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[Npc Concept] Kel Gerras - The Conflagration


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As this is a Tenno character this will OBVIOUSLY contain Spoilers for the Second Dream (and Natah).


Thankfully, since this was largely written BEFORE the Second Dream came out most of it IS unreflective of it.  Still, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.



“I am Kel Gerras, the Conflagration, and I will see the Tenno thrive.”


Most Tenno sought, and continue to seek, absolution for the actions they took in the Old War, to forget about the things they have done.  But some Tenno don’t share these wish, some wish only to remember everything they have done.


Kel Gerras is one of these Tenno.  He strived to hold onto his memories even while he joined his fellow Tenno in the cryosleep, and when he awakens to a world engulfed by chaos he brings those memories he has maintained to bear.  He recalls how the Tenno were, and looking upon what they had been with pride, strives to revive the ancient traditions of the Tenno – by himself, if he must.


Calling himself the Conflagration, he now works tirelessly towards his goals: remind the Tenno of what they are, bring back the ancient traditions and ways of his people, and, above all else, protect his people from any and all who would try to destroy them.  The Tenno, he has decided, will survive and thrive in Origin no matter the cost.


“We slept to forget oursevles.  We slept to forgive ourselves.  We attempted to seek Absolution, but we cannot dream forever; this is why I never sought what our brothers and sisters did, why I never wished for redemption.  Those who let go from the past may never learn from it, those who fail to remember their heritage are doomed to lose themselves.  Never forget: we are Tenno.”



Kel Gerras fought in the Old war.  He slew Sentients by the hundreds alongside his fellow Tenno, he defended the Orokin Empire, he saw Tenno, brothers and sisters to him, lost – and it was that last that stuck with him the most.  The sights of his people dead filled him with both righteous fury and endless sorrow, drove him to fight against his foes harder and defend his people with stronger resolve.  That, he decided, would be his lot in life; that, he decided, was his purpose.


When the time came to bring down the Orokin Empire he was there, bathed in saviors silk like so many of his people, but when the deed was done he burned what the Orokin had laid upon him – it was not Tenno, it would never be Tenno, it had no meaning or value to him or his people.  It was but a brand of a slave master.  The Orokin had tried to make them soldiers, pawns, but he saw in his fellow Tenno so much more.  He was a warrior, as were they all; masters of their own destiny; they and they alone decided for what causes they would fight.


Time passed, he assisted in cleansing the Great Plague, but he never accepted any idea about pardoning himself of his actions, like his fellow Tenno did.  He had done nothing he regretted.  He refused participation in the Absolution ceremonies, and when the time came for the cyrosleep he decided that he would remember where others sought to forget.


Now he awakens in an Origin foreign to him.  He sees the remnants of the Orokin Era rebuilding, he sees what they do to his people, and he has decided they must be destroyed for their actions; he sees his people without memories of not only their past actions but of their heritage, and he has decided that he must help them reclaim their old ways.


He will see his people, the Tenno, thrive.


“The Orokin made us to act as soldiers.  Fighting not for ourselves but for the cause of protecting others at the cost of our own lines – those others being the ones who forced us to become what we are.


“But we took what they wanted us to be and reclaimed it for ourselves; took their intention for us to serve them as soldiers and instead made ourselves warriors.  We choose our own path, we fight for what we wish to fight for – no one else.”



Kel Gerras has what one would call a fiery heart.  He is passionate, driven, but perhaps a little too single-minded and dedicated to his goals.  When he sets out on a path, he is determined to let no foe, or even friend, stop him.  He burns and cuts a path of destruction through those who would seek to harm the Tenno, and hopes to guide the way for his people to reclaim much of their forgotten culture.


In fact, he sees it as the place of all Tenno to fight and perfect themselves through combat.  They are warriors, champions of the battlefield that choose their own paths and make their own decisions.  The state of Origin have given them many enemies against which to better themselves, but even in the absence of great threats like that he sees battle through the Conclave as a means by which to continue their ways.  But it is at the Conclave he draws the line; any Tenno who strikes another with the intention to kill is no Tenno, and should such a murder occur another he sees only one viable penalty for the perpetrator: death.


Kel deeply cares for the lives of his fellow Tenno, and it hurts him to see any of them harmed.  In fact, he considers every single Tenno life lost to, somehow, be of some fault of his own – regardless of if there was anything he could have ever done to prevent it or not.  But he is not a coward by any stretch, he will fight and he urges his fellow Tenno to fight because he believes the Tenno to be warriors; fighters and masters of their own path together.  The enemies that beset them seek to destroy them, and thus they must be destroyed in turn.


Unfortunately, this care does not extend to the others of Origin.  While he will not murder innocents and has a clear definition of the Grineer and Corpus as murderers and extortionists, but should he ever have to choose between saving the life of a Tenno and a non-Tenno, he will always, always, save his fellow Tenno above the other kind – no matter how many of the others’ lives lay on the line.  He has seen too many Tenno lost, too many Tenno made into abominations, to think any other way.


When the truth of their nature is revealed to all Tenno Kel Gerras took it with apathy.  As he sees it, it is through the Warframes they have had an effect on Origin and carved out their identity.  It is through the Warframes that they made their culture, their ways, their paths and ideals.  What did their bodies do?  What good have they done for the Tenno?  He sees no value in them, and while he accepts it he wishes he could be rid of it.  He is more home in his Warframes than he is his own flesh, blood, and bone.


