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Bladestorm Attack Pattern Is Inefficient


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First, I believe that wiki information may be false. More than often has it happened that bladestorm jumps to the next target and then stops the attack pattern just because after that enemy there weren't any more in range.


Numerous times after attacking a group of enemies in numbers lower than 13 it fails to kill everyone, despite them being grouped, just because near the end 1 strayed too far from the other 2 or 3. Those left alive are often in the near vicinity(20m) of the initial target, which acts as evidence against what wiki says.


This leads me to believe that the pattern with which Bladestorm attacks is either random, or "attack nearest".

Either way, for an attack that's so dependent on target position, it's inefficient. RNG shouldn't be the judge here with so many AoE ultimate abilities present.


I propose that every time bladestorm needs to choose a target, it calculates how many enemies it can hit in that target's vicinity, and then hits the target with the best results. Of course, it calculates results only for targets within 20m of the target it just hit (or initial?).

Enemies may still disperse, but at least this way there's a better chance of it not being wasted on just a few drifters right in the beginning.

Edited by DeadlyNerd
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I must have missed it too because i made a post about bladestorm's problems. Some times it indeed does seem to be base don Attack nearest and other times it seems based on the position and number of targets in range at cast. Because of the time involved to teleport and execute the attack animation I rarely get my full number of kills and many times I hit empty air because the target moved or has already been killed by someone else.


If the skill is going by count and not going to just kill everything within a certain distance then I believe the targeting needs to be much better during teleport. More accurate and for better effect targeting enemies it know it will kill first and then enemies where it will do the greatest damage to their remaining health.

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