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Last Straw With Valkyr Players


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Okay. I'm not exactly sure what luck there is to being randomly matched with other players, if there is, I've have probably the worse luck you can ever have. 

Yesterday's 3 sortie I was matched up with 2 Valkyrs and a Frost.  I played slow nova (glass cannon) to make the mission easier for lower mastery players. The mission start off with Valkyrs popping energy plates and immediately going into hysteria form. The first few waves where fine. Watching both Valkyrs insta kill everything and seeing frost struggle to keep snowglobals up. I looked at our profiles and I was the only one with corrosive projection. The fact that there was no struggle with the valkyrs is pretty off putting seeing this sorties were "end game" tier for warframe. On Wave five the escort objective kept going down because frost bubble were no instantly shot down. My anti-matter drops did no damage and I can only kill things one at a time with my shotgun. One of the valkyrs deiced to go afk in the middle of all this. I took 3 bullets and instantly when down. I died there on my back as the afk valkyr in god mode was stand there taking insane amounts of damage stand there idly. I don't that the person playing valkyr was afk. What I care about is being this broken to be able to take millions of damage from lvl 110+ enemies and not even have to put any effort in what so ever. 

I've made a post before about how valkyr's hysteria and other abilities needs a redo here:


After dying I later found out the other valkyr was ignoring both  me, the objective and frost going down. We ended up failing the mission and squad was disbanded. 

I never want to witness this again. 

It seems to me you got mad that the "noobs" were doing better than you in end game missions. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

For the love of lotus not this diskussion again. Its sad that they afked, it truly is but seriously valkyr is fine. Do you have any idea how many times ive managed to save a run in the void thanks to playing valkyr? How many times ive manages to rescue my whole team beacuse they all went down? Sure go ahead and whine about her "OPness", most of us valkyr players (or atleast me) uses hysteria for emergency cases. But hey why not complain about frosts globe? Or the fact that you can almost freeze enemies as slow nova?

I understand your frustration, however you should think teice before going nuts on valkyr ( common sense in this forum is rare sadly).

Yeah Nova is OP herself. All you have to do is prime and stick and move. Yet this person complains about valkyr.

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stop this nerf valkyr bullS#&$ already.. be glat that there is players that bother to pick her and keep ressurecting noobs like you that cant survive wave 5 in sortie... you want everyone to play press 4 to aoekilleverythinginonesecond frames

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If we rework 4, then we also rework the whole kit or it breaks(UP instead of OP, not that I find her OP in any way currently)

1 should be either PBAOE pull, or charge, or pounce

2 should be way superior to Volt's Speed(In fact it should even buff movement a bit because Valk is all about melee, IE closing in on targets fast), losing armour buff though

3 should be what it is? I guess. Yes. No. Maybe. More utility? Other ideas? I had some, others had more, but nobody cared so I don't know.

4 should greatly increase DR or armour instead of GodMode and otherwise work as it does now- Except faster casting, because well it won't be GodMode


And the final touch, since she's the Berserker frame give her extra melee damage and Excalibur can keep Valk's current knock down resistance

Edited by Kunavi
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