“Origin and beyond house both enemies and allies to the Tenno, but there is only one kind that we can truly rely upon: ourselves.”




There are whispers about the Lotus, and opinions on her change and fluctuate constantly even within the Tenno.  Kel Gerras doesn’t care about any of them – rumors or facts.  The Lotus’ sole wish is for the safety of the Tenno.  This is his goal as well.  That is all he needs to know, she is an ally of his.  Should she ever turn on the Tenno, however, or when her existence may cause the death of Tenno, he will not hesitate to do what must be done.




Kel Gerras views towards Teshin, while not neutral, walk a thin line between amicable and disdainful.  On one hand he respects Teshin’s goals to strengthen the Tenno, to make them more powerful warriors through the Conclave; but, on the other, he has nothing for disdain for the reason why Teshin does what he is doing: his sense of guilt for his failure to protect the Orokin, his belief that the Tenno are the legacy of the Orokin.  To Kel this idea is insulting: the Tenno are the legacy, the memory, the ghost of none.  They are the Tenno, they represent themselves and no one else.




Kel has dedicated his life to one thing: the preservation of lives and legends of his people.  Every Tenno life lost he sees as a deep personal failure, every artifact and piece of their history destroyed fills him with consuming rage.  He would gladly and without hesitation trade the lives of all in Origin if it meant saving the life of a single one of his fellow Tenno.




They call themselves allies to the Tenno, but Kel has spoken with all of them, and he finds each as untrustworthy as the last.


In New Loka he seems the same perfection and rejection of the tainted that the Orokin had.  He sees any alliance with them one that will break down when the Loka attempts to finish embracing its heritage of bigotry and segregation.


In Perrin Sequence he sees hypocrisy and cowardice.  They speak of sharing wealth, but their actions betray a sense of greed shared with the Corpus; they hide behind their wealth, thinking money will solve the crisis of Origin, when it is part of the reason it is as it is.


In Red Veil he sees nihilists, willing to throw their own lives away without tact.  What disturbs him the most is their view that all must be willing to lay down their lives at any time for their cause – too many Tenno lives have been lost while trying to avoid that very thing, he refuses to let any more be given up intentionally.


In Steel Meridian he sees narrow-minded zealots so sure in their beliefs they fail to see the bigger picture.  Those who don’t seek to defend Origin in their exact way are too quickly branded as enemies, something he finds all too reflective of the Grineer Empire itself.


In Cephalon Suda he sees a being that would preserve too much, and is far too willing to destroy any she perceives as threatening her pursuit of knowledge.  Such a being may turn on one at any moment, it is not to be trusted, especially when Tenno lives are on the line.


In the Arbiters of Hexis he sees fools blinded by their own ideals, too willfully ignorant to the truth of the Tenno.  They reject Tenno as warrior as if that were something holing them back; but everything they think the Tenno can achieve only through the rejection of it he sees as already being theirs through the way of the warrior.



Corpus and Grineer:

To the Conflagration, both are the same.


The Corpus vultures, scavengers pecking at the remains of a long-dead civilization for any scraps they can feed their sick existence with.  Kel was not awake to see for himself what Alad V was attempting to do with his Zanuka Program, but between the Corpus forces that he encountered upon his awakening and the tales of Zanuka he heard from his fellow Tenno he sees that this “Corpus Corporation” is just as sick and twisted as the Orokin from whom they spawned.


While they’re not genocidal monsters like the Grineer are, he has determined that a long as the Corpus exist as they are the Tenno will always be in danger.  While the likes Darvo he regards with indifference, all others who wear the symbolism of the Corporation – even the “reformed” Alad V – are enemies of his.


The Grineer ants, scurrying within the tunnels of the worlds they infest, infesting every world they come across, bullies biting at the heels of everything that steps within their mounds.  Kel remembers the Grineer of the Orokin Era, he remembers fighting alongside some of the ones the Orokin had made to be soldiers.  He is disgusted by what they’ve become: a twisted, rotten version of the Empire he and the other Tenno tore down, worse and more vile than they had ever been; and the loss of Tenno life that has occurred solely because of them does not help his opinions on tem.

To him, the Grineer are a malignant sore on the face of Origin – Queens driving them and forcing them to do what they do or not, they are a cancer on the System that must be cut out.  Those that turn their back on their Queens and ways are redeemable, but all others must perish.




Talk has circulated throughout the Tenno, new secrets have come to light: the Infestation has a great mind guiding it, a singular entity made of thousands upon thousands of minds.  Kel Gerras dismisses the notion.  The Infestation is a disease of beasts, nothing more and even so much less.  There is no mind at play, there is no intelligence except for those fools who think they can control it – there is only a contamination to be burned away.




Kel Gerras fears no enemy of the Tenno… except for their most ancient.  As the Sentients begin to writhe from their tombs and prepare for battle, Kel’s heart waivers.  So many Tenno lives were lost – so many of his own closest friends.  They were victorious in the end, but was it worth the cost?  Will they be able to survive another war?


"No Tenno is ever completely alone."



Cephalon Jaller:

While Kel keeps himself preoccupied with his own personal war to keep Tenno alive, he is assisted by his faithful personal ship Cephalon: Jaller.  Jaller has served Kel since the Old War, and is loyal to him above all others.


