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Fallen Vanguard - Archived Recruitment Thread


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IGN: Verouzer

Mastery Rank: 19

Time zone: UTC+08:00

About me: I've been playing Warframe since Update 9. I entered a few clans but those are not very active. This clan looks and sounds awesome. I'd love to be a part of this clan and contribute as much as I can. I play Warframe at least 2 hours for a day. I go all out on weekends. It'd be an honor to become a member of this clan. Thank you.


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MR: 12

Timezone: UTC +8:00

About me: I'm 15 but you don't need to tell me I need to grow up because I DRINK MILK. I haven't played for quite awhile, but I'm right now I play almost everyday! I don't use voice chat a lot 'cause I usually listen to music while I'm playing.

What I bring: I dunno. Perhaps immaturity ? 

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On 3/1/2016 at 11:00 AM, OptimisticSocks said:


New players are always welcome, we almost always have people on to help you. 

20 hours ago, Verouzer said:


Nice to have another veteran around, I joined around update 8 myself. Looking forward to meeting you. 

18 hours ago, -CRY said:


Uh i think you forgot to write down your timezone, as soon as  you get that fixed i can send you an invite.

On 3/1/2016 at 11:29 AM, PinkRanger said:


As soon as you pass MR5, I would be glad to send you an invite. 


Invites have been sent to Socks and Verouzer. Welcome to the Vanguard gentlemen. 

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IGN: Guinevyr

I like how your clan sounds and I'd like to join up.

I am MR 12, as of now, and I'm focusing more on fixing and improving items/frames than ranking up.

Timezone is Pacific

Always willing to help people grind for something, be it resources or mods. I have only been playing a few weeks but I already know the grind is real. Also happy to do group stuff whether it's missions, void runs, or vault runs.

I believe I can extend the greatness of this clan through showcasing prowess and skills in-game, and through conduct and good manners.

I am currently a junior high school student, and is inspired by your clan. Hope I can join!

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9 hours ago, Guinevyr said:

IGN: Guinevyr

I like how your clan sounds and I'd like to join up.

I am MR 12, as of now, and I'm focusing more on fixing and improving items/frames than ranking up.

Timezone is Pacific

Always willing to help people grind for something, be it resources or mods. I have only been playing a few weeks but I already know the grind is real. Also happy to do group stuff whether it's missions, void runs, or vault runs.

I believe I can extend the greatness of this clan through showcasing prowess and skills in-game, and through conduct and good manners.

I am currently a junior high school student, and is inspired by your clan. Hope I can join!

It appears as though you are already in a clan, you will need to fix that.

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Quite the long application you got there! Its nice to see folks do more than what we ask of them, shows determination.

Oh and if you really want to see someone use melee properly, maybe we should play a game sometime (I pretty much only play melee) :P

I've sent you an invite, check your inbox.


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You're one of the very few clans that I'm interested in *and* uses TeamSpeak3 and not that Discord thing that everyone uses.

MR6 'cause I've only played like 190 hours of Warframe (and because I got nobody to help me farm prime stuff so I can get new stuff and level them D:)

UTC +8 (Singapore. I really live in Philippines, but since people care more about 'that one place that has the ultimate internet speed' instead of my dinky little country, that's what I chose instead.), usually around 5-6 PM, though don't be surprised if I come on earlier since I might have caught a break.

Uhm, I'm a... I'm a guy who found Warframe. And decided to play it. I guess, yeah.

Hum, well, I'm not really sure what I can do to help a Mountain Clan apart from being active, since I really couldn't care much about Conclave (I hate PvP. No matter what game it is.) and I don't have a small amount of a million credits to donate to the clan vault, but I do enjoy helping people out, regardless of Mastery Rank. Need me for Natah? Second Dream? Count me in. Need me for a level 100 Sortie even though I don't have anything useful that can actually help out? Sure. I'm up for everything.

Except Conclave.

I hate Conclave.

My current inventory consists of all keys for the vaults, a Kubrow on the way, TWOOO GRAKATA, an Orthos Prime and Tigris, with crappy mods that don't even make sense, like using Steel Fiber on a Rhino.

