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Wondering About Exalted Blade Melee Build



i am looking for an exalted blade melee build , and only melee .


i would like to know what weapons should i use and what mods should i put on both the warframe and the weapon.


also i know that excal got a special bonus when using one handed like darkra prime, but the blade of truth( jaw sword) does it boost excal dmg too? 


and lastly i want to know what melee builds could last till lvl80+ in defense? 

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Basically this ^  


Thought if you don't have P. Continuity you can swap Stretch for Constitution.  Also I don't care for Beserker in an Excal build. EB's crit chance is terrible and you don't gain anything over just using Fury instead(which is on all the time)

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you don't gain anything over just using Fury instead(which is on all the time)

anything save for the constant extra 45% IAS Berserker provides with 100% uptime, because Berserker can be easily sustained with regular 10% crit chance melee. Sustaining fully stacked Berserker on multihitting 40m punchthrough post-Naramon 19.5% crit chance EBlade is a joke.

Edited by Epsik-kun
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anything save for the constant extra 45% IAS Berserker provides with 100% uptime, because Berserker can be easily sustained with regular 10% crit chance melee. Sustaining fully stacked Berserker on multihitting 40m punchthrough post-Naramon 19.5% crit chance EBlade is a joke.


Looking at the wiki again, I didn't realized it stacked 

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Well, the build I used to get to 80 minutes of T4S (enemy level around 200) solo (and to die there due to bugs and my own mistakes) is:





The Focus is Naramon.

this build is quite good but again, you are focusing too much on survivability so where is ur damage coming from? also with so much channeling ur  losing quite alot of mana so thats why u add too much armor and hp with rage?

personally i prefer maxed lifestrike and channel only when i want to , since idk if ill be taking too much heat all the time or not.

also do i have to use orthos prime? cant i use tipido for example?

Edited by RajinCrow
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this build is quite good but again, you are focusing too much on survivability so where is ur damage coming from? also with so much channeling ur  losing quite alot of mana so thats why u add too much armor and hp with rage?

personally i prefer maxed lifestrike and channel only when i want to , since idk if ill be taking too much heat all the time or not.

also do i have to use orthos prime? cant i use tipido for example?

Damage comes from EBlade primarily. I still have 155% Strength and currently highest DPS LS EBlade build. Also, there are Spin Blind and Radial Blind that help with killing high priority targets. Anyway, you'll die much earlier than damage will fall off.
I don't know what do you mean by "so much channeling", because I only channel to heal, for which unranked Life Strike is enough.
HP and armor there are for being able to take a hit and not die. Even with Naramon, you'll have plenty of moments when you'll end up being hit. Maxed Vitality and Steel Fiber allow Excal to face-tank T4 Corrupted Bombard missile up to enemy level 110~115 if EBlade is up.
Rage is here to sustain energy. You want to have energy for EBlade, Radial Blind, Slash Dash and Life Strike - Rage gives it.
You can use whatever melee you want to - it doesn't affect EBlade, only mods do. I use Orthos Prime because I like it. However, you might not want to use syndicate augmentable melee or crit-melee, because you won't be able to mod both them and EBlade effectively.
Edited by Epsik-kun
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What makes you think he's channelling all the time? You don't need a max life strike because EB does tens of thousands of damage so 5% will get you back to full health in one swing.

He's not focused too much on survivability, you need that armor to survive.

You can use whatever weapon you want because only the mods matter.

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Damage comes from EBlade primarily. I still have 155% Strength and currently highest DPS EBlade build. Also, there are Spin Blind and Radial Blind that help with killing high priority targets. Anyway, you'll die much earlier than damage will fall off.
I don't know what do you mean by "so much channeling", because I only channel to heal, for which unranked Life Strike is enough.
HP and armor there are for being able to take a hit and not die. Even with Naramon, you'll have plenty of moments when you'll end up being hit. Maxed Vitality and Steel Fiber allow Excal to face-tank T4 Corrupted Bombard missile up to enemy level 110~115 if EBlade is up.
Rage is here to sustain energy. You want to have energy for EBlade, Radial Blind, Slash Dash and Life Strike - Rage gives it.
You can use whatever melee you want to - it doesn't affect EBlade, only mods do. I use Orthos Prime because I like it. However, you might not want to use syndicate augmentable melee or crit-melee, because you won't be able to mod both them and EBlade effectively.


orthos p is good but i dont like it much, also what if i used dakra prime for the extra malee dmg with these same mods? instead of tipedo? and i really like this build, but ill use maxed lifestrike just to heal faster , plus extra energy is almost nothing.


anyway tyvm! :) ill give it a try

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