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Weapon Damage Doubt



I want to know the inflicted damage of the weapons so i searched the wiki and i found that:

Most weapons' base damage is made up of a combination of three physical damage types: Impact, Puncture, and Slash. The overall physical damage of any given weapon is the sum of Impact, Puncture, and Slash damage.

And the equation for NON armored enemies.

Against unarmored hit points or applying Finisher Damage, the formula is simply:

Inflicted Damage = Base Damage × (1 + Hitpoint Modifier)

  • Inflicted Damage (ID) is the final damage result.
  • Base Damage (BD) is the initial damage value.
  • Hitpoint Modifier (HM) is the damage type modifier against that hitpoint type (may be shield or health).

To make it independent from the amount of base damage:

Damage Modifier = 1 + Hitpoint Modifier Inflicted Damage = Base Damage × Damage Modifier

Damage Modifier (DM) is the total damage modifier. An amount of damage of that type (BD) against that enemy will then always be multiplied with this factor (DM).

So i decided to test it with the Scindo and the Double Grakatas

Scindo Stat:
10 impact
10 puncture
80 slash

Double Grakatas Stat:
8 impact
6,7 puncture
5,3 Slash

I leave the weapons without mods for the entire lenght of experiment.

So chargers and leapers are 25% weak against slash, so slash is 25% more effective on leapers and chargers.

So for me the stat of impact and puncture remain the same and only Slash is plus 25% so:
10+10+100= 120 for the scindo
8+6,7+6,6=   21,3 for the double grakatas

Well i am writing all these things to say that the test went badly wrong
the damage i did againts those 2 types of enemies were:
180 for the Scindo
11   for the double Grakatas

Normal damage without critcs.... Can someone say where i am wrong?

P.s: Sorry for the english but i am italian so it is not my first language....



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I have tried to search damage and found nothing really interesting, all the discussion i have found are generic about damage without demonstrations....

For the armour type from the wiki:
"Not all enemies possess armor: Warframes, most bosses, and all Grineer do, but normal Corpus and Infested enemies do not have any. Enemies with more than zero armor have their health bars displayed yellow instead of red."

I choosed infested for this reason.

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I think the way you added up twin G is wrong -- when you see damage on the screen, its ONE hit,  but the twin G fires 2 (one from each gun).  Double what you saw (11) to 22 and its pretty close.


I have no idea what happened on the axe. 


I wouldn't expect to get exact values.  The formulas are created empirically.


Your English is pretty good, but the term is "question" not "doubt"  -- everything else you said was as good or better than many native speakers can manage.

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But you waste two bullets.... And with the critic (x2) the damage is 22.
Well i tried with the Paris;
144 piercing
9.0 impact
27 Slash

So it should do 285 vs charger and instead it does 158 (roughly the 50% less than expected, like double G?)

And Kronen
6.5 piercing
6.5 Impact
52 slash

It should do 78 vs charger for the Math. It does 117 ( 50% more than expectede, like the Scindo?)

MAYBE the slash bonus is 100% against infected and the range weapons just work differently. I will try to see with more weapons, if someon want to do the same is very well accepted :)

P.s Thank you i am a little relieved :)

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I did some testing in simulacrum and the damage formulas appeared to be working fine with unmodded scindo prime vs infested charger. I also fired some shots from panthera at chargers and noted the same. However if you are using the Manticore axe skin you may have gotten damages higher than expected.   Also keep in mind chargers have weakpoints which you may be hitting. the chargers 'face' is almost directly in the path of many melee weapon swing arcs.


EDIT: It's also possible you may have gotten status procs which make enemies more vulnerable to further damage if you were hitting them multiple times.

Edited by Dekallis
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Thank you for the answer, what is the damage you do on a charger with an unmodded scindo so?

i killed a lot of charegers and i get the 180 multyple time, have you stunned the creatures before the hits(in that way you could have avoided weak points)?
So you have a 120 damage against chargers?
The scindo was completely standard during test but i cant be sure about the numbers be the same everty time because i can't see them every time ^^'

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I have done the experiment in a map with the corpus vs infested and i did get the 120! :) I don't know exactly what i have done wrong but i am happy, it is not simple to see the numbers!

The only thing i have to make clear for me are the slide, wall, slam damage. I wonder which type of damage they do.

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The wall and slide attacks spread types same % as base So say we have 300 base with 100/100/100 I/S/P and 3000 Wall/Slide attack would do 1000/1000/1000 I/S/P, Some slam attacks have special traits that I'm not too keen to test out but generally it follows same rule.

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