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Down With The Rng God!


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I think the biggest problem with RNG in this game specifically is it really IS more like a god, considering how huge and global it works. If I'm not mistaken, it's probably just one singular table and certain enemies have different chances to drop different stuff regardless on whatever planet/mission you're playing, at least for mods I know different planets drop different materials, I'll go into that more a little below.


Supposedly though, Grinneer have a higher chance of dropping split chamber and Ive killed thousands but nope, yet people have got them probably just as frequently from infested. It really would be nice if DE gave the community some information about the drop tables so we could all stop with the guess work but they probably never will. Still I'd like to be an optimist.


Anyway I think the RNG table [or tables...? I doubt it though] needs to be split up more, much like how each planet has it's own resources that drop in that area specifically. In fact, I think it would be nice if it was even split up a little more than that, maybe even down to a few certain missions having certain drops.


I mentioned this in the does anyone actually like warframe specific mods dropping? thread but figured I'd make a sepperate post for this idea that I've been thinking about for awhile now.


The basic idea is that rare mods are mostly so hard to obtain because of how cluttered the mod list is. Same really with the problem about the new blue resources cluttering up the yellow resources [especially the rare ones] making them very hard to obtain. I don't know if its intentional or not, but I'm going to suggest an alternative.





Basing mods strictly on enemy level isn't working. Why? Because as I said the lists are too cluttered. It's not a bad idea, it just needs to be refined more. For instance, most rare mods are actually ability/warframe specific mods you dont need, like close to 2/3 of them. So even if you get a rare mod to drop, chances are more than likely it isnt going to be helpful whatsoever.


Suggestion= First of all make Ability mods so they only drop on certain missions. (copy paste from previous topic) So you want Frost, well you can farm for his blueprints AND ability mods at Exta on Ceres. Stuff for Ember? Go to Tethys on Saturn. Its just better that way, so much simpler and straight forward and organized.


Using a more refined system like that DE could even make certain planets or missions have more specialized drops or rewards. Will they make it so if you want really rare hard to get mods people drool over you have to farm in Pluto? Probably not. But they could, if they wanted, and it'd probably make more sense if they had more control over that stuff regardless. Maybe even specific alerts have a higher chance of dropping certain mods or resources. Which brings me to my next suggestion.





1st Suggestion= Sepperate blue mats from the yellow drop table. Have each enemy have a chance of dropping both, the same way an enemy can drop both a yellow material and a mod. First off that will fix a lot of stuff coming down the road, its just much better organization that way.


2nd Suggestion= Make rare resources have their own color drop and table as well. Maybe they can be red, green, purple, silver, I don't really care. Just I think everyone would like it if they knew INSTANTLY "Hey a rare material just dropped!" just like they do already with the blue research materials. There's really no reason I can think of WHY this hasn't been done already, or why they shouldn't.


3rd Suggestion= Like I mentioned above, it would be nice to add more flavor to alerts or specific missions, maybe even for void key missions. Let it tell you what special resources [and possibly mods] have a higher chance to drop in these special alert missions... just like it already tells you in the planet information "Jupiter, Resources: Salvage, Circuits, Neural Sensors, Mutagen Samples". That way more people have more reason to do the alerts. I know a lot of my friends just ignore most alerts unless they have a high credit amount or a BP/artifact they need. Really is that all you want alerts to be for? Because it doesn't take long before you dont need the credits, and you already collected all the artifacts, or at least the ones you care about having.




Other Thoughts

Not really related to the above... but I think Europa needs a boss. Said boss can drop parts for Vauban, two birds with one stone right? Don't have to agree or not, just a thought I've had and haven't seen a post specifically about.

Edited by unmog
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I will slove your problems. There is no god. Therefore RNG can't be like god, because RNG exists. Your welcome. 

There is a lot RNG based games which ppls playng only coz it's RNG game. I want to say "Broken RNG" and "Balanced RNG" it's different things.

