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Most/least Satisfying Weapons


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Main: Braton - good all round gun, will buy and lvl this again as I sold it before :/ Me and Snipetron have had some splendid moments with those 10k damage headshots on Corpus in the past, Gorgon pre nerf was AWESOME! chainsaw sniper <3 Boar also has my love, I whish it had the sound from that auto shotgun in The Expendables but hey...still fantastic close range.

Secondary: Acrid (the damage), Lex (micro sniper rifle)

Melee: Gram - fast multihit high charge damage. Kestrel - EXELENT utility weapon! Throw this at what ever enemy and you'll have time to reload and possibly annihilate your foe still derping on the floor. Also dual ethers for damage + air travel speed. (Pangolin Sword and Dark Sword was OK)



Ogris - KABOOM *oh happy days!*...playing 45 mins of defense my finger is @(*()&#036; killing me from that damn charge.

Dera - Volt with speed makes it awesome as you get close very fast on speedruns and bullet travel time isn't such an issue. Also the energy shield buff is nice. Ash and Loki can come too ;P Any other frame - bullet travel time ruins it for me.



Main: Vulkar - IT IS A FISHINGPOLE! Nothing you say can change this. Burston - aka playing on hard mode - this gun could be so sweet but it's not :( it just gets my finger tired from clicking to much.
Secondary: Sicarus & Kraken - useless, terrible aim (the recoil). Furis - leveling this to 30 was a pain!

Melee: Ankyros - oh God the horror. Having these equipped officially turns you into a retard at light speed.The collision with frame, weapon and the general use was just terrible.

Possible dislike: Supra - the ultra terrible accuracy has me worried, the gun is just lvl 3 though so it might grow on me.


Worst so far: Though I haven't tried all of the weapons (but most of them, mastry rank 10+) the Ether Daggers I am currently trying to get to lvl 30 is the most annoying weapon in the game. Trying to hit a loot container makes you step up on it and start to dance, often derping out an extra set of swings just because it felt like it (loops animation?). It's damage isn't good enough and why no ignore armor? Also - D-polarity? for WHAT! Ice? Stun?

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you poor poor man. now off with you! go cutt your neighbours grass, return a few soda bottles and play that old jar in the streets! soon you shall have 5 dollars and you can buy that fancy potatoe


i have 6 of them and 8 reactors just saying.

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Some of my most satisfying weapons:

-Latron: Looks sexy, super efficient, deadly, sounds amazing. Perfect. Would love to try out the Prime version someday

-Strun: Because there's something so amazing about running up to someone and blasting this in their face

-Furax: Because there are few things more badass than punching an Ancient in the nuts for several hundred damage

-Orthos: For when I'm in a "kill everything within a meter" kind of mood

-Paris: Because taking down two or three baddies lined up in a row is just soooo amazing

Some of my least satisfying weapons:

-Braton: It's like "oh look, I'll just point at that guy, hold down the trigger and he's dead!" at any range. Lame

-Kunai: Same as above

-Most dual swords: Very efficient, and that's the problem. No fun to use

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Latron: Nice, easy to use, packs a hell of a punch. Nice sound effect, too.

Gorgon: Spin up is awesome, and the hail of bullets is nice to look at. Looks cool itself, fun to colorize.

Kraken: Same concept as the Gorgon, awesome sound effect. Sadly, a bit lacking in combat from what I've seen.

Lato Vandal: Aces almost every stat. Nice to pick off heads with a pistol.

Dark Sword: Speeding around with Volt OHKOing everything in your path is amazing. Favorite weapon.

Orthos: Cool animation, generally looks nice and feels good to swing.




Paris: Cool in concept, but in practice, I only used it between 30ing other primaries.

Furis: Bleh. Feels bad in general. Very 'soft' weapon.

Pangolin sword: Looks pretty nifty, but completely lacks any worthwhile stats. It's basically a worse cronus.

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Dread the most...I love shooting an enemy and seeing their body fall to pieces...

Gotta agree with this. It's not the most practical weapon, but after I made my Dread and fired my first shot with it ever...and watched it tear a Grineer torso from its legs and pin it to a wall 10 feet behind him, as his legs fell to the ground...I was in love.



Least satisfying weapon is definitely the Reaper Prime...it looks nice as hell, but after you try out a Hate or a Fragor or really any other heavy weapon except the Amphis...it just puts RP to shame. wtb buff for RP.

