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Stop Nerfing Movement!


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So you can no longer abuse mechanics to move faster than intended while looking absolutely silly in the process, but you can still use slide for its intended purposes just fine?


Sounds like a great patch!


you're such a bad poster

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If you don't like to play in random instances, start a private game and play with your friends -- it's always more fun  :)


I've been in nice random instances with 1-2 spots open. We fight against mobs to get xp and we get this nice and enjoyable cooperative fighting phase. Than comes this sprint & marathon mod guy with maxed IDKFA weaponry who rushes whole map in thirty seconds leaving a dust of loots behind. Sometimes it's annoying, sometimes it's a relief -- depends of the situation and how you look it.


Any ways, I don't like the idea if our mobility gets nerfed. If rushing is such a problem, they should  concentrate on alternative ways to prevent it; instead of weakening our mobility. For example: I like the idea of locked doors that needs more than 1 person to open it. How about redesigning the elevator doors in the same way? In it's best warframe is 4 man co-op game :) Not 1 man rush while other 3 is left to dust.

Edited by carnaga
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