It was Jaller who, upon waking from his own self-induced dormancy to find his still-sleeping Operator slowly being beset upon by Corpus looking to sell the sleeping Tenno to the Grineer, contacted A Lone Tenno through the means of a Cephalon named Ordis to come and assist him in saving his Operator.



Cinder and Soot:

Back during the Old War, Kel had two pets as close to his heart as any Tenno: a pair of Kubrows he had raised from pups.  They were among his dearest companions, some of his best friends.  When the time for cryosleep came, Kel had to part with them, releasing them into the wilds of Earth’s jungles and then taking his place in the cryosleep.


When he awoke, one of those memories he was able to cling to was of his beloved pets.  Though they are long gone, passed away centuries ago, he has adopted a new pair of Kubrows he has named in honor of his dear, long-lost companions.  Cinder and Soot stay by their master’s side at all times, defending him as much as they are defended by him.


“Teshin trains us because he feels he failed his masters, Simaris has us hunt to create his dollhouse of data, the Syndicates use us for their own varied objectives and visions of the future.  I seek only one thing: to preserve the Tenno.  All that we are; all who we are.


“Destroy those who would seek to destroy us, reclaim our ancient artifacts lost to us.  Do this and I will be able to share our reclaimed history with you and all other Tenno.”


=Reclamation Sorties=

Reclamation Sorties are bi-daily missions offered by Kel Gerras that take place in three stages: first the player will retrieve information for Kel, then they will go after the enemies of the Tenno the Tenno Artifact in their possession, lastly they will strike at the enemies of the Tenno.  Like regular sorties they will all have particular restraints and requirements for completion.


The first mission will either be of the Mobile Defense, Spy, Defense, or Interception Mission types, and must be completed in order to achieve credit.


The second mission will be of the Salvage mission type (as seen in The Second Dream).  They Tenno artifacts will be like Syndicate Medallions, but you will not be able to complete the mission without find the one in that mission and will be hidden in slightly more hidden locations and undetectable to Loot Radar and Animal Instinct – so look carefully.


The third mission will be Capture, Exterminate, Sabotage, or Survival.  A simple enough challenge, but whatever kind of limitation it might have will pose a challenge to the lone Tenno or squad playing through it.


Upon completion of the third mission and returning to the Conflagration the player will be able to choose from a selection of randomly generated rewards.



“These are your heritage as much as mine.  You have proven yourself capable of handling them and more than deserving of them.”



Upon completing daily reclamation missions for the Conflagration the player will be rewarded with a chance to choose from a selection of randomly generated rewards (the Warframe and Visage rewards, however, will never be the same twice in a row).  Each time the offering will be four-to-five items, each time the items offered will be randomly generated and each time the player will be allowed to choose exactly one.


However, there will always be ONE Visage and ONE Warframe part available.




Visages are the original purpose of Specters.  They are amalgamations of Void energy and Technocyte systems fashioned in the images of certain Tenno after they fall in battle.  Part memorial, part ceremonial, part a means by which to allow these Tenno to aid their brothers and sisters even after their true death, a Visage never truly matches up to the power of the fallen Tenno but vastly exceeds the strength and capabilities of a typical Specter.


Visage of Mora Val – Mora Val was a close ally and friend of Kel Gerras; she was known for her trickery and cunning in her use of the Limbo Warframe – Uses the Tiberon and Abilities


Visage of Halous – Halous was the first to have a Visage made in his honor, and was idolized by Kel Gerras for his use of Beacon – Uses Akbolto and Abilities


Visage of Halora – Halora favored the Ember Warframe, but more than that she was a leader of Tenno ritual and ceremony before her passing – Uses the Sybaris and Abilities


Visage of Gren – A Rhino user, Kel Gerras knew Gren personally; it was said that Gren used his own body as a shield for his allies – Uses the Boar and Abilities


Visage of Star – During the Old War the Tenno who called herself Star wielded the power of Nova with unparalleled destruction. – The Visage of Star has no weapons but will use her Abilities near-constantly


Visage of Yan – Few had such a grasp of Mag’s magnetic power as Yan before she fell in battle against the Sentient hordes. – Uses Akzani




Rememoria Syandana - The Syandana worn by the Conflagration.  It is inscribed with the names of lost Tenno, a memorial to their passing.



Icarus Syandana - A Syandana like burning wings, terrifying to behold.



Icarus Armor - Armor aglow with fiery power, inspiring awe in allies in fear in foes.










Landing Craft:

Utu - This landing craft is designed for defensive support, when activated it will generate a flash of Void light that blinds all enemies around the user for an extensive period.



Mausolos - This landing craft is designed for offensive support, when activated it will call down a squad of Specters that will assist the player and their allies until death.





Beacon – Beacon unleashes the power of the stars upon the foes of the Tenno through continuous damage.




Hamuli – A highly defensive Archwing, designed to provide the user with increased survivability while either disabling enemies or defensively buffing nearby allies.


“A transmission screams throughout all Void frequencies, a call for aid in seven simple words: ‘Please help!  My Operator is in danger!’”





This quest focuses around the player coming to the aid of a Cephalon named Jaller, a series four Cephalon in service to a Tenno – his Operator, who Jaller has awoken in horror to discover has been taken by the Corpus.  The player will need to discover their location before storming the Corpus base and freeing Kel Gerras.


After doing this, Kel Gerras himself will take up speaking with you, sending you on more missions to recover Tenno Artifacts that have been lost and stolen by the Grineer, exterminating all of them that stand in your way.

