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Frost Prime End Game Snow Globe Build Questions..



Should I stick with rejuvenation or use energy siphon? I'm torn between two builds both a bit different...

Currently I use:


But a few people I've talked to have suggested this build is the best you can get just about:


My dilemma is having to change one mod slot basically

Effects the entire build choosing between energy siphon and rejuvenation :/

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Change your aura slot to a dash, much better for running your endgame runs as you can slot in corrosive projection.


EDIT: Honestly your first build is a lot better for snowglobe than the second one is, I suggest removing stretch and using overextended for more range. 

Edited by Sormatte
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For my money, if you are doing endgame against anything else then infested, you dont need overextended. Stretch is fine.


For Aura slot, as soon as possible get a dash polarity. For endgame you will be REQUIRED to use Corrosive Projection (and you can use Energy Siphon for casual runs).


Your first build is solid, if you have EV trinity in your team and are nothing but a globe spamming machine. You have 105% efficiency, which is not very good for spamming skills without trinity. Energy Siphon would not help you in the slightest.


Aslo, Since you are stacking Power strenght, you are lacking in survivability. Lets say you need to go out of the globe, or an enemy gets inn and starts shooting, or an eximus with health leeching aura gets near. I would suggest taking at least vitality.


Another thing, with almost 0 Power duration you can not use the awesome CC (crownd control) and armor stripping power of your Avalanche skill (4). And in end game, CC is all. So if you are serious and are not doing this build just for Draco farming, get at least 75% duration.

Again on that same note, I would advise Chilling Globe mod. Realy worth the slot.


And to the crazy power strength + armor mods: you DONT need it. Snow Globe STACKS. Sorry for using caps, but lots of Frost players do not know and it drives me crazy. Even if you do have insane strength, high level bombard will destroy it with one rocket. So get used to spamming Snow Globe during the fight, using the invulnerabilty period to get even more health for the globe. For this Transient Fortitude and Steel Fiber will be more then enough.


So to finish my unwanted-advice-giving: Get reasonable duration, max efficiency, reasonable range, solid strength and some survivability for yourself. And remember in endgame, CC is god.


Build I use universaly (Sorry, i dont know how to add forma in the builder):

Aura slot - Corrosive Projection

Exilus - Rush / Cunnning drift / Power Drift

Transient Fortitude (polarity slot), Primed Continuity (polarity slot), Streamline (polarity slot), Fleeting Expertise (rank 3), Stretch, Steel FIber (polarity slot), Vitality (polarity slot), Chilling Globe

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LOL dat 2nd build ain't pro at all


On a Snowglobe only perspective sure, the 2nd build is tanky  but that 77.5 energy cost makes it pointless. on the builder a build with ONLY max efficiency and Overextended has an HP of 2900 and a cost of 12.5 compared to that second build. Now, like MrThumpy said above, Snowglobe STACKS in the sense that when the caster casts snowglobe inside of a pre-existing globe that they casted, the new globe NOT ONLY replaces the old one and repositions it, but ALSO it adds the old globe's health to it's own AND has a 4 second absorb period where damage dealt to it by enemies is turned into additional health for that new snowglobe. If I cast a max efficiency snowglobe 6 times, that's a total cost of 75. Why did i bold and underline 75? that's because putting into account that snowglobe stacks, after you cast snowglobe the 6th time, it's health would be a 17,400!!! That is MORE health than the 2nd builds globe which costs a stupid 77.5 energy for 10,390 health and for cheaper too! What's more that max efficiency + overextended build isn't even counting the use of Armor mods and the squall helmet NOR is it counting the refreshed 4 second absorb period when you use it which could add EVEN MORE hp to globe.


Now we move on to Avalanche which i assume is why that build is carrying all that power strength to begin with. On the wiki, Avalanche reduces armor by 40%. Considering this because I'm unable to login at the moment, with +154% power strength from strength mods and the squall helmet, that avalanche should be capable of removing all armor off of all enemies for 10 seconds at the cost of 155 energy out of a 425 max energy pool which means you can use it maybe twice and practically have to be spamming energy restores if solo and relying heavily on trinity to energy vampire if you plan to cast it more often because you're only going to have gained back 6 energy from energy siphon and you'll also have to be hoping you break enough enemies to get the energy back assuming parasite eximus aren't around to drain your energy faster. Oh but you stripped enemy armor off in the process so it's all good right? WRONG! Ash and Banshee can do that for 25 ENERGY OR LESS with only +43 power strength and potentially even longer depending on the build. Oh but your team doesn't want to bring Ash or Banshee? Well tell the poor soul that made the 2nd build to study up on Corrosive Projection because if they're bringing a Trinity for Energy Vampire they may as well take off that energy siphon and bring Corrosive Projection in. Why? because a team of 4 Corrosive Projections mean all enemies will have no armor at all from the start. No Trinity? you can still go with it if you're running Zenurik's Energy Overflow, which gives up to 4 energy per second as opposed to 2.4 energy per second if everyone ran energy siphon. That build would only be for solo in my honest opinion and only if you are willing to lay down a bunch of energy restores in one sitting. Not only that, but with no armor, health, or shield mods, or even Quick Thinking, you're literally forced to stay in snowglobe to live when using that build, which costs a lot to maintain as the waves get stronger. This level of practical for this build is saddening because of how much your abilities would cost



Now that I got to point at the bad build and laugh part done, let's move back to your first build which can get more health than the 2nd build in just one cast for less due to using Stretch instead of Overextended AND it's cheaper at 47.5%, meaning you can spam it more easily. However, the low duration means you'll be focusing mainly on snowglobe to keep stationary defense objectives alive as Avalanche won't last long enough for armor reduction to matter and and while 45% is just enough to avoid the explosion radius from bombard rockets, you and your teammates don't have as much space to move around in. Steel Fiber and Armored Agility only gives ~20% more snow globe health than if you were without it, meaning those two mods are more for preference in my opinion. For extra survivability, a combo utilizing 2 out of the choice of Redirection, Vitality, and Steel Fiber would be nice, but seeing as you're using Flow and that you're probably considering Primed Flow, a Quick Thinking can work as well assuming you increase your efficiency to +70-75% (170-175% in the in-game UI). Would definitely have you consider changing the aura to a - polarity for energy siphon/corrosive projection, however aside from that it's a solid globe only build. Put in some duration to balance out Fleeting Expertise and with -25% Duration you'll be able to freeze enemies with avalanche for a solid 6 seconds as well as make Chilling Globe and Ice Wave Impedance a viable option, Chilling Globe's freeze and Ice Wave Impedance's ice floor lasting 8 seconds unmodded just like the freeze from Avalanche, meaning with -25% duration both would last 6 seconds as well. If you pick an augment though, I'm pretty biased towards Ice Wave Impedance personally since the initial Snowglobe cast freezes and throws out enemies within its radius while also dealing damage to their health



I like to use this build for my standard non-serious missions, swapping Energy Siphon out for Corrosive Projection if I need to get a bit serious. 70% efficiency i find enough for myself while 45% range is just enough. Quick Thinking is to give myself an extra layer of health and because of Primed Flow, my effective health is much higher than if i were to use vitality, redirection, steel fiber, or any of the 2 combined. The blank slot is for preference while my exilus slot contains handspring so i can recover faster from knockdowns like fire eximus aoes, scorpions, ancients, etc. instead of being left open a few seconds for incoming damage I'd rather not take.

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Sure.  Frost Prime with Naramon and Frost with Vazarin.  Or just depolarize the aura.

For example, this is mine (tabula rasa just to show polarities):



@Sormatte:  Your advice helped a lot in creating my Frost, not sure I ever threw a ty your way.

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