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Alad V's Hidden Research


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Ive been holding on to this for a while so im happy to put it down...



Before he went insane from his infestation, Alad V had started his research to improve the mistake the orokin have made when making the infested the first time around.  He tested ways to bend the will of the infested to quell its hunger to infest others it comes into contact with and develop it further into a higher organism, a weapon of immense power.  As he studied the pheramones and spores released by the weapon, he had come to find that the infestation had a unique reaction to the energy within a warframe:  it could not fuse with the material the energy was attach to or have been previously been exposed to the energy, but the power within the test subjects seem to increase dramatically when exposed to the warframe's radiant energy, calming the infestation the longer it is exposed.  In his cruel ways, he obtained large amounts of the energy and after sterilizing the infested spores with the energy, used it on subjects to see whether the infestation could symbiotically thrive with its host without total convergence.  His results came back negative with anything but a warframe itself.  

When he became infected with his research in a fit of frustration, he tore out the computer system that held his information on the subject and threw it out into space.  Later the systems would be found by another great corpus scientist name Vectra Simia, a rival of Alad V and a prodigy in both robotics and biochemical studies.

The tenno would first be contacted by cured Alad V, who tells them that someone is looking for his lost work and that the tenno must find it before.... but his message would be intercepted by Dr. Simia, who would tell the tenno of the lost research and that Alad V was setting out to retrieve his lost data in order to do a coup De'tat of the corpus government, and to use lethal force against the grineer (which i bet most of you think would be a blessing more than a tragedy) by causing their genetic decay to increase at an alarming rate, committing the greatest genocide in the Sol system.  In order to procure the lost research, you must locate the computer system parts that have been separated and distributed across the sol system and bring it to her labs for reconstructure of the system and allow the processors to reboot.  Afterwards, she will send you random rewards for each part, and then she will say that some of the data is missing and you must go out of your way, since you are not affected by the infested, and harvest the spore sacs of the brood mothers and the boilers in order to help her make a counteractive stim for the phage that will be used on the grineer.  She will then ask you to donate some of your energy to a reactor so that she could stabilize the stim later on.  After you do so she will tell you thank you for your contributions and she will click a button on her console, and new robotics fused with the new infested strain will immobilize you.  These new robotics are extremely animalistic and looks like a combination of a wolf and a quadropad robot, called Lycans.  She will thank you for your services but you are no longer required.  you will then be dragged off into a cell and locked up as she plans the coup she stated alad V was going to do.  

A couple minutes in the cell, Alad V will contact you, mocking you for your stupidity and shun you for doubting him, saying he no longer has a need to chase after you, but it would'nt hurt him to still find out how you work, the fact being that you are nothing more than a doll controlled by a child.  He explains that Vectra is a power hungry woman out to show that her way will be the only way and that you must stop her before she uses the research you helped her find, for he still have yet to finish the total control of the infested strain.  If she finished the cration and released it, no one will be safe. After stopping her schemes, alad V gives you new research on the mutualist strain in which you can make a warframe of immense power.  here you would have to retrieve more spore sacs from brood mothers and boilers to bring back and to metasize into a benevolent strain via energy restores and some parts from a juggernaut.  this would be required to make a mutualist core.  Then you have to install this core into a frame of your choice:  mesa, oberon, excalibur, etc.  

Once installed, it will remove your syandana on that frame and you cannot equip a new one.  you will also have the regalia on the back removed.  once it is installed, you just do missions with the frame.  within the first stage, you have reduced energy, but an increase to melee damage.  stage two, the visible core on your fram's back would have grown for the starting point after about six missions, covering more of the warframe's spine and even becoming bigger.  More missions and it will hit to stage three, in which your shields are reduced, but your armor has increased.  keep going and more stages will occur, affecting your energy and shields negatively, but increasing your melee strength, health, and armor.  finally after all those missions, the core would have grown fully on the warframe's back.  the lights of the liset will go off, you will be your operator, and something will enter the operators room.  heavily, the mutualized frame would walk in by itself into the room, it would look like someone had placed a coat upon your warframe (little more girly but not quite with female frames, with an ancient halo on its back).  Parts of the original frame's helmet would have infested parts on it, particularly at the back of the neck.  strapson the front that look like the leaper arms would connect one side of the infestation to the other, and corpus wire belts would be attached to the sides, used as the control sync of the infestation.  the infested frame would bend a knee to the operator, not a word said, before it turned around and leave the room.  He accepted you:  the new Frame:  genome, the mutualist warframe.