At the end of the Quest chain you will be allowed to choose one of three rewards.


Mission 1 – Rescue Jaller from the Corpus (Corpus Ice Planet, Sabotage)


Jaller – “Precept 44!  Precept 44!  Cephalon in distress!  Please assist!”


Ordis – “Cephalon, what is… um, the matter?  What kind of -- LIFE-THREATENING DANGER -- predicament are you in?”


Jaller – “Hello?  A Tenno Cephalon?  Yes!  Please help!  I am Cephalon Jaller, I have been stranded and am under assault.  My Operator is in grave peril!  I require immediate assistance!”


Ordis – “Cephalon Jaller, I am Cephalon Ordis.  I’m -- TERRIFIED YOU’RE INFESTED -- not sure I understand what’s going on.  Can you elaborate on your condition?”


Jaller – “There isn’t not enough time.  Scavengers are threatening to dismantle me!  I’m sending you the coordinates to my location.  Please come quickly!”


(Starting) Jaller – “You came!  Thank you, Cephalon Ordis.  Please, hurry.  I’ve been able to keep them at bay so far but it’s only a matter of time before they manage to get past my defenses.”


Ordis – “I… have to admit I am still unsure about this, Operator.  Can we trust this Cephalon?”


Jaller – “Cephalon Ordis, please.  I understand how suspicious the circumstances make me out as but I swear to you on the 44th Precept I mean you and your Operator no harm.”


Ordis – “Hmm…”


(Halfway) Ordis – “Jaller, perhaps if you could please share just a little more information, I would feel… better about this.”


Jaller – “Yes… Yes, there is some time.”


Jaller – “I am Cephalon Jaller, centuries ago my Operator went into cryosleep with the other Tenno and I shut down all non-essential systems to await their return.”


Jaller – “However, hours ago I was awoken by a disturbance on my proximity sensors, and reactivated just in time to see and scare off these scavengers before they could start disassembling me.”


Ordis – “Then… where is your Operator?”


Jaller – “Taken, by these scavengers.  I wasn’t able to stop them.”


(Finding the Mausolos landing craft) Ordis – “Oh my.  Jaller, what kind of ship is that?  -- IT LOOKS ANCIENT -- I’ve never seen anything like it, and… are those… Specters around it?”


Jaller – “Mausolos, my Operator’s favored landing craft.  I was able to deploy defenses to keep the scavengers at bay but they have erected machines that are preventing me from taking off.”


Ordis – “Operator, if you can destroy those Corpus Control Pillars, Cephalon Jaller should be able to escape.”


(Destroying the first Control Pillar) Jaller – “System restrictions are being lifted, continue, please!”


(Destroying second Control Pillar) Jaller – “Navigation lockout shut off!  Plotting escape course.”


(Destroying third Control Pillar) Jaller – “Yes!  Engines starting up!  When the final pillar is dismantled I will be able to escape.”


(Destroying final Control Pillar) Jaller – “Thank you, Tenno, Ordis.  I will take up orbit around the planet and speak with you again soon.”

Mission 2 – Locate information on what the Corpus have done with Jaller’s Operator (Corpus Ship, Mobile Defense)


Jaller – “Thank you, both of you.”


Ordis – “Cephalon Jaller, please, can you tell us now more about what happened to you?”


Jaller – “Of course.  As I said, I reactivated at the detection of approaching scavengers – these “Corpus” as you call them – and was able to deploy Specters to secure myself.  Unfortunately the scavengers were able to enter into the Void and abduct my Operator while still in Cryosleep.”


Jaller – “I cannot fail my Operator, surely you must understand that?  Please, Cephalon Ordis, you must help me locate and rescue him.”


Ordis – “Jaller, it would be my honor to assist with you saving your Operator.  What should we do next?”


Jaller – “I don’t know where they’ve taken him, but I can find out.  If you can access their computer systems I should be able to use their communications to determine his current whereabouts.”



(Start) Jaller – “Tenno, access their systems and I will be able to find where they’ve taken my Operator.”


(Reaching first Console) Jaller - “There it is.  Access it and I will begin my search.


(Hacking first Console) Jaller - “Searching…”


Loa Ul – “Attention all Corporation employees, our systems are being infiltrated – find the source of this intrusion and eliminate it.” 


(Halfway through first Console) Jaller - “No, no!  There’s so little here!  I have to look deeper!”


Loa Ul – “*tsk* Tenno.  I should have known.  It’s not like I don’t have enough to deal with between the Grineer attacks, now I have to deal with you mucking about in Mister Bek’s files.  Typical.”


(Finishing first Console) Jaller – “Data fragments, clipped messages… Only half of what I need.  Please, Tenno, access the other console and I should be able to gather the missing information.”


Loa Ul – “Satisfied, Tenno?  Now, please: leave and save us both the trouble of getting in one another’s way.”


(Reaching second Console) Jaller - “Yes!  That’s it!  Please hurry!”


Loa Ul – “Why are you still here?”


(Hacking second Console) Jaller - “Searching now.”


Loa Ul – “Really, Tenno, again?  Fine, keep looking…  Security!  Stop them!”


(Halfway through second Console) Jaller - “Yes!  The missing fragments.  Just a little longer, Tenno.”


Loa Ul – “All employees are to be reminded that success is mandatory to keeping your position.  Unless you want to live like filthy colonists for the rest of your lives I highly recommend you stop the Tenno or die trying.”


