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I Know It's Been Called For, But We Really Need A Dev-Subforum, For Our Own Sake.


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We're being spoiled Children.


Whilst we want things and want them now, these people are working damn hard to make something we get for free and pay optionally for and we throw their mistakes into their faces and raise high hell,


By this being "Open beta" we're essentially a QA Team (Quality Assurance). Read your T&C's for some insight. We are quite the self entitled bunch.


Yeah, no. If that were the case, DE would be paying us, not the other way around.

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As is the nature of this game in its current state.

If this thread is about game content it should probably have more suggestions and less people ripping into each other. Things don't improve by telling another random guy on the internet he's wrong.

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I ran ____ over ___ times and I still haven't gotten any/enough ___! I even got to round ___ on Xini and I keep getting Hellfire! I haven't seen any Stalkers and when/if I do they don't drop any Blueprints! I haven't seen any Reactor/Catalyst blueprint alerts in ages!


Above basically represents over half the threads on these forums, and they're the most popular discussion topics with the same frequent flyers beating their pots and pans ad infinitum. We know, DE knows, we get it. Please just consolidate it to one thread.

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I ran ____ over ___ times and I still haven't gotten any/enough ___! I even got to round ___ on Xini and I keep getting Hellfire! I haven't seen any Stalkers and when/if I do they don't drop any Blueprints! I haven't seen any Reactor/Catalyst blueprint alerts in ages!


Above basically represents over half the threads on these forums, and they're the most popular discussion topics with the same frequent flyers beating their pots and pans ad infinitum. We know, DE knows, we get it. Please just consolidate it to one thread.

Yep and we'll see what/if they do in the next update.


Guess you misunderstood the idea of an open-beta. Perhaps it would be beneficial for you to find the definition.

Everyone seems to have their own definition of it, like Casual and Hardcore

Edited by Skeloton
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Guess you misunderstood the idea of an open-beta. Perhaps it would be beneficial for you to find the definition.


The fact that you don't understand the difference between an open beta and internal QA speaks for itself.

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I ran ____ over ___ times and I still haven't gotten any/enough ___! I even got to round ___ on Xini and I keep getting Hellfire! I haven't seen any Stalkers and when/if I do they don't drop any Blueprints! I haven't seen any Reactor/Catalyst blueprint alerts in ages!


Above basically represents over half the threads on these forums, and they're the most popular discussion topics with the same frequent flyers beating their pots and pans ad infinitum.


There's a good reason for it, though. This has been an ongoing problem since at least U7, and the fact that DE is only getting around to addressing it just now is borderline insulting, if not already over said borderline (and even then they might postpone it again in favor of something else).

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