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"anti-Matter Themed New Warframe"


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If that's the concern why not just vote for a different frame? Why vote for the one that sounds almost identical to a frame we already have?


Many people did vote for different frames.  The majority vote won.  That's just the way it works.  I'm just hoping we'll be able to formulate a decent set of skill to steer it away from being a Vauban clone and that DE doesn't forget about some of the other frame ideas that came from this exercise.


I can't say I'm super excited about the frame itself, but there are ~800 other M/GMs that are.  I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and play it nonetheless just like I've played the other frames that didn't exactly thrill me conceptually (although by and large, pretty much every frame has been enjoyable for me).

Edited by Wriith
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Personally, I'd like to see an Earth-based frame and a Wind-based frame added, just to complete the Elemental spread if nothing else. To me though, Necro just didn't fit the universe, and though M/AM is... vague in this context, it at least has potential in this setting.

So, after it won, I suggested more utility powers not seen in other frames (like halving HP & shields of all enemies within a radius, teleport+explode-on-arrival, summon a small solar flare, etc.) - let's make the most of it.

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Can you imagine the special effects of an antimatter frame? I can see the eye area with yellow sparking lights, balls of antimatter running up and down the frame, oh mine!!! I am excited

Lol wat


We can't see anti-matter, we don't even know if it is real?


pls no



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I bet it will be like so:

1) Damage a single target

2) Do something gimmicky

3) Do something highly situational

4) Damage everything near by

Well, that's almost every warframe.


They aren't doing very good at abilities right now, but this is only beta, so I don't really want to rush anything, let them take their time, and it will be better.

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Lol wat


We can't see anti-matter, we don't even know if it is real?


pls no



That frame is already approved to come out, so you better visit Io store in Jupiter and buy some antimatter goggles so you can see them.

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Eh, Necromancy could have eluded to debuffing, damage over time, and/or some kind of corpse manipulation. Rolled into one package, this would have provided something fun and quasi-unique to our current pool of skillsets. Almost like a more caster oriented less tank oriented version of Saryn with enough flavor and theme to stand out on it's own. 

Also... The goth kid in me buried deep under years of social adjustment demands it!

Antimatter sounds like just another way to blow things up and might possibly have unique crowd control applications. It's just..vague. Intangible. We'll just have to wait and see.

Hawk might have been neat too. Especially if it were some kind of mobility based frame. I just. I don't know. I feel like antimatter was the most boring idea out of the three concepts. (From my very limited information) though the idea itself might hold a lot of flexibility since Antimatter itself is pretty much just an incomplete thought. Depends on the creative direction! Hopefully, it will be a frame someone out there will enjoy and love.

Edited by Rudette
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We can't see anti-matter, we don't even know if it is real?

Science harder! It's been created in laboratories (read - colliders). And if there was a way to make more than single particles but an actual brick of it (and somehow stabilize the thing since it would leave one big crater on contact with literally anything) we would be able to see it.

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Science harder! It's been created in laboratories (read - colliders). And if there was a way to make more than single particles but an actual brick of it (and somehow stabilize the thing since it would leave one big crater on contact with literally anything) we would be able to see it.

Eh, I've studied on this topic, us humans won't be able to do this for lets see.. A very long time I would say, so for now this is a total theory that can still not actually be made true. Even by these labs that have made this substance. 

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Eh, I've studied on this topic, us humans won't be able to do this for lets see.. A very long time I would say, so for now this is a total theory that can still not actually be made true. Even by these labs that have made this substance. 

Which part is total theory?

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All notions of this game following basic laws of physics went out the door when the galaxy map had perfectly circular orbits. You guys are trying to argue about things you have barely an idea of, why not point out the physics 101 violations first before talking about where they messed up quantum mechanics?

Edited by Girox
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I was really hoping for a support frame with a more direct but small heal and ammo restore... but it is what it is. (I still feel like this game lacks a proper support frame... big heals are cool and all but I really miss having a "heal as you go" vibe)

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DAWGUNITALPHA, on 04 Jun 2013 - 5:15 PM, said:

If that's the concern why not just vote for a different frame? Why vote for the one that sounds almost identical to a frame we already have?

It only received a plurality of votes, not a majority (33% or so).
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I haven't got a clue how this Warframe is supposed to work, but from what I can see he does one of two things:

1. Destroy things

2. Not destroy things

I don't know about you, but I think most Warframes do this already? It's like taking abilities from other Warframes and just tweaking them slightly then pasting them onto a different looking Warframe. But then again, paying that much for the design council and helping the devs, they can't really say no. And at least it;s still better than Necro.


-->Antimatter can be used to improve shields.

-->Antimatter can be used to create confined explosions and implosions

-->Antimatter can use other particles as a catalyst causing an increase in speed/detection.

-->Antimatter can be used to create gamma rays, which can cause damage over time.



The possibilities are endless once you start thinking out of the box instead of staying in one little insignificant mindset.

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