(Finishing second Console) Jaller – “Yes!  I have it!  It will only take me a few minutes to find my Operator’s location.”


Ordis – “Cephalon Jaller, my Operator and I would be honored to help you find yours.”


Jaller – “Would you?  Thank you!  Please hurry back your ship, I will contact you when I have finished deciphering his location.”


Loa Ul – “*sigh* Director Bek is going to have my head for this… I’m going to have to let a lot of people go to keep him off my back.”


Mission 3 – Rescue Jaller’s Operator (Corpus Ice Planet, Hijack)


Jaller – “I’ve done it, and they haven’t moved him yet!  He’s still on-world!”


Ordis – “That is splendid news, Jaller!  Where are they keeping him?”


Jaller – “I will send you the coordinates now.  If you can escort him to a proper pickup point I will be able to extract him myself for awakening.”


Ordis – “Operator, if you can assist Cephalon Jaller with this I will message the Lotus about this, perhaps she could offer some assistance?”


Jaller – “The Lotus?  She is still around?  Yes, very good idea!  Thank you Ordis.”


(Start) Jaller – “I am in position, Tenno.  Find the rover they were going to use to transport him and hijack it.  I will be provide assistance as I can.”


Hassik – “All Corpus employees, this is Hassik speaking.  We have recently received word that Tenno interference in Corpus systems may have made this site a target, keep an eye out for any suspicious activity.”


(Activating Rover) Jaller – “You found it!  Wonderful!  Bring it to the extraction point and I will take him from there.”


Hassik – “What’s happening?  Someone’s taking the rover?  Well stop them!”


(Halfway) Jaller – “Tenno, you’ve halfway to extraction, keep up the pace!”


Hassik – “I see you down there, Tenno.  You’re trying to steal my merchandise now?  I’m afraid I can’t let that happen – the Void has told me this will be my golden ticket to greater Profit.”


Jaller – “I’m terribly sorry to inconvenience you, Scavenger, but if you think you can treat my Operator like salvage and scrap metal then you have another thing coming.  Deploying Specters.”  (Map becomes littered with player-allied Specters that will fight against the Corpus)


Hassik – “What’s going on?  Where did these reinforcements come from?  I… no, no, I’m not getting involved with this.  I’m cutting my losses.  Take the cryopod, Tenno.  I have bigger things to deal with.”

Mission 4 – Cripple the ship and locate a stolen Tenno artifact (Grineer Galleon, Sabotage)


Jaller – “Thank you, Tenno.  I have already begun the awakening process and it is nearing completion.  I will be sure to inform my Operator of your assistance in their-.”


Lotus – “Tenno, I just received Ordis’ message.  Why didn’t you contact me?”


Jaller – “Lotus!  It is good to see you!  Operator-.”


Lotus – “Jaller, do not wake him.  He won’t be able to be able to handle the state of the System, he won’t be able to understand.  If you wake him now the ramifications will be dire.”


Jaller – “I am sorry, Lotus, but my primary function is to serve my Operator, and I can best and only serve him if he is alive and well.”


Lotus – “Cephalon!”


Kel Gerras – “*groan* J-Jaller…?  Is that you?  Where…”


Jaller – “Don’t worry, Operator, you’re safe.  However, I learned distressing information during our search for you, I think you may want to review it.”


Kel Gerras – “Th-thank you, Jaller.”


Lotus – “Tenno, please, do not look over that information.  You don’t want to know what’s in it.”


Jaller – “I’m sorry, Lotus, but I have temporarily shut out all external communication to Operator Conflagration.  The radio silence will help him concentrate.”


Ordis – “Jaller, you cannot speak to the Lotus like that!”


Jaller – “I am sorry, Ordis, but my duty to my Operator comes above all else.  Even the Lotus is secondary authority.”


Kel Gerras – “This… these records… What kind of…? Grineer, Corpus…? the Infested?  Still?  Lotus…”


Lotus – “Tenno, please, you don’t understand…”


Kel Gerras – “Lotus, I… remember what you see in us.  I know you only mean, only want, the best for us, but you cannot… shelter us from everything.  We must learn on our own and fight our own battles.”


Kel Gerras – “And these… things, these Grineer and Corpus, these empire that seek to emulate the Orokin, they have done unspeakable things to the Tenno.  Things that cannot go unanswered.”


Jaller – “Operator, the Corpus in the area have been effectively dealt with by this Tenno while they helped me locate you, but the records do detail they were selling the relics they recovered to Grineer in the area.”


Kel Gerras – “Excellent work, Jaller.  My fellow Tenno, if you truly seek to fight for our people then join me.  I will attack the command of the ship, if you can cripple the vessel we will be able to recover our stolen artifacts with ease.”


Lotus – “Tenno, both of you, please…”


Kel Gerras – “I understand your sentiment, Lotus, but the time for tact has passed.  We are at war once again.”


Kel Gerras – “Tenno, I’m glad you decided to join me.


Kel Gerras – “You are here to destroy the ship’s power core but remember that we also are after whatever they have stolen from us.  Search every corner of the ship, there’s no telling where they will have hidden our relics.”


(Randomly throughout mission) Kel Gerras – “*sounds of dying Grineer* Funny, those reports said these were supposed to be soldiers.  Disappointing.”


