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Does Anyone Actually Like Warframe Specific Mods Dropping?


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Considering you get all of them whenever you make a frame, it really makes no sense why any of them drop at all. But Ive never bought a pack with plat... and now knowing that I probably never will.

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I know some people in the past had accidentally fused their only copies of power mods away, and having power mods drop was the only non-support-ticket way for them to get them back.


I mainly use them as fusion fodder to level up my frames' powers. If not for the same power, then for other powers or for other frames, with the polarity bonus and such.


Even crit weapon mods, which I never use, usually are V polarity, which makes them almost useful for improving damage and multishot mods.

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Wouldn't be worth it even then Toom, Id rather be forced to remake my frame than have all those mods taking up our loot tables. If anything they should make ability mods VERY specific missions only. In fact that'd help out the aquisition of tons of rare mods. Id rather places have a personality, some individuality. For instance, a chance to get split chamber mods in specific missions, or as certain rewards in a specific planet etc.


Using a more refined RNG system like that, if you want to get certain mods for your frame you might have a better chance at getting them from the same level you kill the boss in. Not a specific enemy [like the boss] having a chance to drop them, but the level in particular. So you want Frost, well you can farm for his blueprints AND abilities at Exta on Ceres. Stuff for Ember? Go to Tethys on Saturn.


Very simple, very straight forward, very organized. But of course we can't have anything like that right? *shakes head*

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I wish you could just buy mods in the store, having them priced depending on their rarity/usefulness. That way it'd be less RNG and more "grind for credits/materials". It feels pretty meh having these mods with set stats be random drops. Then add in Diablo-like stat modifiers in the form of drops.


So the mods we have now would become linear stat upgrades whilst you could still kill stuff hoping for something with cool stats; they could be some advanced form of mods with a different name or whatever. I thought Update 8 was decent but one thing the game needs to bring back is the pre-Update 8 random stats thing. More fun.

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