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U.s. East Tactical


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Are you desperately longing to explore the multiplayer of this game as a coordinated effort? Are you tired of joining random groups with high lag and no plan? Do you want to work as a team to achieve higher performance than you could on your own?


If you’re like me you’re starving for these things too. Random groups are entertaining but after a while you want a real team effort. A group you get to know and can talk about how awesome (or terribly) that last run went. You want to formulate a battle plan and then execute and see its glory (or make adjustments).


If you feel this way, then let’s post here and add each other. This is not a clan affiliation. There are no obligations other than a willingness to work as a team and coordinate when playing together. Decent connection is preferred. Having a mic is not necessary but it adds so much to teamwork and enjoyment with friends that I highly recommend it.


Let those of us who want more than just pick up groups post here and start getting together. And feel free to add me right away. 

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While I'm not planing on joining this Coalition at this point, I am very amazed at this idea. This would be more convenient if we had a sort of invite to private chat system going on. That way y'all could organize in that chat after being added into it. 


I may jump into this at some point, but for now my clan and friends suit my needs for my Warframe Gaming needs.


Edit: Perhaps some sort of vent, teamspeak,raidcall, or skype chat may be in order in order to increase cohesion with everyone already affiliated with this Coalition?

Edited by Haldark
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Sorry I have been away. Had to take care of some things. Now I would like to get this going in earnest. I suspect there is a high demand for coordinated action so there are likely many players who would like to get involved. Communication is clearly the biggest problem; the in game function is not very good. I am not too savvy with setting up communication so I welcome anyone who is to come up with an effective method.

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I thought I would take a moment to post a suggested battle plan to demonstrate the power of pre planning. Hopefully I will gather people today to execute this plan and then each member can post their feelings about how it went, what can improve it, and how much more effective it was than pick up groups. Note I have all the frames mentioned below so when playing with me I can fill whatever gap we have.  My next post will be a breakdown of a simple plan that should easily carry any team which follows it to wave 40, perhaps substantially further. This plan is a tad boring but highly effective and requires little skill or gear. Later I will post a Nyx based build that should have the potential to go much farther but will also require more skill and team work to ensure no premature pod loss. 

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Mission: Eris/Xini


Objective: Complete at least 10 waves per player


Op Order: Members must be added in the order listed below. Each member must stick to their tasks list to maximize efficiency. Members will rely on teammates to handle their roles, and each agent is responsible for maintaining their prime directive at all times.  The objective takes priority over personal glory, it is not a contest of who did best, the team wins or it fails as a whole. Op order does not begin until wave 10, prior to this wave rapid clearing is priority. After wave 10 all members will stay within 25 meters of the pod (recommended staying inside the bastille).  All members will equip Energy Syphon artifact. The combination of Vuban preventing all harm to the pod and Trinity preventing Vuban from ever running out of energy ensures no failure. All additional members are to improve the speed of wave clearance. Specific instructions are outlined in each agent brief below. The key to this operation is having huge sums of energy to expend facilitating complete safety and rapid clearance with minimal possibility of failure.


 Members should opt to leave the energy vampired target (blue glow) alive after milking their energy from it to allow other members to do the same (Shoot it several times, but don’t unload on it). Members should strive to leave energy orbs on the ground as a reserve in favor of retrieving energy from Trinity instead (though members 3 and 4 may opt to use them as needed for more rapid clearance.)  All members should equip gear which maintains efficiency vs. high level targets (armor ignore, poison etc.)


Load out List


Member 1

Frame: Vuban

Mods: Bastille (max rank), Continuity, Streamline, Flow, Vitality (note stretch is not needed expanding the radius is not desired as it makes AoE attacks less effective)

Task list/ Role: Rear Guard

Prime: Bastille is to be maintained centered on pod at all times after wave 10.

Secondary: Direct fire at Ancients Boots. Engage trash after clearing ancients.



Frame: Trinity

Mods: Energy Vampire (Rank 1 for faster recast), Well of life, Link (max), Streamline, Flow, Focus, Contiguity, Vitality (note her global heal is not very helpful and is not recommended)

Task list/ Role: Energy supply and Medic

Prime: Energy vampire should be running on an ancient caught in the bastille at all times after wave 10. Trinity is additionally responsible for recovering fallen comrades by casting link and then running to their aid.

Secondary: With abundant energy also maintain a well of life ancient for members to recover health, then direct fire on ancient’s boots. Lastly clearing trash mobs.


Members 3+4

Frame: Sayrn

Mods: Miasma (max), Streamline, Focus, Continuity, Flow, Stretch, Vitality

Task List/ Role: Rapid Trash clearance (route clearance for more victims clogged at bastille)

Prime: Utilize Miasma whenever 10 targets or more are within range (ancients count as 2 targets each)

Secondary: Add additional support to whichever lane is more heavily clogged. 

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Mission: Eris/Xini


Objective: Complete at least 10 waves per player



Frame: Trinity

Mods: Energy Vampire (Rank 1 for faster recast), Well of life, Link (max), Streamline, Flow, Focus, Contiguity, Vitality (note her global heal is not very helpful and is not recommended)

Task list/ Role: Energy supply and Medic

Prime: Energy vampire should be running on an ancient caught in the bastille at all times after wave 10. Trinity is additionally responsible for recovering fallen comrades by casting link and then running to their aid.

Secondary: With abundant energy also maintain a well of life ancient for members to recover health, then direct fire on ancient’s boots. Lastly clearing trash mobs.





Try maxxed continuity with max rank blessing for team invulnerability that goes on and on :) makes whole team immune to knockdowns, power drains, and damage in general for a period after its cast - far from useless sir. Run in tandem with energy vamp during energetic enemy waves you can pretty much keep it up forever.....

Edited by greymalken
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