Kel Gerras – “*sounds of battle**laughter*”


Kel Gerras – “*sounds of battle* These miserable little ants hunted us down while we slept; they had those vultures peck at the remains of tyrants to feed them the scraps?  Did they think there wouldn’t come a time when we would retaliate?”


Kel Gerras – “*sounds of battle* I am the Conflagration that will burn the enemies of the Tenno out of their miserable existence!”


Kel Gerras – *sounds of battle* The flames of Madurai will burn away the enemies of the Tenno!


(Halfway to Core) Kel Gerras – “I’ve eliminated the ship’s commanding officers, have you found any of our artifacts?”


(Finding the Relic) Kel Gerras – “Yes, that’s it!  Ah, what a beautiful fragment of our history.  Hold onto it until we can meet in person, my fellow Tenno.”


(Approaching the Core) Kel Gerras – “That’s it, destroy it and halt this ship in its tracks.  We’ll be able to recover everything they’ve taken with ease.”


(Destroying Core) Kel Gerras – “Good, this ship won’t be leaving orbit for a long time.”


(All Objectives complete) Kel Gerras – “For the time being, that’s all we need.  I will return to take back whatever else they’ve stolen very soon.”

Mission 5 – Help steal the remaining artifacts (Grineer Galleon, Survival)


Kel Gerras – “Well done, my fellow Tenno.  With the ship trapped in its current location we can raid and take back our artifacts with impunity.  Even better: we can slaughter all those who thought they could take what was ours for themselves.”


Lotus – “Gerras, please.  The system isn’t in a state where it can handle this kind of action.  The Grineer and Corpus must be kept in balance, if one ever overtakes the other they may become impossible to stop.”


Kel Gerras – “Lotus, I respect your reasoning.  I respect your concern.  I always have, and I always will.  But the state of the system is far beyond just what the Corpus and Grineer might do if they stand alone.  What of the Tenno?”


Kel Gerras – “The Grineer hunt us, the Corpus experiment on us.  How many Tenno must die for balance?  How long must be endure just for others?”


Kel Gerras – “I refuse to let any more Tenno blood be spilt protecting people I know nothing of.”


Lotus – “Gerras…”


Kel Gerras – “I am sorry, Lotus.  But I will not fight for others while my own people die.”


Lotus – “Then… please, be careful of what your actions bring.”


Kel Gerras – “You have my word that I will.”


Kel Gerras – “My fellow Tenno, there are still many artifacts aboard that ship, relics that are rightfully ours.  Help me take back our heritage from those who only seek to destroy and pervert it.  Return to the galleon and help me reclaim them.”


(Starting) Kel Gerras – “I’ll begin my search as soon as you’re ready.  The more artifacts we can reclaim the better.”


(Activating alarms) Kel Gerras – “And so we begin.”


Sergeant Krawn – “What is happening?  Why is this ship not responding?  Captain, answer me!”


Jaller – “Operator, you’ll be pleased to know I’ve managed to disrupt their communication systems.  They couldn’t call for help if they wanted to.”


Kel Gerras – “Excellent work, Jaller.”


(Two minutes in) Sergeant Krawn – “Grineer, hear me!  Fight whatever is hunting you, kill whatever is stopping you.  Claim the Grineer-glory that will spring from their deaths!”


Kel Gerras – “*laughter* They have no idea what they’re up against.”


(Four minutes in) Kel Gerras – “I’ve found a stash of relics.  Jaller, prepare to pick these up as I get them into position.”


Jaller – “Of course, Operator.”


(Six minutes in) Kel Gerras – “An Orokin Incubator Module?”


Kel Gerras – “Yes, yes I need this.  Best to keep such technology out of the ants’ hands… and…”


Jaller – “Operator, I am afraid the genetic templates of both Cider and Soot I stored have decayed beyond use.”


Kel Gerras – “That’s… That’s fine, Jaller.  We’ll start from scratch.”


(Eight minutes in) Sergeant Krawn – “Is it Tenno?  Are there Tenno running around on that ship?  Is that why there is only silence?  Hrmmmm…”


Jaller – “Operator, should we do something about that Grineer?”


Kel Gerras – “Soon, but for now our primary concern is reclaiming what is ours.”


(Ten minutes in) Kel Gerras – “That’s the last of what I can find, if there are any more of our artifacts hidden here… We’ll find them, soon.  Jaller.”


Jaller – “Pickup is commencing, Operator.”


Sergeant Krawn – “Grineer!  Grineer answer me!  Bah!  Fine!  If you won’t to speak to me then you can speak to the Council!”


Kel Gerras – “We’ll deal with the rest of these ants in short order.  For now, let’s leave this place.”


Mission 6 – Exterminate all remaining Grineer (Grineer Galleon, Exterminate)


Kel Gerras – “Tenno, we have everything the Grineer stole from us, but now we must send them a proper message: the Tenno, not now, not ever again, will no longer hold back their wrath.”


Jaller – “Operator, transmissions between the ship and the greater Grineer have been reestablished.  They are sending reinforcements to the vessel as we speak.”


Kel Gerras – “The perfect chance to show them all what we are capable of; what the Tenno can do when they are no longer holding back.”


Kel Gerras – “It’s time we returned to that ship and finished what we started.”


(Start) Kel Gerras – “Kill every last ant you see.”


(Early Progression) Ruena Krim – “There you are.  Nightwatch!  End them!”


