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⋟ Join Us We Are Overt Power! ⋞ ➥Now Recruiting Members!

(XBOX)x Sevynn x

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U1jSgqI.gifWelcome to Overt Power !

Formerly Warframe Shinobi; One of the first Shinobi Clans in the Xbox Warframe community. We are a Mountain clan of like minded mature adults who enjoy gaming and the social opportunity that it creates. Our clan is heavily inspired and influenced by Japanese culture. We understand that for everyone real life comes first! However, we have a strict activity policy compared to other clans who keep members that have been offline with no contact past 30 days; that will sadly be removed. Our clan is not one of a dictatorship; all major decisions come down to a clan vote and will then be delegated through the Shoguns (The Warlords). Diligence, dedication and most importantly teamwork is the cornerstone to our success, and we strive to help each other grow in skill as tenno.


Our easy to navigate Dojo, beautifully decorated and maintained is comprised with all the necessary facilities to help you progress and further your skill as a fellow tenno.

Notable Features:

- 0% Clan Tax

- All research complete in all Labs 100% - We work to complete research on added items,weapons, warframes etc ASAP

- Duel rooms - Some designed differently from one another for diversity in duel environment

- Obstacle Course

- Teleporters built for faster travel and quick access



Last updated: 9/1/2016
  • Have fun!
  • Respect one another, and treat others as how you'd like to be treated. 
  • Be humorous and have a thick skin; We like to  joke around with each other and poke fun. This works side by side our previous rule.
  • We will not tolerate harassment against clan or alliance brethren; or anyone in general.
  • Contribute to the Dojo - A little bit goes a long way, while not compulsory any contribution will help us and you greatly.
  • Must be 17 or Older -We understand there are many talented Tenno, but this is the desired age bracket we would like in our Clan.
  • Must be Active  - If you do not contact any of the clan leaders and are inactive for longer than 30 days you will be removed from the clan. If you are inactive for 15-20 days you will be marked as AWOL and lose certain priviledges.
  • Must be Active in Clan chat -as Shinobi we must be dedicated and attentive to each other. No one likes being ignored, especially from a fellow Shinobi; (If you are currently engaged in a mission/sortie/raid etc, it can take just 2 seconds to type any random letter to indicate you acknowledge what's being said but you are otherwise incapable of replying properly until your mission is complete.
  • Perceived Prestige is a NO NO - Leaders are here to serve as much as they are to lead. Any questions or issues with the clan can be brought up with any Leader in the clan and we will do everything in our power to respond and resolve whatever it is you need.
  • Stay connected, we have other ways of communication such as Social media outlets (YouTube, Twitch, FB) Good way to be in the know for events and give aways and generally any updates in the Clan
  • Alliance Chat - The Alliance chat's sole purpose is for Trading, Taxi's and Squad recruiting in between Clan Wars. It is in the Clan's best interest that we keep Alliance chat about Wars when Wars occur.
  • All Shinobi must be Screened by a Shogun, Ippan, Council or Sensei to join the clan - No exceptions. We pride ourselves in knowing who our clan mates are.




Shoguns and Leaders are here to assist in the overall day to day operations and needs of the clan; we believe in transparency and honesty with each member no matter how new they may be to the clan. If you are interested in joining the family please contact any one of us through XBL or PM on the forums, although for immediate contact please msg anyone of us for an invite; please pardon if there are any delays between responses. Regardless we will always touch back with you.

MQF41Td.pngShinobi Shogun


MQF41Td.pngShinobi Ippan


MQF41Td.pngShinobi Council

Apollo Phenix | FlippersFist | x Sevynn x



DAN9069 | Eclipse X Moon | TheDarkCav | Fenris WolfX | PHYYYYER | Sensei Spectrum | SevSin Pride | Stickmanbond | semperfitoast | SiRi5








Here are the latest updates from us to you:
  • We are now Overt Power 
  •  Our FB fanpage link has been updated -check it out!
  • We have established clans in other games and are just as active in them as we are on Warframe; for more info for interested members and new shinobi alike shoot us a msg
  • We now have a new Clan emblem! Updates to be made soon
  • New roster changes, meet your new leaders in game and on the forums (just say hi lol)
  • Our YT channel has been updated and with a new video, 







DE Approved!


OJdlhED.gif Our Shoguns and leaders take notice of hardworking and dedicated Shinobi and will likely reward, host fun events and hold giveaways to pay it back. U2aMvdG.gif


To keep up with us or for other means of contact check out our Youtube channel or our FB Fanpage.

For our original clan recruit page click here.

If you're not interested and looking for a bigger clan in size please feel free to check out Kokujin.











Edited by (XB1)x Sevynn x
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Welcome all future Shinobi to the family if you want to join simply list why you want to join or inbox the a Shogun, ippan council member or sensei and you will be sent an inv as soon as possible. #JoinUsWeAreShinobi





Edited by (XB1)Javi Gaijin
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you know whats great about this clan we can come together as one and solve some problems but sometimes people aren't like that and i know how it feels to want to try things yourself and for people to think that they are lesser than another they sit up there and they feel like they are not worthy but in this clan we never want to make you feel like that we are a community within a community more like a family and don't worry those problems in real life we understand lets us be your escape in to fun and happiness (BECAUSE BELIEVE ME THERE ARE SOME BULLIES OUT THERE) so JOIN US WE ARE SHINOBI CLAN OF WARFRAME

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Love the video Javi! Really glad to see vids being uploaded again. And to everyone interested in joining, be sure to message us either on XBL or leave us a post here!



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