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Not New, But Not Familiar



Hello Tenno,


I've recently gotten back into this game after a two year hiatus due to work related issues, and now it seems as though I'm playing a different game entirely. I have a lot of questions about what all has changed and I don't feel as though I'm getting any proper answers through Region Chat. If you could, please answer to the best of your knowledge, and be sure to find me in-game.


As far as what I do know, I remember the last thing I had done was farmed and built my Rhino Prime when it first arrived. I have a lv 30 Nova with about 4 formas, and I was working on my Rhino Prime with only 1 forma or so. I'd also just forma'd my Latron Prime and Orthos Prime weapons, and it looks as though all of my mods on each weapon have stayed intact. I'm not sure if any of the gear I have is still valuable or useful. I used to be able to log in, run a few T3 Void Defenses with my Nova up through wave 10 or 15 without any major issues. Below is the list of questions I have in regards to information that is new or that I simply don't remember.


1. What are Kubrows?

2. Are Kubrows useful, and how do they compare to sentinels?

3. What are the new warframes since Rhino Prime and how do they play?

4. What are syndicates?

5. Now that my clan has disbanded, where can I go about finding a new clan?

6. What are the top tier weapons that I should begin farming?

7. In regards to the Trading, what Mods/Blueprints are valuable and where can I look for them to farm?

8. Has Warframe become more or less "grindy" in the past few years?

9. Who here plays regularly and would like to team up often?


Please do not feel obliged to answer every question, just any information would be greatly appreciated. As for my character, I'm usually on after work on weekdays and my favorite time to run raids is after 9 pm or so on weekends. Also, if there is another forum where I can post to get more sufficient answers to my questions and concerns, please provide me with the ways I can go about staying up to date on game-related updates and information.


Thank you,



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adding a little bit.


1) kubrows do far less damage than sentinels.  They melee, so they have a delay to move from mob to mob, and they also stand around a lot.  They also cost a good chunk of credits for each one.   They can be nice;  one of them fetches items for you (ammo, mods, etc), another digs up power globes (mostly good for soloing, but its very, very nice to start tough missions with full power when solo!).   They don't work with ivara / stealth well.   They are a liability at very high levels due to dying too easy but are tougher than you when geared out (just don't know how to duck and dodge) so they can go pretty far without worries.   They give mastery per breed.



2) a few of those ^^ frames..

nezha -- rhino like invincible,  run speed increase,  2 aoes, a teleport, a self heal, a hazard / aoe (third!), ... you can do just about anything with this one.

ivara -- stealth.  You can sneak, literally, for over 1/2 an hour with a full stealth setup. She also can make her own tightropes to walk on, getting to hard to reach areas.  She can also do an aoe silence/invis bubble to an ally or self,  sleep a group, and manually guide a projectile.  Basically the ultimate sniper type build, also quite good at melee / stealth.   Cant move fast in sneak, you can roll around and use your tightropes to move a bit better but you give up speed for invis.


atlas -- tankish, can't be knocked down so great against high knockdown maps.   Has a wall of rocks that can block a path and distract enemy, 2 pets (1 with faction mod but its better),  and can spam a melee attack that is pretty cool.


mesa  -- bullets bounce off her and she can shoot everything on the screen without having to really aim at it but can't move when doing that.   Kinda meh ish but great for soloing defense type runs, or doing high end interception, or focus farming.


3) syndicates -- you get some guns and mods for specific weapons and frames and a few other toys in exchange for a reputation system.  You can make 3 happy and 3 mad easily.  You can make 4 happy and 2 mad a little more trouble.  5/1 or 6 happy takes a ton of effort and micromanagement.  Mad factions send groups of enemy after you.


4) focus ... youll want to do the quests to unlock this.   Second dream.   It gives you a #5 button, with a variety of things to pick from.  I really like the zen school's power regen (4 power per second for the duration of mission) and the mwhatever school's damage increasing choices.  I use the damage on ivara, who gets power elsewhere (red veil faction weapon) and power on most of my other frames.


game is still kind of grindy when looking to earn a specific item the hard way.   I mostly solo or pug.    Trying to group with someone specific or clan usually ends up with a lot of standing around not killing things.  


theres a relay too, with a variety of things to find out about inside.  Take a look, theres an upstairs too, go past the center stairs from entry and look for 2 circular elevators of sorts. 

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