Genome is a veryunique frame due to the fact it is a frame made from a frame.  Techniquely, though, he is just a coat, a coat attached to a frame it took over, being a true infested warframe.  he has high speed armor, and health, low shields, and normal energy levels.


Health:  230

armor: 375

shields:  120


speed: 1.3


Genome's abilities are:

Splice:  Genome grabs an enemy and absorbs them.  Upon doing so, depending on the enemy, he will obtain certain things:  corpus:  human;10sec resource and credit drop rate, 25 health, robot; 25 energy, 10sec of shock element. Grineer:  biological being; 25 health, 25 energy, 5sec mod drop rate, robotic; 25 energy, 10sec increase to armor.  Infested:  25 health, 25 energy, 10sec increase to power and melee damage.


degrading clone:  a harpoon-like protrusin like the ancient's grapple attaches to an enemy (three-four more when maxed) and forces the genetic code within Genome onto them, making them into clones of genome by force.  after it wears off, the clones detonate.


Predatory insight:  Genome's vision changes as he is able to track where beings have passed and see them through walls as his mind see their vitals, much like an infrared sight.  gains a slight camaflauge to his surroundings, making it easier for him to sneak attack, less effective in the light.


Evolution:  Genome loses his ability to use other powers and his weapons as he transforms into a juggernaught variant(male) or an ancient variant(female).  the Juggernaught has the abilities like that of the actual juggernaught, which also buff allies with power strength and melee damage, and the ancient is a more supportive role as it heals and increases ally armor rating.


Another thing that makes genome special is that he/she has multiple variants to the sytle of the infested part is, which the blueprints for these skins and auxilary parts will drop from random high-ranking infested.  i have  no true variant stuff for genome, but i do have some concept drawings and working on a basic 3d model with excalibur as my example male.  Tell me what do you think.


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I only have one issue it would impossible for a computer out in space just hanging out to be recover if it had no protection.1st the whole exit process would damage it beyond repair and 2nd  the fact that data is always stored in data vault for infested mission as well as for corpus mission.The fact is more likely even if he threw a computer out their would be no data in that computer because it would be just monitor not ever a full computer.


Because Data vaults exist it would make it impossible for this quest to happened since that is were corpus store their information

Alad V may get angry and throw out a monitor but that monitor will just be a monitor that displayed data while it was connected to the vault but once is gone it will display nothing.

I am sure you overlooked that detail.

For such thing to occur Alad would need to have throw out the Full data vault which as easily as they can be wiped in spy missions that thing would have cleared itself the moment it started being damaged.

Edited by Leavith
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I only have one issue it would impossible for a computer out in space just hanging out to be recover if it had no protection.1st the whole exit process would damage it beyond repair and 2nd  the fact that data is always stored in data vault for infested mission as well as for corpus mission.The fact is more likely even if he threw a computer out their would be no data in that computer because it would be just monitor not ever a full computer.


Because Data vaults exist it would make it impossible for this quest to happened since that is were corpus store their information

Alad V may get angry and throw out a monitor but that monitor will just be a monitor that displayed data while it was connected to the vault but once is gone it will display nothing.

I am sure you overlooked that detail.

For such thing to occur Alad would need to have throw out the Full data vault which as easily as they can be wiped in spy missions that thing would have cleared itself the moment it started being damaged.

ok good point.  but u do realize that alad V probably has complete access to his own data vaults (forgot about them, srry) which means if he felt like it, he could press a button and the room that the vault was in could be manually removed and dropped in space.  due to the fact it was done by him, the security system would not wipe it and due to the fact that it is of its security system, it will now have no protection protocals within to activate it.  either that or there is no energy going within to allow it to be on so it will shut down and any person who knows corpus tech can wire it back up to turn it on and voila, data.

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