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[Pet Systems] Genetic Pet Training (Kubrow Specific For Now)


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Genetic Pet Training

Train your Hatchlings!


This introduces a system that does similar to what the ability re-work did to Warframes.

This system adds a new Rank-styled resource called Discipline, turns breed-specific mods into general "Tricks", makes them available to all Kubrow (Kubrow for now, as I do not know how the other Genetic pets will be handled yet).

This is meant to give more meaning to committing to your Kubrow. There are bits of this that power them up, but require you to actually use them to do so.

In this system you lose 2 mod slots, but gain a new way to use skills.



Discipline is a resource that your pets earn by performing actions.

  • Performing Tricks
  • Getting kills
  • Surviving the mission

The training your pet can undergo is determined by how disciplined it is.

More disciplined pets can learn and equip more skills.

Discipline can be earned at any pet rank but max ranked pets earn much more.

Interacting with pets in the orbiter grants a buff (Lets say for 2 hours) that increases Discipline gain and Trick learning rate. This buff consumes an "interaction per day" even if the pet is at full loyalty. If there are no Interactions per day left then the buff will not apply. Both loyalty gain AND the buff happen at the same time, only consuming 1 interaction.


Discipline has ranks much like the Syndicates. Each rank allows another Trick to be learned (Max ranks = number of total tricks + 3). Milestone ranks allow the addition of another Trick into the loadout (Starting with 2 and ending with 5).



Tricks are what the mod cards were before. These are no longer breed specific only but certain breeds can get better at certain tricks, I call them Favored tricks.

Tricks that are not Favored can only gain a portion of the trick's full potential.

Think of it as a Favored trick can go to Rank 5 while an un-favored trick can only get to Rank 2

Neutral tricks are equally beneficial to all breeds.

Training tricks initially can take time, this can be sped up by taking them into combat and getting the buff by interacting with them in the orbiter.


Tricks are taught by the Tenno and are learned when hatching the Proper Kubrow (the two original mods per kubrow) Neutral tricks are learned randomly when taking your Kubrow into the wild and encountering other Kubrow. Pops up like when abilities are shown on level up.


Hunt (Formerly both Ferocity & Savagery)

Ferocity and Savagery were the same skill, this combines them and names them as an action.

Favored by: Sunika & Sahasa

Effect: Allows finishers on enemies.

Bonus per Rank: Added finisher damage and opens more finishers on more enemies

Tweaks: Adding the idea for finishers for all models. Letting higher ranked Hunt affect more and larger enemies. (Including Ospreys and Rollers at low ranks) Also allows the Kubrow to perform stealth finishers.

UnfavoredOnly gains a portion of the enemy targets to use this on (Smaller targets) for a fraction of the damage.


Lunge (Formerly Hunt)

Changed the name to fit an action more suiting the action

Favored by: Sunika & Huras

Effect: Allows Lunging attacks.

Bonus per Rank: Longer lunge range, more damage, added effects on higher Ranks.

Tweaks: Lunge will Ragdoll targets in the primary line, knockdown targets just out of the primary line, and stagger enemies beyond that (To a reasonable degree)

Unfavored: Only gains a portion of the damage and range. Primary line does knockdown, no stagger or ragdoll elsewhere.



Slight tweaks

Favored by: Raksa & Chesa

Effect: Fears nearby enemies

Bonus per Rank: More targets, larger radius, longer duration, more slow%

Tweaks: Have the aura on enemies affected match Kubrow's energy color.

Unfavored: Instead of a radial effect it is an outward cone towards a target enemy cluster, does a portion of the effects.


Subdue (Previously Unleashed)

Renamed to match action.

Favored by: Sunika & Huras

Effect: Able to hinder, impair, grapple, and subdue VIP targets and bosses.

Bonus per Rank: Longer incapacitating effects and grapples, as well as more gimmicks on bosses and higher priority targets.

Tweaks: Subdue gains the ability to perform unique debuffs to bosses. Like triggering a phase (where you can then damage them) as well as debuffing or distracting certain high priority targets.

