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Vauban Looks Too Much Like A Trench Coat With A Helm


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No disrespect to the DE art team, but Vauban is straying too far from the original warframe concept.

I like the concept of initial warframes and therefore think it's worth noting this so that the upcoming warframes use more of the initial concept.


As for Vauban.

It looks more like a suit of a flamethrower nazi soldier in RTCW. 



The differences that stand out:


Boots - initial warframes have slick lines that seamlessly incorporate the foot and leg as a whole.

The big trench coat - it associates with high armor but vauban is actually very light so it's pretty much what it looks like, a trench coat. Other warframes, except for the Rhino and Frost which actually do have armor which justifies bulkyness, have tight armor expressing distinction between bodyparts(don't even think about it)

The helm - the lines aren't "ninja". they're more "soldier".


Generally the warframe is too bulky for the amount of protection it offers giving the impression that it's wearing loose clothing and not what a ninja is supposed to wear.

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I know it was intentional and that's why I'm saying it's a bad direction to take.

Wow... really? Really going to go there.


For the love of all that is sane, shut up and never bring this up again. That particular 'style' did not start, nor was it popularized, by nazis. YOU just happened to only know of it's existence through nazis, however that doesn't mean it is therefore a nazi thing. To tarnish a rather unique look that a lot of us happen to enjoy because someone attributed it to nazis is plain stupid.

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Wow... really? Really going to go there.


For the love of all that is sane, shut up and never bring this up again. That particular 'style' did not start, nor was it popularized, by nazis. YOU just happened to only know of it's existence through nazis, however that doesn't mean it is therefore a nazi thing. To tarnish a rather unique look that a lot of us happen to enjoy because someone attributed it to nazis is plain stupid.

Lol, pull your pants up boy, the sight isn't all that glorious and definitely it's not pleasing.


I brought up the flamethrower soldier cause vauban looked like it. If you want to consider it me associating vauban with nazi then you're too dense for arguing with.

Tbh, you're one of those that calls "racism" every time someone carelessly describes someone "black" when they're referring to a person of african descent.

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Actually no, I see where he is coming from. Although I didn't initially interpret it that way, upon re-reading your wording appears to be complaining that he looks like a Nazi. Maybe you should have looked harder for something to compair him to?

I've noticed Vauban is something of a rorchach test. People compare it to deadspace, a Hazmat suit, a man with a giant mustache and a monacle, etc.

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Tbh, you're one of those that calls "racism" every time someone carelessly describes someone "black" when they're referring to a person of african descent.

No, I'm quite the opposite. I despise the people that do this.

Maybe I just misinterpreted your OP and jumped to conclusions last night. If I was wrong, then may I ask why in the name of hell you even brought up nazis and chastised the dev team for "going in that direction" right after posting a picture of a nazi? Anyway, you've edited the op to stop giving people the idea you were complaining that they looked like nazis to that they don't look like what you thought the concept behind their armor is.


On that note, Vauban is less a ninja and more of an engineer. While still quite obviously having the capacity to perform the acrobatic feats of the ninja, his armour seems to reflect that he is an engineer and supports that he uses gadgets and tech to deal with enemies, rather than high maneuverability and lightning fast strikes. His ingame abilities also reflect this.

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