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I just think that this level of randomization takes too much out of a person's control to be fun. Farms don't 'sometimes' get chicken. They get chicken when they raise and slaughter a damn chicken. It'd be like if your bullets 'sometimes' hit or your sword 'sometimes' cut the enemy in half.

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I agree with optimizing the mod list, but making players go to Exta to farm for Frost feels restricting. I don't to kill Anyo 100 times over for Mag mods, I'd rather take my chances having them randomly drop somewhere. If the drop rate was increased for the SYSTEM the particular frame BP was located n, that would be a whole lot more enjoyable (Going to Earth systems for increased chance of Frost ability mods dropping instead of going to ONLY Exta)

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Like I said, it wasnt for the boss, just enemies in that level. I wouldnt mind if it was the planet either I suppose. Just saying they need to localize mods a lot more than what they do to unclutter the loot drops.

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ok firstly HEATHEN!....


now that thats out of the way, lets take a look at some of your ideas.




you seem to not realise that rare mods are ...well exacly what their rating is, "RARE".  having skill mods drop in only 1 place would remove a ton of possable drops from the list, therefore the chances would have to be tweaked, and could result in quite possably the rare mods having an even lower drops chance.  split chamber isnt even that necesary of a mod, using it as an example is bad form. 


The mods are ok as is, its all down to luck on them




you do have a fair point for some of your thoughts on this, it would be nice if blue mats were on a different drop list as theyre more reserch mats than construction mats.  the idea of changing the colors of rarer mats isnt a bad idea, but only if it doesnt really change their drop rates.  alot of people are finding it hard to find materials simply because they dont know how to look for them, ive seen many people claim ferrite doesnt drop on mercury simply because they dont bother to open any of the containers.  the only problem with your multicored material mashup is that on planets that only really drop uncommon and rare mats, your still not going to be able to tell the difference between them.


on a side note the guy talking about how on a farm they always get their chickens.....as mentioned by many of the more experianced players in the game...you CANT farm the rare things, theyre RARE afterall.

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First off... I hope to douse this before any flame wars start... but please be considerate to others when you say something so it doesn't seem like everyone else is an idiot and doesnt know something alright? I noticed you liked to say "You dont realize" and "because a lot of people dont know"... so yea just keep professional courtesy in mind kay?


Now that that's out of the way.


you seem to not realise that rare mods are ...well exacly what their rating is, "RARE".  having skill mods drop in only 1 place would remove a ton of possable drops from the list, therefore the chances would have to be tweaked, and could result in quite possably the rare mods having an even lower drops chance. 

The problem is not that they're meant to be rare, it's that all the tables are cluttered making Rare cards more to the degree of "Extremely Rare". If they uncluttered the lists some the rates would be fixed to what they were intended. Even if Rare cards are meant to be rare, Id rather them fix the table, and then lower the drops again instead of getting Warframe Ability mods all the time for frames I dont even have/use. It'd also help to localize certain mods to different areas, which makes sense, just as resources are localized. Certain places should have different loot tables is all.


split chamber isnt even that necesary of a mod, using it as an example is bad form. 

I find most people who have been playing for awhile will argue its 100% necessary for higher tier enemies, and thus is a perfectly fine example. But hey if ya dont think its necessary or worth it then dont use it then. *shrug*


alot of people are finding it hard to find materials simply because they dont know how to look for them, ive seen many people claim ferrite doesnt drop on mercury simply because they dont bother to open any of the containers.  the only problem with your multicored material mashup is that on planets that only really drop uncommon and rare mats, your still not going to be able to tell the difference between them.

Actually a lot of people Ive seen mentioning broken drop rates on the forum are well aware where the materials are, and what enemy drops them the most. Just with the blue research mats clogging up the drops and not being their own drop, along with the RNG God only knows what else, they've become very scarce after the last update. Seems like something broke, or some decimal got pushed from the ten's place to the hundred's place again. :p

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*returns looking disheartened* Wish I could change the title of the topic... very few people have actually commented on the actual contents of the post. So any actual feedback from anyone else?

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