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Aim Glide To Ground Slide -- Maybe We Should Hold That Pose!


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This has been knocking around my head ever since Parkour 2.0 went into effect --- whenever players go into an aimglide, we get these really nice poses about aiming and firing weapons in mid-air, but once contact is made with the ground, it's interrupted so you can regain your footing and stand up again.  Could we get at least an option to make it so that aiming is incorporated into sliding, then simply slide in that dramatic pose?


I know that's probably starting to hover a bit closer to John Woo or Max Payne stylings, but incorporating aiming during a jump so that it's automatically assuming a slide function as long as you're holding down the aim button would give players that ability to jump, aim, dive, and fire while sliding in a set direction as long as they continue to aim, permitting mobile players to be smaller targets while shelling out lead in a cool fashion.


There could, of course, be a minor penalty for being in such a position: at the end of the motion, whether the tenno's stopped sliding or not, releasing the trigger could default the player upon being considered prone on their face or back and require the kip up animation to regain their footing.

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So you want a belly slide?

Switching poses never bothered me none because I like it if I can break animations for more nuanced control so as long as the "belly slide" doesn't make things slower I'd be game for it.

OP is talking more about the aiming in aim-glide being interrupted once our Warframes hit the ground, and that the pause dampens the flow of movement and combat provided by aimglide. 


Cool suggestion by the way, it's pretty bothersome to have to an enemy in sight, hit the ground, and then go through the animation to stand back up. 

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I'm having a little trouble finding exactly a clip I'm looking for that demonstrates the maneuver to which I'm referring, but I know it plays into the stylistic mark that John Woo's left on action movie coreography.  Sliding down stairs, railings, along the floor either by the recoil of the guns or through the inertia carried forth with some over-the-top frictionless clothing, the protagonist dives from cover and fires wildly, sliding along the ground as they move from cover to cover or come to a rest while continuing to fire at their enemies while prone.


Mostly it has to do with the fact that players can already do this by jumping and then holding both aim and crouch so that they land in a sliding posture.  It's just a matter of style that I wish that you could simply hold the aim button and then, say, land on your side and continue to slide in a more dramatic profile.

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