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My Impressions Of New Mods



Ok, haven't had nearly enough time to test or max all new mods, however here is what are my first impressions of them would be. Bear in mind that our productive community will certainly find niche and exploitive uses for mods that don't even seem so good, for sure :)


ANGST, fire rate while aiming, on reload.

Meh, idk. They are somewhat more powerful then standalone mods, same cost. (rifle 60 vs 75%, pistol 90 vs 72%) and there are few weapons that are reloaded very fast, like hikou, still standard mods work without and perquisites or need to aim. 


They should be noticable better then common mods to be worthy of taking imo. They are not. 


MANIA, status chance while aiming on cast.

Bonus varies from 60-90%, and cost is 9. in meantime we have amazing dual damage/status mods with 60/60 damage status and cost of 7. Those dual mods invalidated many other mods that preceded them, including ones that followed like this one. 


If warframe was more interesting game then is, maybe I could fathom some interesting build that combines weapon and powers. Albeit there are frames that use powers often and sometimes stunning then shooting can be viable ..this is, again, meh.


TORMENT critical chance while aiming, on headshot.

First and foremost headhots are lot harder to pull in WF then ppl tend to believe. While I was paying attention, on draco, my headshot percentage was probably lower then 30%. And I'm not such a bad shooter. Ofc some ppl can be much better but I assure you - those that can do worse are much more common. Still, timeframe window is big enough to allow successful usage of this mod, imo. For a certain weapon types that already rely on headshots and require that tactics (like sybaris, soma, lex ....) this actually might be pretty good mod. Further testing is needed but this seems fine.


VIOLENCE critical damage while aiming, upon kill. 

This is like another vital sense, but doesn't work on first shot and requires aiming. For crit damage weapons, again, possibly best DPS mod in slot after vital sense. Especially useful if combined with torment mods, this could push headshot weapons really to top tier, but also good on non headshot weapons, like tonkor. Very good mod group. 


MALICE accuracy on hit

Imo accuracy is not all that important in WF, otherwise that heavy caliber wouldn't be so popular ^^ - Yet there are few bizarre inaccurate weapons but they are bad with or without this mod so .... idk, this seems quite bad tbh but we shall see.


And of course, true star of this event are melee mods - blood rush and body count, which are quite amazing. Pretty much triple damage and triple crit chance throughout the mission. Drop fury, include berseker, war and tempo royale and mash on. Bringing you endgame melee viability just like you required! Chroma will love those for sure. 10/10.


Maiming strike, if not for upper two ^^^ this mod would look much better. Still, if you're not dedicated melee frame but use big weapons on quick melee and love to slide/kill, this mod seems not all that bad, but you need again crit weapon, I think? Further testing needed but sliding was always good way to use melee weapon, so crit on slide, why not.


EDIT - supposedly this gives flat +90% crit to slide attacks, I must confirm this but if true this mod is totally amazing. 


Weeping wounds. On some weapons - possibly, maybe? I say this is pretty good, there are few of nice endgame viable status weapons. Again, good melee mod. 

Edited by ThorienKELL
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A better thought experiment is how effective would these new mods would be if Multi-shot and generic +damage was removed (serration, hornet strike, point blank, and pressure point) as there is some talk of DE increasing base damage, and removing +damage and multi-shot mods

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I'm slightly concerned how DE will pull this off, you know DE, we love them but they have bad record of actually play testing (and thinking over) stuff before releasing. I can foresee myriad of problems there tbh. 


But new mods do in fact underline the problem of lack of places to put new stuff in. 


Personally I like the idea of weapons be equally effective and we have more mod space, however I'm still slightly concerned. Some of popular weapons might be affected negatively while some other weapons could prove to be better ... who knows. 


But for now this mods buff and affect crit damage weapons mostly. If that is indeed their plan, there is a chance that crit weapons would be too good  comparing to non crit ones. We'll see.

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