I am a melee user. The only reason why I'm using a the Tigris and TWOOO GRAKATA is because a clanmate from 5 clans ago said shotguns were now OP and the Tigris is the most OP out of all shotguns, and because TWOOO GRAKATA. I never really liked ranged weapons because when there's roughly 500 Infested running for your behind, guns aren't really useful, are they? And I'm not really used to third person shooters.

Or I just didn't grab that Soma, or that one gun that shoots out grenade thingys.

My archwing is horsesh*t. Enough said.

My name is, well, my name.


Well, I guess that's all I can say, heh. Lookin' forward to meeting y'all!

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1 hour ago, Kalikedeshi said:


Another orthos user, how fun! i cant wait to show you what i can do with my baby c: 

Sent you an invite, check your inbox. 

3 hours ago, King.Cold said:


Well your app isn't as long as all the others, but you got most of the key points, so ill go ahead and send you one anyways :P


Welcome to the Vanguard gentlemen. 

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MR: 13

Timezone: GMT+1

About Me: Hey everyone, my in-game name is Ravicious. I'm 21, I'm studying at university and currently I'm in the middle of BA Thesis writing but I always find a moment or two to play some games. I'd love to join because I am looking for an active and fun clan to stick with. You seem like a lot of fun and that's honestly the best motivation for me to try to join you. I've been playing Warframe for more than 2 years now - my adventure started a few days after the Fusion Moa Event back in update 7. English is my second language but I believe that language barrier shouldn't be too much of a problem. My favourite frames are Excalibur, Oberon and Valkyr. I'm also that guy who mods for blast dammage with high status weapons because I love launching everything that moves into outer space.

What can I bring to the Clan: All of the experience I've gained, advice whenever needed and help whenever wanted - I like helping players, everyone should have fun while playing this awesome game. Appart from that, I like to laugh a lot so I guess I can bring a few jokes every now and then. I can also write haiku!

My rifle and sword
My honor I bring to You

Actually, scratch that, I can't haiku...

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5 minutes ago, Ravicious said:

MR: 13

Timezone: GMT+1

About Me: Hey everyone, my in-game name is Ravicious. I'm 21, I'm studying at university and currently I'm in the middle of BA Thesis writing but I always find a moment or two to play some games. I'd love to join because I am looking for an active and fun clan to stick with. You seem like a lot of fun and that's honestly the best motivation for me to try to join you. I've been playing Warframe for more than 2 years now - my adventure started a few days after the Fusion Moa Event back in update 7. English is my second language but I believe that language barrier shouldn't be too much of a problem. My favourite frames are Excalibur, Oberon and Valkyr. I'm also that guy who mods for blast dammage with high status weapons because I love launching everything that moves into outer space.

What can I bring to the Clan: All of the experience I've gained, advice whenever needed and help whenever wanted - I like helping players, everyone should have fun while playing this awesome game. Appart from that, I like to laugh a lot so I guess I can bring a few jokes every now and then. I can also write haiku!

My rifle and sword
My honor I bring to You

Actually, scratch that, I can't haiku...

Your haiku is bad

You should be very ashamed

Have a invite though

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Yay, form time.

Anyway, my MR is 6 even though I've played like 620 hours. I'm one of those weird guys who likes something and sticks with it, and as a result of this, I've been running an Excal, an Ash, and a Latron Prime for a good amount of those hours. Oh well, sue me.

My time zone is North America eastern time.

I found Warframe pretty much out of nowhere and I've been hooked on it ever since. I've stuck with it for longer than pretty much every other game that I've played and I think I'm in it for the long haul. I'm currently trying to finish all those quests that I've been slacking on completing, and some of them are making my head hurt.

I think that I started when the Kubrows first came out.

On the subject of what I bring to a clan, I bring a person who will do anything for nano-spores. I need them. So. Badly.

I also have the bad habit of talking to salty people. I honestly have no clue why, it doesn't help anyone.

I think I'm funny. People tell me otherwise. People are insane and should be in a hospital. That is all.

