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You've Nerfed Rushing...now Nerf Turtles...


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wall-running and then jumping from the wall-run has always been faster, the only people complaining are the people that aren't used to doing that, those that are used to the game and the mechanics are playing and not having to change they're style at all, because its the fastest and has not gotten nerfed.


start playing the way the game was meant to be played, and you will see that this is not slowing anything down.

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Ok mister I started after the first nerf to rushers. I'm sure you know everything that happened before you joined.

I started playing around the first week of January, but this really has little to do with the topic of this thread. If you could please stop trying to derail it?


DE has nerfed rushers multiple times and forced everyone to play at the lowest common denominator. While that's nice for those LCDs, all it does is frustrate and bore the majority of the bell curve. It's simply balanced to encourage the LCDs not to loiter in rooms for 5-10 minutes at a time.

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wall-running and then jumping from the wall-run has always been faster, the only people complaining are the people that aren't used to doing that, those that are used to the game and the mechanics are playing and not having to change they're style at all, because its the fastest and has not gotten nerfed.


start playing the way the game was meant to be played, and you will see that this is not slowing anything down.

Careful...people are going to try and nerf that next...

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Putting this game on steam was a mistake. The community was bad enough before that......

DE wanted money and now they are getting it...


If you are implying that I was on after Steam then you are gravely mistaken...


I don't expect everyone to see eye to eye with me...


I still think more game modes should exist so that way things like this wont need to happen...


Rushers can rush in peace etc...

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I started playing around the first week of January, but this really has little to do with the topic of this thread. If you could please stop trying to derail it?


DE has nerfed rushers multiple times and forced everyone to play at the lowest common denominator. While that's nice for those LCDs, all it does is frustrate and bore the majority of the bell curve. It's simply balanced to encourage the LCDs not to loiter in rooms for 5-10 minutes at a time.

According to your forum profile you started in May. When you started does in fact have everything to do with wether you know anything about how the game worked before you joined.

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Hear my story.


Guy comes in kills nothing.

Gets to elevator, leaves 3 of us.

Gets to boss.

Dies out.

Yells for revive and calls freaking bad names.

Self revives.

Takes loot.

Runs back to extraction point.

Calls us slow bastards<-----

Says " I am not here to make friends" <----------


P.S :- I am a rusher. Got a maxed RUSHER load out. And i am pretty sure i have never done that.



1) Do something about players i mentioned.




Fix turtle players .

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Have you seen my name? Have you seen my posts? Have you seen my join date?


I was here long before Steam, boy~

Was that before or after you got laughed out of vindictus for acting so immature?


According to your forum profile you started in May. When you started does in fact have everything to do with wether you know anything about how the game worked before you joined.

And again, that has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, even though it would be fun to show you how narrow-minded your assumptions are. Really, if you can't talk about balancing rushers and turtles, perhaps you could clutter up some other thread while the discussion continues here?

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I honestly don't see the problem with letting non-hosts early-extract.


I mean they're just gonna stand around at extraction being useless until 2nd place rusher arrives and starts the countdown timer on the other guys who're taking their time to comb over all the rooms anyway.

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The Nexon NA forums are an amazing place, one of the greatest cesspits of the internet. I was a part of the Nexon community for around 4 years. Their forums are barely moderated and Nexon is shutting down their games one by one. Vindictus is laggy, broken and boring, just like all of the others.


I got my account permanently banned so I'd have no reason to go back. It was quite a spectacle. In fact, it seems I have started a trend. That was, of course, after I started playing Warframe and introduced it to the Vindictus community.

Edited by FatalX7
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Sense, this makes none. "Hey guys, let's rush and leave this hostage behind so he gets slaughtered!!!!"


Turtle players were not getting end of mission rewards because of rushers. Rushers are not missing out on mission rewards because of turtles. I don't see what is so hard to understand about this.

Dear retard sir. Turtle = being slower than a typical run speed (not sprint), which normally pertains to the fact you're opening EVERY SINGLE LOCKER in EVERY SINGLE SIDE ROOM. This means you're putting the hostage in unnecessarily danger.

Now, I'm sure most of us actively engage all mobs, but when we come across three continuous empty rooms, whats where all the wave-dashing happens. All DE has nerfed, is the ability to slightly speed up the cross of the said rooms.

My beef is with the people that arrives a minute after me, and kills only about 5 mobs. WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?

That is what we want to have fixed!

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Well, since that kid has run out of anything remotely relevant to say and very few actual counters to the idea were brought up, it seems the forums agree that turtlers should be nerfed to balance out the nerfing of rushers and bring the game more in-line with what the majority wants.


Great discussion!

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