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I'm Begging You De....


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its just an simple way to disable the Abusing all together, not like anyother frame hasen't been on the receiving end of said nerfs either.


Ah, yes, abusing. You are so right, every match I join has 3 Lokis abusing Decoy! This is so annoying! They place it... uh... under the stairs and in the crates! This is so unfair compared to nuking every wave with ubers! Please nerf warframes more, make game less fun and reduce the amount of tactical choices!

Edited by 3XT3RM1NATUS
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Ah, yes, abusing. You are so right, every match I join has 3 Lokis abusing Decoy! This is so annoying! They place it... uh... under the stairs and in the crates! This is so unfair compated to nuking every wave with ubers! Please nerf warframes more, make game less fun and reduce the amount of tactical choices!




Loki IS SO OH-PEEEEEEEEE, More OH PEEE than destroying wave after wave with BOOM uber


So Loki is so OH-PEEE right?




NERF and make Warframe a "better" game.


You tell me who benefits from a nerf.


All this is directed to Loki flamers. Give me an answer.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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All this is directed to Loki flamers. Give me an answer.

Those are not Loki flamers, those are elitists. A group of selfish hardcore games who shout on forums how good they are and demand everything to be nerfed because of made up BS like "no challenge", "game is to easy" or "it kills the variation/creates abuse".

Edited by 3XT3RM1NATUS
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Loki IS SO OH-PEEEEEEEEE, More OH PEEE than destroying wave after wave with BOOM uber


So Loki is so OH-PEEE right?




NERF and make Warframe a "better" game.


You tell me who benefits from a nerf.


All this is directed to Loki flamers. Give me an answer.


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I practically ROFLed at this. ._.

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                                                                              An memorial for the Loki 


                                                                          you where a fun frame for what you did

                                                         you where the ultimate in friend greifing and game breaking

                                                             you where the ultimate in aggro siphoning away from us

                                                                           and i say good bye my friend the loki




Edited by bowac
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I don't see how distracting enemies is apparently more powerful than killing them instantly. Even with Loki you still had to kill the enemies you aggro'd so there wasn't anything game breaking going on. While some could argue that the combination of Decoy and say Crush was overpowered the answer isn't to make enemies run past decoy it's to only give it a shorter radius (but not ridiculously short). Not make infested runners run right past it after sniffing it's backside. Essentially go from a giant spider net to a medium one.

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Loki is UP.

Even more than Rhino.

What's the meaning of being the fastest warframe if your enemies can pin-point you just as well as the jogging-and-laughing Frost?

Decoy can't do jackS#&$, even on early defense wave. Past wave 15, it takes about 2 seconds for them to destroy your Decoy.

Invisiblity require you to go up-and-close for the pain. AoE enemies still hit you. Your max hp/shield (unless modded, of course) is 225. 

Which mean you're #*($%%@ if some toxin/Shockwave MOA decides to stand near you.



Anyway, as the very least radical disarms is still a little useful for high tier enemies...

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when they realize the 1% of warframers who actually use loki stop using loki, you know we have a problem. Jus like now the chances of poeple using rhino is next to none its pretty sad to kill the warframes.When you bring these warframes back, hopefully we still have interest in your game! and havent found a new 1 where they dont nerf but beef other frames or weapons instead! i do use loki full time now i rather use a mag! #freeLoki

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Loki's Switch teleport has been nerfed to the ground. Radial Disarm is worthless as crap, and now you have made Decoy a complete piece of crap skill to use. Please don't touch invisibility... I don't know why you are running some warframes into the ground, but please stop. Please focus on making them stronger and not a piece of crap... I swore you said you were going to go back and make frames better... soft nerfing their abilities is NOT making them better.

Also an explaination of why you nerfed decoy would be nice.

PS: I speak for a lot of people when I say, we are tired of this S#&$ where hotfix nerfs are being done that aren't being stated in the patch/hotfix notes. It's really underhanded and is ruining the game for those that notice.


Radial disarm?

Its Loki's best skill by far. Followed right after by Invisibility.

Stop grinding infestation so hard and play on different factions levels.

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talk about blow back... I have yet to play a loki... and mine is 2 days from being crafted... 