Edited by Mhak
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Most satisfying: Fragor+Strun+Lex+Loki that high-speed troll-train. Lex is most fun when used in extreme cqc, practically shoving it on the faces of the enemies and popping them heads <3


Honorable mentions: Amphis, Burston, Dual Vipers, Glaive (after you learn how to bounce it properly to kill of loads of enemies with one throw)


Least satisfying: Furis, Lato, Heat Swords/Sword, Skana

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Most satisfying:



Latron - Forma'd twice and Cata'd, this thing is a monster

Snipetron - No addons and this sniper does the job pretty well

Grakata - Forma'd once and Cata'd, does insane burst damage, the sound is amazing, and so is fire rate

Hek - Forma'd twice and Cata'd, insta kills everything, two shots anything under level 80

Gorgon - Yet to Forma, Cata'd, makes you feel like Rambo



Lex - Handcannon of BOOM

Despair - fits the bill on stealthy and deadly



Reaper - So fun to swing around, kills everything with charge attacks

Gram - ^, but having the light be a bright white emphasizes abilities like Radial Blind, plus it looks like a giant lightsaber

Ankyros / Furax - nothing feels better than smashing E like you're trying to play "test your might" on Mortal Kombat while playing Rhino.

                                 PUNCH ALL THE THINGS!


"Feels Bad, Man" tier:



Grakata (without good mods and under level 30) - one of the most annoying guns I've ever had to level up. When you get to the top, stay there.

Vulkar - I don't know what it is about this gun, but it feels like you have more to fear from its bark more than its bite.



Viper - This thing is just weak except for fire rate, but you might need to empty those 3 whole clips to kill that level 1 Grineer.

Sicarus - For a burst fire, it jumps a little too much, and the damage is really lackluster, even with mods (also fires really slow)



Bo staff - Even Cata'd, weak charge, weak normal, finishing move looks like garbage, no redeeming qualities unless you're a Bo Staff connoisseur

                       (which I am, which makes this more depressing)

Mire - Looks cool, that's about it.


My two cents.

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Most satisfying?

Boltor: The Armor ignore, that awesome sound, pinning enemies onto the walls.

Hek: Nerfed? Whatever, it is still strong as Hek.

Ogris: BOOM!

Grakata: The sound is amazing. Arguably one of the most fun weapons to use, wrestling recoil and that fire rate.

Lex: I just love this hand cannon.

Least Satisfying?

Ignis: Doesn't feel like a flamethrower.

Burston: Wrestling its recoil is fun, but well it's ..... meh.

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Primary: Braton (Vandal, it's shiny I like shiny), Boltor to an extent (It's pretty! But travel time makes me pull my hair out though... so slow for what I see as a railgun-like weapon).

Secondary: Kunai (finally something that is NOT a pistol!), surprisingly Dual Vipers (though they need some love in the magazine department), Lex (Hand cannon! Though WHY is it not a revolver? Can't explain the default firerate on a semiauto, just can't. Drives me insane.)

Melee: Orthos (I feel like a ninja badass!), Glaive (compact/hardly noticeable, and hard-hitting with the charge), Machete (looks awesome!).



Primary: Gorgon (I despise wind-up times on anything other than a minigun that *looks* like a minigun), Burston (though I've not touched it since Closed Beta, the accuracy was HORRIBLE).

Secondary: Kraken (Flashlight made it ugly, and the accuracy on the second shot just turned me off it), Sicarus (like others, the accuracy).

Melee: Ether Sword (One enemy only? Really? Calling BS on that...), Machete (buggy hitbox, reskined and slower-swinging Skana, no polarities...).

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woah, I'm gone for a couple weeks and this takes off... sweet... well, I've done some more weapons and here's how they rank up:


Latron: still my favorite, I'm saving my forma for the Prime version (one part and a BP away) but I still love the boom it makes. 


Orthos: My favorite melee weapon so far, the animations, as mentioned earlier, are pretty and smooth. Cutting down hoards of infested with this is very satisfying.


dual Vipers: I heard they are good but.. so far I haven't really enjoyed them much. Ya they empty 30 some odd rounds down range in the space of one click, but they don't feel like they are having any effect. 


Dual Ether: I like the damage they do but... the animations just don't match the Orthos. 


Boar: Ok, I love the feeling I get when emptying this into a hoard of whatever, but... it burns through ammo like nobody's business and as I have yet to find a multi-shot mod for a shotgun...

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Shooting the hek is just therapy. Watching enemies skid across the floor after the loud bang that comes with the Hek is just awesome. It just feels good. Works like a shotgun should.

