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Kestrel And Glaive


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I just looked at the wiki, and I noticed these two have the exact same stats. Are these numbers for real? If so, I'd have to say I'm a bit annoyed by it. I only bought the blueprints, and I'm in the process of farming the Morphics I need, and now I don't even really want to try.

It's just a skin.

Why couldn't DE have just made it a skin?

The Glaive has cutting spikes on it, which is made to kill whatever it's thrown at.

The Kestrel could be marketed as a heavy, blunt throwing weapon that flies slower and swings slower than the Glaive but does more damage and stuns whatever it hits, or as a light blunt throwing weapon that is somewhat weaker than the Glaive but has a great radius due to its width, and can fly faster. Otherwise, it's just a skin that requires too much effort, and all these resources for a skin?


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Kestrel has knockdown, Glaive does not?

It's not a skin.

Would've been nice to know.

The wiki doesn't get too into the details that someone would like to know.

Any other differences? Is it in any way inferior to the Glaive, or is it Glaive with a knockdown?

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Would've been nice to know.





- Tenno reinforcements: POLEARM AND BOOMERANG! Kestrel and Orthos.


The Orthos is a double bladed polearm, a first of its kind for the Tenno.

The Kestrel is a deadly Boomerang, a heavy throwing weapon that can knock down enemies at a distance.

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Would've been nice to know.

The wiki doesn't get too into the details that someone would like to know.

Any other differences? Is it in any way inferior to the Glaive, or is it Glaive with a knockdown?

Well I saw one post saying the charge attack for Kestrel doesn't have armor ignore, but I highly doubt that, since every melee weapon's charge attack ignores armor.

Other than that, yeah pretty much Glaive with knockdown until further information can be gathered.

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then its not a boomerang....


I was so ready for OoT boomeraction

I mean.


It's a space boomerang.  It's got glowies and junk.  It's not going to behave like a regular boomerang, and they weren't about to let that Glaive programming go to waste.


Well I saw one post saying the charge attack for Kestrel doesn't have armor ignore, but I highly doubt that, since every melee weapon's charge attack ignores armor.

Other than that, yeah pretty much Glaive with knockdown until further information can be gathered.

I'm pretty sure the throw doesn't have armor ignore.  It had a hard time one-shotting level 2 Grineer in the body, whereas the Glavie chopped right through them.

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I would still rather a wide right lean into a left as it comes back from a set distance like in OoT

Legend of Zelda games have a lock-on feature.  Without that, aiming a boomerang that follows a sideways arc at a set distance would be extremely difficult, and besides, much of Warframe takes place within narrow hallways, making that kind of throw impossible.

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I hope to god the boomerang arcs like at a range and flys back instead of fly straight then come back :(


Real boomerangs fly in a massive D-shape, the bottom corner being where you throw and the straight line being the initial path. If they did this in warframe, the boomerang would always hit a wall. Also, real boomerangs don't come back after you hit something.


I imagine a space ninja "boomerang" is made to function as painless as possible, ie. no giant curves and guaranteed come-back.

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Real boomerangs fly in a massive D-shape, the bottom corner being where you throw and the straight line being the initial path. If they did this in warframe, the boomerang would always hit a wall. Also, real boomerangs don't come back after you hit something.


I imagine a space ninja "boomerang" is made to function as painless as possible, ie. no giant curves and guaranteed come-back.


  it could do the curve but auto come back when it hits the wall :(

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I don't think a real boomerang flight can be achieved too well in this game. Unless you keep yourself playing in wider spaced maps, whichever ones.

In fact, if you're really looking for a serious boomerang flight you should actually be disappointed it doesn't drop after hitting a wall. Or hit Tennos busy shooting in their own faces.

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I don't think a real boomerang flight can be achieved too well in this game. Unless you keep yourself playing in wider spaced maps, whichever ones.

In fact, if you're really looking for a serious boomerang flight you should actually be disappointed it doesn't drop after hitting a wall. Or hit Tennos busy shooting in their own faces.


well any trajectory other then the exact same glave one would be nice

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From what i gathered info i can tell this might be the difference:

Glaive - Kestrel

ignores armor yes no

knock back no yes

staggers yes yes

So it all comes down to the preferences of each, but from my point of view a guy with a glaive + a guy with a kestrel = madness

P.S: im a glaive user

Edited by Desauron
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From what i gathered info i can tell this might be the difference:

Glaive - Kestrel

ignores armor yes no

knock back no yes

staggers yes yes

So it all comes down to the preferences of each, but from my point of view a guy with a glaive + a guy with a kestrel = madness

P.S: im a glaive user

Kestrel is also faster on on flight and return I've heard...

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Well i have some suggestion about Kestrel:

Make him more massive - If it hits an enemy, he will ricochet to another one within 5-10 meters of primary hited target. And ofc he will deal less dmg to next target for max 3-4 targets. With Melee range mod it will increase radius of ricochet by 1-2 meters per mod lvl.

Why? cuz i just cant see profit by using Glaive and Kestrel ingame. Charge dmg cant be increased(well it maybe a bug, but i have tons of  dmg mods on glaive and still just 150\300(head) dmg per charge attack, with mostly 1 target hited.

and yeah, glaive struggle enemies with charge attacks in 85% situations

Edited by LordSebastian
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Well i have some suggestion about Kestrel:

Make him more massive - If it hits an enemy, he will ricochet to another one within 5-10 meters of primary hited target. And ofc he will deal less dmg to next target for max 3-4 targets. With Melee range mod it will increase radius of ricochet by 1-2 meters per mod lvl.

Why? cuz i just cant see profit by using Glaive and Kestrel ingame. Charge dmg cant be increased(well it maybe a bug, but i have tons of  dmg mods on glaive and still just 150\300(head) dmg per charge attack, with mostly 1 target hited.

and yeah, glaive struggle enemies with charge attacks in 85% situations

Depends on... each glaive a player got.... my glaive got molten hit, suddering strike, north wind, shocking touch.... and of course the crit and charge mods..... i do around 750+ dmg on the head, and 900 a normal crit not on the head.... a aprox 1800+ dmg crit on the body and.... a crit on the head.. im not sure... i didnt had to trow the glaive again if i crit on the head, doesnt mather if its ancient or heavy grineer or heavy moa...

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