Short answer from what I saw that has the community so upset, no patch notes on nerf bat, stealth value down, decoy no longer viable and switch teleport ... not sure. 


outsider looking in, from the devs stand point... would you folks mind actually discussing what went wrong with the nerf? I personally would like to know myself... and I mean more than loki sucks comments.... and QQ comments

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Let me explain. The problem with Decoy now, is that it appears bugged.

We can handle it not being the aggro magnet that it once was, that's fine.


But its utterly random now, you can put it in a position and it'll be effective. Then put another one in the same place and it'll be completely ignored.

It just seems to randomly have no effect. That's what annoys people.


There's too much RNG in this game as it is, without whether you survive an encounter being down to the RNG of your ability too.

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Radial disarm?

Its Loki's best skill by far. Followed right after by Invisibility.

Stop grinding infestation so hard and play on different factions levels.


Yeah, Radial Disarm with it's short range is really great for forcing enemies already in melee range to melee you. For the small cost of 100 energy.

While Invisibility loses it's charm when it costs you your stealth sentinel when you use it.

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Loki's Switch teleport has been nerfed to the ground. Radial Disarm is worthless as crap, and now you have made Decoy a complete piece of crap skill to use. Please don't touch invisibility... I don't know why you are running some warframes into the ground, but please stop. Please focus on making them stronger and not a piece of crap... I swore you said you were going to go back and make frames better... soft nerfing their abilities is NOT making them better.

Also an explaination of why you nerfed decoy would be nice.

PS: I speak for a lot of people when I say, we are tired of this S#&$ where hotfix nerfs are being done that aren't being stated in the patch/hotfix notes. It's really underhanded and is ruining the gme for those that notice.

Wow.... dude dont make the same mistake i did by deleting Loki just to get other frames.... and plus radialdisarm is amazing only un-creative people would say that.

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Radial disarm?

Its Loki's best skill by far. Followed right after by Invisibility.

Stop grinding infestation so hard and play on different factions levels.

Radial disarm is (well, was) not the best skill in his arsenal against any faction. It was the fact that when I started taking to much damage I could drop a decoy and run away. Now if I try to run away I'll probably take major health damage because of the infinitely spawning enemies. Decoy wasn't some super enemy magnet except at low levels. Against high level Grineer or Corpus it gave you about three seconds to run before it got destroyed, but those three seconds could save your life. It could also be used to save your sentinel but it wont do that either.


Radial disarm is only really good for T3 void missions and the like where you'll see a couple of enemies with Gorgons at really high levels. Trying to get enemies all clustered up into a small enough circle to disarm them practically required invisibility to use w/o being shredded. Instead of using 150 energy (a quite solid chunk of the pool) all you have to do is use a skana/fragor w/ frost damage and a jump attack (50 energy for the invisibility). They have practically the same radius at this point.

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Guess this is just like one of those "oh yeah, we changed twin viper sound but didn't tell you"


Sure, DE are cool with all the hotfixes and the whole content update in U8, but this is just making them look bad. Whatever happened to listening to the community?

Ah right, you can't listen to it if you do everything without their knowledge.

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All of the naysayers and whining about whiners... Are you Loki players? I finished my Loki a couple of weeks ago. Got to use decoy properly for about a week, only to see infested just run by it. I couldn't believe it for myself, until a regular Loki player showed me. Wait so DE should make Frost's impenetrable snow globe penetrable? How about slash dash with no slash and just stunning enemies? Loki already doesn't have offensive capabilities, so if you take away these "manipulative" skills (of which are clear in the description) what's left? A fast frame that goes invisible? It sounds a bit neutered no?

Just because it's not your frame doesn't mean you shouldn't care. Get stuck in a PUG with 3 other Lokis that are nerfed? Remember this is a co-op game. All frames are meant to work in synergy. Unless there's one frame that ends all frames, then really there's no reason to render a skill that ineffective. 90% ignoring the decoy? This is not 25% of enemies ignoring it.

I hope it's just a bug.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

I was about to post what this man posted.


Sigh, guess I'll have to construct an Ash warframe now.

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I used to like this combo when I'm surrounded by Grineer: invis, RD them, decoy, and then repeated ground attacks with Fragor/Reaper to keep them on the ground until they're all gone. I hope decoy is at least able to draw their attention for this. I'm not exactly sure how enemies determine if they can damage it or not to decide if they should be distracted.

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