr and the bat-sh** crazy speed demon fighting. And two: I have a headache right now, and a brawl will not help it. You guys are free to punch each other but if you do, both of your heads will have an appointment with the wall. Am i clear?" Many pairs of eyes turn at Telum's words and threats.

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"Security!" Valkyrie says throwing the Volt at the nearest couple of guards. [yes AT not TO] "filth" she spits before walking to the waypoint of the Steel Meridian where she was having the last of her Forma installed into her Vaykor Hek. "so this is now fully modifiable for maximum output?" she said to the Steel Meridian maintenance guy who installed it "once you've broken it in again after having all of its edges re-sharpened yes" " Will do thank you"
She says. From there Valkyrie Checks in with Cephalon Suda and the Arbiters of Hexis to do research on the rogue tenno. "Do we have anything on her. anything at all?" She questions the Arbiters while both Suda and Simaris are in the room viewing through Proxies "Nothing" all three heads of their respective syndicate groups said. "How can this be. Across the 3 the seek answer about everything the most. we... know... nothing....?" "yes" Suda said in the tone meaning she is disappointed not with Valkyrie inparticular but with her entire following. "Understood" on that sad end Valkyrie walked out and sought out the Trader "Phildrenn" Upon arriving at his stall she waited for him to finish serving another customer.

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That customer Phildrenn was serving just so happened to be Telum. He turned around after purchasing the painkillers and exilus adaptors he needed and spoke to Valkyrie. "Good job handing Stig that way. If you punched him then I would have to keep to my word and security would be on all of us." He walked away towards his ship. 

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Telum sat in his Liset and took some painkillers before planning his next mission. This one would be important. This one might reveal who the rouge was. He made a list of what he needed. 


-4 other Tenno to distract corrupted while he hacked into the mainframe.

-An Omega Class Level 3 encryption cipher


Pretty simple. He sent a message broadcast to the relay. It read as follows.


Need 4 other Tenno to perform standard Survival mission while I hack into Corrupted Mainframe.

Also need an Omega Class Level 3 encryption cipher. Any Suda Tenno interested in the mission should bring one for me to use.


Purpose of mission: Discovery of rouge Tenno identity. Anyone who is interested in mission should contact Telum.


Note: Bring powerful equipment. Area will be heavily defended


Additionally: When arriving at Void Tower, do not ask me why it's so different. I will have a problem. 

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Stig perks up when Telum mentions his name, "'Ayy, my reputation precedes me!" He comments, dusting himself off. Flicking on the holodisplay on his palm, he eagerly signs up for Telum's mission, "Sublime genius! Surely hacking into the nearest orokin thing will give us exactly the information we need about a person they've had nothing to do with for centuries!" It's unclear if he's being sarcastic or not.

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Stig perks up when Telum mentions his name, "'Ayy, my reputation precedes me!" He comments, dusting himself off. Flicking on the holodisplay on his palm, he eagerly signs up for Telum's mission, "Sublime genius! Surely hacking into the nearest orokin thing will give us exactly the information we need about a person they've had nothing to do with for centuries!" It's unclear if he's being sarcastic or not.

Telum eyes the profile of the Tenno who just signed up to the mission. Then he realises it's Stig. He opens a communication channel.

"So, you signed up..." Telum's tone is anything but friendly, "Let me be completely honest. I don't trust you, you're too...erratic. I want you to swear you wont hurt the other Tenno." 

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"Alright. And remember, no questions. I'll have a problem, and then you'll have a problem." Telum closes the communication channel at that short cryptic message. He turns to his screen and leans back. "3 more" he whispers to himself, "Until then, I'll have to practice." He brings up a hacking simulation to train and make waiting easier.

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Before being able to start a conversation to get some last minute supplies Valkyrie receives Telum's message... "That seems conveniently well timed" She responds on the spot. With that taken care of she goes back to notify the Arbiters, Suda and Simaris. Then proceeds to reenter her Scimitar before docking to her Orbiter and gearing up for the jump into the void before even getting a reply from Telum

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