Ruena Krim – “I had a feeling you Tenno would come back here.  You crippled the ship, stole from us, but you’re not done, are you?  No, oh no, not until every last Grineer here has been wiped out.”


Jaller – “You have no idea how correct you are.”


Ruena Krim – “Having your Cephalon speak to me?  Can’t face me yourself, Tenno?”


Jaller – “Operator Conflagration wishes not waste his time speaking with ants.”


(Mid Progression) Ruena Krim – “Cephalon, tell your master that unless he wants to see entire colonies wiped out of existence in return for this attack he will cease it at once.”


Jaller – “Operator Conflagration cares not for the lives of these ‘colonists’, so long as you and your kind are put down.”


Ruena Krim – “Oh?  Well, perhaps the lives of Tenno then…”


Jaller – “He would like to see you try.”


Kel Gerras – “These ants seem to like to talk.”


(Completed) Kel Gerras – “And that was the last.”


Kel Gerras – “Tenno, we are done here but this war will continue for some time.  There is one last request I would make of you.  Return to your ship and I will contact you there.”


Ruena Krim – “The Nightwatch Corps… defeated… That’s not possible.  That’s not!- bah, de Thaym will deal with you!  The Queens will have your head!”


Jaller – “Operator Conflagration will take yours first.”

Mission 7 – Speak with Kel Gerras in a Relay (Relay)


Kel Gerras – “Tenno, together we’ve begun a return to the old ways, to war.  To where Tenno thrive.  The ants and vultures think themselves untouchable behind their armies of clones and machines, but we’ve proven both wrong.”


Kel Gerras – “Long ago, before the cryosleep, I called myself the Conflagration.  A raging fire, burning through everything and everyone that sought to harm the Tenno; Sentient, Orokin, Infestation...


Kel Gerras – “I held onto this identity and every memory I could even while I slept.  Some wished to forget the things they had done, I knew that doing so would cause us to lose ourselves.”


Kel Gerras – “I refuse to allow the Tenno to forget who we are, what we are, any longer.  We are warriors, nothing less.  We fight for our reasons and causes alone – not for the goals of others.  For ourselves.”


Kel Gerras – “My fellow Tenno, come see me in the Relay.  We will speak in person there and I will tell you everything you want to know.”


Kel Gerras – “Welcome, my fellow Tenno.”


Player – *What is this place?*


Kel Gerras – “This place has no name, it is not worthy of such.  This is simply a stop on the path to much greater glory.  In time we will have a true temple, hundreds, dedicated to our traditions and heroes.  But for now this… Enclave will suffice.”


Player - *What are you doing here?*


Kel Gerras – “I am reclaiming the history of the Tenno.  I am reclaiming everything that is ours.  Our relics, fragments of our past, Warframes, Archwings, Ships, Visages, and I am spreading them back to the Tenno.


Kel Gerras – “They are your heritage as much as they are mine.  Assist me in reclaiming them and we will share them with all our fellow Tenno.”


Player – *What are Visages?*


Kel Gerras – “You know of Specters?  Then you have seen a cruel mockery of what was supposed to be.”


Kel Gerras – “Visages are monuments to the lives of Tenno lost.  A mixture of Void and Technocyte fashioned in their form and infused with a fragment of their energy, so that even in death they may continue to aid their people.”


Kel Gerras – “The ability to create true Visages has been lost, but so many were made during the Old War that millions must still remain.  If we can find them we can put them back in the hands of their rightful owners – us.”


Player - *What can I do?*


Kel Gerras – “Jaller helps me search for information regarding our enemies finding fragments of our culture.  Speak with me and I will inform you if we have found any leads.”


Kel Gerras – “Our attacks will be two-fold and with double purpose: first we will find where they are keeping of our stolen history, then we will reclaim it.”


Kel Gerras – “But as we do both of these things we will also strike at our enemies.  Exterminating them, tearing them down as they would do to us, removing every last trace of their existence from the annals of history.”


Kel Gerras – “If it is a war they want, then we will show them how the Tenno have destroyed every force we have ever fought against.”


Player - *I would be honored to help.*


Kel Gerras – “Of course you would.  You are Tenno.  And you made this possible.  Here, take your pick of what we recovered during our raid on that ant vessel.  You deserve it.”


(After choosing reward) Kel Gerras – “There are still many more artifacts out there for us to claim.  Return here when you are ready to help me take back what is ours.”


With all objectives complete you will be rewarded with your choice of an Exilus Adapter, Orokin Reactor, or Orokin Catalyst.



“What do you wish to speak of?  Everything I know I have remembered so that I may share it with those Tenno that wish to know.”



Aside from missions, you may ask the Conflagration questions in reference to himself and his memories.  Depending on the number of type of questions, these may change daily or weekly.


*What do you remember of the Old war?*

Conflagration – “Battle.  Bloodshed.  Glory.  What the Tenno were destined to do above all else.”

Conflagration – “Everything we are is that of warriors.  Of those who fight and defeat their enemies.  Take pride in it.”

*Perhaps there is more we could be?*

Conflagration – “In what way does the path of a warrior restrict us?  Look around you at the things we have made, at the dojos our people build to meditate within.”

Conflagration – “These were all made by Tenno hands – warrior hands – just because our home is the battlefield does not mean it is all we are good for – that is a solider, what the Orokin wanted us to be.”

Conflagration – “But we are not theirs to command. Not anymore.”


