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Game Is Not In Beta


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A fanboy, a troll, -and- passive aggressive. My my. You seem to be putting words in my mouth, and making yourself look foolish and immature in the process. I commend you, I don't even need to defend myself.

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A fanboy, a troll, -and- passive aggressive. My my. You seem to be putting words in my mouth, and making yourself look foolish and immature in the process. I commend you, I don't even need to defend myself.


Look, I apologized. The apology was sincere. If that is not enough for you, then too bad.


You want to call this game a launched title? Go right ahead. You can do whatever you want. (Not sarcastic btw) SOME of us will try to make the game better while SOME of us will go vent our spleens.


Your opinion matters to YOU and means nothing to me. MY opinion matters to ME and means nothing to you.


I THOUGHT you were being silly. I didn't think ANYONE could possibly be that clueless and not be doing it for comedic value. My bad. I have apologized, but you will not accept an apology from a 'DE fanboy'. So be it. Enjoy your hate.

Edited by Kalenath
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It's a beta.  The idea that the cash shop somehow makes it not a beta is ridiculous.  Explain to me how the cash shop makes it not a beta.  I want a well thought out and well written reason to consider believing you. 


Quite a few betas these days include a cash shop.  They don't just give you their premium currency for free, because they need a playerbase to let them know if their pricing is reasonable.  It's not just F2P betas either.  It's most betas for online games that include a cash shop. 


If you have a hard time understanding the development terminology for these games, you should look it up.  If you flat out refuse to believe it, you should see a shrink.  If you have well reasoned arguments and well thought out ideas as to why it's not a beta, you should explain those in a non-agressive manner in which people will appropriately respond.  If you can't do that, it sucks to be you.

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blahblahblah $ != beta


so what about firefall? That's in closed beta and hitting open beta soon, you've been able to buy items in the cash shop there for a long time.

I'm far too lazy to bother with a list of other games (of which there are several) that have cash shops in beta- and frankly this has already been answered by DE in the FAQ.


DE's not the only one to do this- get over it.

Beta is still beta, regardless of how it's implementation evolves over time. (Wait what!? software developement evolves over time? I thought everyone was still writing programs on punch-cards! </sarcasm>)


monetizing a product prior to release is common-place these days- and is often used by indipendant dev studios (like red5 and DE) to fund their development process.


Problem? Don't pay, nobody's forcing you to. Don't like it? Don't play. Simple.

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"Its launch date was the 30th April, when it launched, feature complete, and started accepting money for in-game purchases."


I know it's about Neverwinter but it also applies to Warframe. Stop saying it's in beta!

yeah. its not beta. most of game features are such garbage.. warframe is in early alpha

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Beta no longer means what it use to mean. Some games never leave what they call beta. Some games allow you to purchase and buy cash shop items from alpha. These terms no long mean what they use to mean in the sense of game development. In the past if you paid money out of your pocket it was not in beta. Now you pay money out of your pocket before the game is even playable in some cases (kickstarter).


In the end it is semantics.

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A game is in beta until the devs say its not, thats how it works, no matter what, its at the whim of the devs that it becomes full release, if they so choose they can say its back in alpha

Yes. But that doesn't mean that we have to be happy about it.

The issue isn't that the game is in beta, but it is that we are encouraged/expected to spend money on unfinished concepts. This would be acceptable, if they followed a similar model to planetside 2, which had a hard reset once the game left beta. However, because warframe doesn't really offer anything more than grinding/loot hunt, this is not a model that would be well received or even practical.

Unfortunately, there really isn't an easy solution. Yes, it does suck that there is a platinum shop before the game is complete, but due to the nature of a small team, it is unfeasible for them to wait until the game goes to release to expect a turnover. 

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It doesn't matter if you want it to be in beta.

It doesn't matter if you think it's in beta.

It doesn't matter if there is a cash shop.

It doesn't matter if it's available on steam (With the term BETA slapped on it I might add).

It doesn't matter what you think beta-status software is.

It doesn't matter how it stacks up to other beta applications.

It doesn't matter if you think the game has all features complete as intended (far, far from it according to the Devs).

Nothing that you say, think, or do matters when it comes to determining the beta status of this game.

The only thing that matters is the Devs saying that it is beta, and that there is still a lot of work to do.


Nothing to see here, move along...

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alpha would mean that game is playable online. but its not.

there are many games in alpha that runs much better then current warframe. so warframe isnt even in pre alpha stage... 


We must not be playing the same warframe or something.

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Ok, this isnt near the buggiest game, i exagerated. But it IS extremely buggy and nowhere near being released.

contact support(as i've previously suggested to you), or stop whining about your inability to properly configure your router in every thread you post in.


Chat works fine for most players.



This is beta, it is not feature complete. Did you miss all of the hotfixes and content and feature additions that occur on at least a weekly (though sometimes it seems daily) basis!

I did and i can. But


1. I dont have access to my router

2. Why should I bother to do something that may not even solve the problem

3. I shouldnt have this problem in the first place.

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Warframe is currently not yet Feature complete. We can see this with the Dojo being implemented for Update 8. We can see this with the Lore yet to even be implemented despite Steve saying it was coming in Update 7. We can see this with the implementation of Forma, to repolarise weaponry and equipment.


Warframe is by definition still in an Alpha stage, if people wanted to get really, really technical (Okay, maybe it's not that technical). We are just given the liberty of testing most facets of it for free.

Edited by Azure_Kyte
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And calling THIS game's prices exorbitant? Again, try Marvel Heroes. THEN complain about Warframe if you dare. Seriously, this game has NOTHING on that one's problems.




If Store A sells a gallon of milk for $25 and Store B sells a gallon of milk for $50, they both are exorbitant. Just saying. 

Edited by CorrTerek
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Upon further reading of this thread I have come to a series of realizations:

- Many people have no idea how software development cycles actually work, they only know how to throw around "buzz words".

- Many people have no idea what beta-status software actually is let alone what determines if a piece if software is in the beta stage.

- Many of these same people like to think that they do.

- Many of these same people, lacking any form of legitimate knowledge on the fact, still attempt to argue endlessly about something they do not understand in the least.

- I am on the Internet...

I sincerely wish that people would educate themselves about a topic before they attempt to talk about it.

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Upon further reading of this thread I have come to a series of realizations:

- Many people have no idea how software development cycles actually work, they only know how to throw around "buzz words".

- Many people have no idea what beta-status software actually is let alone what determines if a piece if software is in the beta stage.

- Many of these same people like to think that they do.

- Many of these same people, lacking any form of legitimate knowledge on the fact, still attempt to argue endlessly about something they do not understand in the least.

- I am on the Internet...

I sincerely wish that people would educate themselves about a topic before they attempt to talk about it.


Well said

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Upon further reading of this thread I have come to a series of realizations:

- Many people have no idea how software development cycles actually work, they only know how to throw around "buzz words".

- Many people have no idea what beta-status software actually is let alone what determines if a piece if software is in the beta stage.

- Many of these same people like to think that they do.

- Many of these same people, lacking any form of legitimate knowledge on the fact, still attempt to argue endlessly about something they do not understand in the least.

- I am on the Internet...

I sincerely wish that people would educate themselves about a topic before they attempt to talk about it.

and now explain each point instead of saying that "nobody have a clue blahblah".

start with first one and explain how "software development cycles" work etc. etc.

Edited by fuffi2milka
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