Unfavored: Short duration on effects and grapples, as well as minor debuffs on bosses.



Similar effects, small buff.

Favored by: Raksa & Chesa

Effect: Makes an enemy permanently drop its weapon and/or applies a damage reduction debuff.

Bonus per Rank: Can perform this more often and the damage debuff lasts longer/is stronger.

Tweaks: Added debuff to have an effect on melee targets and most Infested.

Unfavored: Has a longer cooldown, is not permanent, and the debuff is weaker/shorter.



No real changes here.

Favored by: Raksa

Effect: Replenishes its master's shields

Bonus per Rank: More shields replenished per cast.

Tweaks: Basically none.

Unfavored: Occurs less often and replenishes less shields per cast.



No real changes here either.

Favored by: Huras

Effect: Cloaks the Kubrow and its master.

Bonus per Rank: Larger range of activation and shorter cooldown.

Tweaks: None

Unfavored: Shorter radius of activation and longer cooldown.



No change to this too.

Favored by: Sahasa

Effect: Allows the kubrow to sniff out and dig up buried loot.

Bonus per Rank: Added chance of loot

Tweaks: none

Unfavored: Lesser chance of loot.


Retrieve (New)

Made the essential function of this mod different and added it's old function to a different Neutral trick.

This was made to be more of an objective based trick. Also helpful for having a pet gather player-marked mods.

Favored by: Sahasa & Chesa

Effect: Allows the Kubrow to retrieve Marked items and carry objectives.

Marked items can be by player (Mods, resources, and Syndicate Tokens) or by the system (Life Support drops and Datamass)

Can carry datamass, Sabotage void keys, and Excavation power cores. Datamasses are still marked on the pet (With a new symbol)

Items can be grabbed off of pet with a context action.

The range on this is limitless

Bonus per Rank: Adds functionality to the skill per rank, starting with grabbing mods and ending with carrying Datamass.

Unfavored: Only grabs marked mods, resources, and Life Support.


Bonus: A tweak thought to go with this is allowing the Kubrow their own "Shortcuts" where they use hidden vents and secrets in the tilesets to "travel" (Disappearing behind the secret and teleporting behind the secret in the tile of its destination then traveling out.) This can be used to have them travel long distances (Having them respawn behind those secrets when falling off the map or falling behind the player)


Gather (Previously Retrieve)

Readjusted and renamed Retrieve to be more fair to all breeds. (Besides, all dogs can fetch)

Neutral Trick

Effect: Allows Kubrow to sniff out loot from crates and dropped by enemies, gathers them for its master.

Bonus per Rank: More range of activation and bigger vacuum effect when returning.

Tweaks: The Kubrow will have a small vacuum effect when returning after gathering an item, pulling in items on the way. Targets necessary items and resources for activation.



Small tweaks

Neutral Trick

Effect: Kubrow unlocks locked lockers and increases the chance for loot inside.

Bonus per Rank: Increased chance of opening lockers and chance for extra loot.

Tweak: Added chance for more loot. Shortens the animation and the Kubrow opens the locker automatically. (Instead of just unlocking it)



Summary of a Breed's new Favored Tricks.



Lunge, Stalk, Subdue



Howl, Protect, Neutralize



Dig, Hunt, Retrieve



Hunt, Subdue, Lunge



Neutralize, Retrieve, Howl

Training Screen & Assigning Tricks
There is a new screen that can be accessed in the incubator (Unless interacting with currently active pets ever changes) that would look something like this.


This is where you start to train new tricks and select the loadout on which tricks are to take priority (Top to bottom)
Only one trick can be trained at a time, but once trained they rank up on their own by the pet using them.
The ranks will go by number of uses(?)
The top 5 tricks are the ones they'll use in combat (At most which is near max discipline)
Symbols and Things to signify what is a favored mod or not. I'll mess with the picture representation more when I have more time to do so.

I apologize if this is a little all over the place, trying to get it done and work on other things as well.
I hope you enjoy my concept!
As always thank you for taking the time to check this out and thank DE for all their hard work!
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