*Is Beacon the only Warframe you possess?*

Conflagration – “No, Jaller has been able to maintain and preserve an extensive number of the Warframe I called my own during the Old War.  No matter what kind, they are our heritage.”

*I have never seen you use any others.*

Conflagration – “Yes.  It is a rare thing for me to do.”

Conflagration – “In Beacon I feel my strongest.  I feel the deepest connection.  Every part of it, every strength, every weakness, I understand it so much more than any other.  It feels… right.”

Conflagration – “Should the need arise I will make use of the other Warframes I have in my possession.  Until that time comes, however, Beacon is what I am.”


*What kinds of artifacts have you recovered?*

Conflagration – “All kinds.  Writings from Tenno passed, legends of figures in the Old War, works of art, battle plans, combat styles, even Warframe designs.”

Conflagration – “Every type of creation we have ever made, but I will not rest until I have reclaimed everything we lost.”


*What do think of the Syndicates?*

Conflagration – “They are strong allies but a waste of our attention.  They care not for us and seek to only use us to further their own agenda, they see us as a tool to further their own goals.”

*Should we not help them?  They mean well.*

Conflagration – “Yes, they do.  But they mean well for themselves – for those who throw their lot in with them and them alone.

Conflagration – “How many times have you seen one of those Syndicates you ally with attack a fellow Tenno even while you come to their defense?”

Conflagration – “They are a threat to us, and should whatever meager assistance they’re able to provide us come to an end I will be the first to take up arms against them.”


*Do you know anything of Tenno clans of the past?*

Conflagration – “The Old Clans, our most ancient ways… To my great shame this is one of those memories I have failed to retain.”

Conflagration – “I remember their names: Unairu, Varazan, Madurai, Zenurik, Naramon.  But that is all.  So far, nothing I’ve recovered has discussed them in-depth.”

Conflagration – “Perhaps, in time, we will remember them fully and be able to reclaim the powers of their ways.”


*Have you spoken with Teshin?*

Conflagration – “The pseudo-Tenno?  Yes.  I have even participated in his Conclave.  It was a challenge sparring against my fellow Tenno after the cryosleep.”

Conflagration – “His goal of helping us strengthen ourselves is noble, but his reasons for doing so… He feels guilt for the loss of his Orokin masters.  For failing to protect them.”

Conflagration – “He is a close ally, but if his reasons for aiding us do not change I fear he is one we will soon find ourselves confronting.”


*Have you met Simaris?*

Conflagration – “The Cephalon?  Yes.  Jaller was interested in speaking with him, but when Simaris made it clear his interests are not purely with the Tenno Jaller’s interest faded.”

Conflagration – “He has value as an ally, he will be able to tell us much about what has happened while we slept.  But his goals are ultimately his own.”

Conflagration –  “If you aid him, Tenno, keep warry watch of him.”


(Only after Completion of Natah) *Did you know about the Lotus’ nature?*

Conflagration – “If I ever did, it was a memory I was not able to retain in my sleep.”

Conflagration – “But it doesn’t matter.  Time and time again Lotus has proven she cares most for one thing: protecting us.  I share this goal.”

*Should we still trust her?*

Conflagration – “Regardless of what she may be, she is our ally, first and foremost, and I will continue to treat her as such.

Conflagration – “But, should she turn on the Tenno or be used against us, I will not hesitate to do what must be done.  You would be wise to do the same.”


(Only after Completion of Natah) *Do you know about the Sentients awakening?*

Conflagration – “Yes, the word has spread through the Tenno and we are doing all we can to ensure it spreads no further.  Dark times lie ahead for us all.”

*Should we be worried?*

Conflagration – “We are Tenno.  We have faced them before and we have defeated them.  Never forget that, and look to the battles of the future with certainty.”


(Only after Completion of Second Dream) *Do you know where… you are?*

Conflagration – “Yes.  Lotus and other Tenno have moved… me to safety, just as they do for others.  Jaller watches over me.”

Conflagration – “It is a strange experience.  Some are having difficulty… adjusting.”

*What about you?*

Conflagration – “Me?  What has… that body done for the Tenno?  What deeds and feats have I done in that body?”

Conflagration – “Everything of value I have ever done has been through my Warframes.  They are more me than I am.  Had I the choice, I would discard it.”


(Only after Completion of Second Dream) *Do you know… what you are?*

Conflagration –  “Yes.  We all do now.  It is a strange thing, finding out what you are when you were something else for so long.”

*Did you any memories about yourself?*

Conflagration – “I have… some; faint, lingering.  Not enough to have foreseen… this, but enough to… help me cope.”

Conflagration – “Still… I have not seen it… me in centuries.  I barely recognize it…  Myself… I don’t feel… attached to what I am.”


(Only after Completion of Second Dream) *Do you know of the Sentients returning?*

Conflagration – “Yes.  Word has traveled fast and their presence is becoming more and more known.”

Conflagration – “We faced them once, we won a war against them once.  We are everything they cannot survive against, we are their weakness incarnate…”

*I hear the ‘but’ in your voice.*

Conflagration – “Yes… it’s true.  The Old War was not without its casualties.  So many Tenno, lost forever… I fear what will happen when we face them again.”

Conflagration – “I fear that we may lose more Tenno than we will be able to stand.  I fear that this may be where we face our end.  But I, we all, must fight.”

Conflagration – “We will not run from those who seek our destruction.  We are Tenno.”

Edited by Morec0
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