I also really enjoy the Braton. The weapon no matter how you fire it feels reliable (full auto or manual burst), you know you going to hit your target regardless of range and you know its going to deal consistent damage.

A far as melee weapons go the amphis is the winner for me, it has weight behind it, it looks cool, and it just has a unique feel and effect. Given its not consider the best weapon the world but the way it glows when reflects pretty nicely on darker armor colors.

My least favorite weapons.... the furis, the lato and their ak variants. I just don't like them, they sound like toys and overall just don't feel that great to me. As far as the melee go my least favorite would have to be the dual ether. They are great for stun locks but considering how incredibly slow they are baseline and the fact that only hit on target. they are just meh, boring, cant wait till I get them to full affinity so I can ditch them.

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Any shotgun when properly modded can outgun any other type of weapon, for its high damage and reliability, good as both an offensive and supportive weapon. For ex, a lvl 10 Strun modded with highly fusiomed Flachette can kill any lvl 20-40 npc with 1 shot, and a couple of magazines to take down bosses of any kind. The Latron and Paris is way too underrated, they lack too much damage for a marksman's weapon. The dual heat swords is also cappable of taking down any ancient with 1 slice, so i dont understand why people feel it disappointing, it just needs time to practice. Worst melee weapon should be Heat dagger, its completely incapable of 1-hit-kill even when fully modded.

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Mire tehehee~

Jumpsmash + Ice + Fury = poison and ice for everyoneeeeeeee~ (someone asked if I was trying to be mario .-.)


Glaive pwnage

Instagibs mining machines by bouncing underneath; Throw behind me > slashdash forwards :p; add lowest staggering force for a faux kestrel

Very satisfying to crit an enemy and thus instagib it.


The sound a 10% increased-speed Gorgon makes is beautiful (and feels like it has a good windup speed). Lex just confuddled me for a while until I got used to slower shooting speeds (my first new weapon), then it was delightful to ohko enemies.


Least satisfying would have to be the starter weapons because they are decent, but nothing particularly special.

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Shooting the hek is just therapy. Watching enemies skid across the floor after the loud bang that comes with the Hek is just awesome. It just feels good. Works like a shotgun should.

Nothing better than blowing your enemies to bits with a faceful of multi-element space buckshot. Would be nice if there was a more rugged skin for the Hek though, as long as it has the look of a choked, long-barreled shotgun.

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Boltor: Dat *CHUNK* *CHUNK* *CRACK* with the reload is just epic.

Vipers: I know it's "pewpewpew" but it's a LOT of  "pewpewpew".

Paris: Just the *THUNK* of releasing the arrow would be enough, but then you got the *KRUSPLAT* when it boars through the skulls of my enemies. 

Orthos: All those spins are so space ninja.


Least Favorite:


Lato: It just sounds too "airy" if you catch my drift.

Duel Ether: Too much *SWIPE* not enough *SLICE*

MK1 Braton: Yeah it sounds good but it's just slow enough on the RoF that it kinda feels wrong for some reason.

Edited by -Synapse-
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Burston is a god awful weapon in my opinion. I loved the hek!

I actually leveled one and modded it a bit. I found long pauses between the burst to be annoying. That being said it swear up and down the burst had less kick and a tighter spread with the rapid fir mod. It felt really lacking on boss fights, but against any standard grineer it was a easy accurate solution at close to medium range. Its a gun you should learn to not shoot zoomed, kick is less obscuring that way.

I think it has potential but... Everything it does, the latron and latron prime do better, and they are usable at any range. Thematically it doesn't make since for a burst weapon to have so much recoil, the purpose of burst is to control recoil, not create it. I think a few options would be lower its recoil, up its damage.

@ The OT, I had to add the fact that I used to really enjoy the snipertron. I lost it when I reset and almost hate the fact that I did reset just because of it. It felt like a sniper should, maybe the new one does to. I haven't tried it yet because a lot of the assault rifles seem to outpace the snipers. It was particularly fun however on defense maps with extremely tall rock faces that look down on the pod. It truly shined when I had a birds eye view of almost all enemy spawn points and could take entire waves before they made it down to the pod itself.

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I enjoy them all. Really-really all.


But if I'd name the least enjoyable -- it would be poor Burston. It shares too much of the same mechanics with two Bratons, while being less powerful (technically it's +1 dmg over Braton, but practically you'd fire slower) and just plainly bad in laggy games.

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