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I would love to join a growing community! MR 12, can test to 13


Looking for a active raiding clan possibly, and one that isnt always a carry carry carry :) 

Im online every single day after work for at least 2-3 hours depending on the amount of girlfriend aggro I recieve..

Ig name ofyjustin

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IGN: Dascede


MR: 7


Timezone: CST / GMT - 6


About me: I'm a 22-year-old living in the Great Lakes region of the US. I work with people's money for a living in the finance industry. I am almost always busy during weekdays from the time I wake up until about 6 PM in my timezone (unless it's a day off I was scheduled, like today -- I would normally be working on Tuesday). I do, however, try to log on and complete at least one mission every night and I have better luck on the weekends.

I'm getting tired of playing solo. I used to be a part of the Second Life military roleplay scene when it was in its heyday (Ordo Imperialis), and I miss chilling on Teamspeak with a bunch of people and working together for a common goal. There is only so much fun to be had by one's self.


I offer: Well.. I'll be honest. Not much. My days of wake up, game, rinse and repeat are but fond memories. I'm not active as much as I would like to be. I have a significant other to spend time with, work to grind away at, and bills to pay. (Being a grown up sucks sometimes, but at least I have a car and can legally drink where I live.) That said, I will jump in and play wherever I can. I just aim to make friends, build cool frames and weapons, and have a good time. If that works for you, that's what I've got.

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3 hours ago, dascede said:


Well met friend, I look forward to meeting you!

On 3/7/2016 at 6:18 PM, DekKato said:


Another orthos lover huh? I can tell we're going to get along just fine. 

Invites have been sent to both of you gentlemen.

(Regarding ofyjustin: Just add your timezone and I'll make sure to get you one too.)

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Hello, my IGN is Thanatos0403 and I would like to join your clan, I have played a bit of Warframe and feel it is time to add a social aspect to my gameplay and would thus like to submit at application to join your clan.

IGN: Thanatos0403

Mastery Rank: 5

Time Zone: North Eastern

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Hello, I would like to join. My IGN is whitechalk234. I've been in a friend's clan for a year, but all but me have moved on from the game. I'll edit this post tonight, as I need to leave the clan still.

IGN: whitechalk234

MR: 8 (almost 9)

Time Zone: EST

I'll be on most nights, from 8-11. Probably earlier on the weekends.

I can contribute forma, as I'm still building up my arsenal and don't care about forma'd weapons as much. I can also help and carry low-level players through the void, and even Lephantis.

I have a couple primes (including Trin), a Frost, a Chroma, and I'm cooking Inaros now. I've completed the Second Dream, and would be willing to help with that as well.


Just left the clan, ready for an invite whenever!


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I've been in this clan for a bit now, and these people are some of the friendliest, most helpful gents around. There's a nice mix of skill levels and timezones among the players, so even when I log in at two in the morning there's someone to hang out with. Research is started almost instantaneously, clan chat isn't just another trade chat, and people are always talking about something; it could be Warframe, it could be another game, it could be someone's S#&amp;&#036;ty day or their dumb cat. I love that there's a mix of hardcore and casual players, especially as a former leaderboard hero who varies wildly between "can't be bothered" and "if my focus isn't completely capped today my life is OVER". But most of all, I love the people. 

These are the kind of laidback gamers I used to love inviting over for games like Smash and Four Swords, dudes you would split a pizza with and then spend a night yelling and laughing and being stupid. There was always something magical about those nights, just a blur of takeout and matchmaking lobbies and all of a sudden you looked at your watch and it was 4AM. It's pretty great here, and if you're on the fence or maybe you're thinking about joining a different clan, I would totally recommend you give this one a shot at least.

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MR: 13

TIME ZONE: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

ABOUT ME: Guess you could say i'm an idiot of sorts aha. I love to converse with new people of different personalities and get to know each and every one of them. I'm currently studying Graphics Design in college and mostly play Warframe. No joke - mostly every night I spend on warframe unless there is nothing else to do on the game. One of the biggest problems I had with this game was being in inactive clans for so long, as I have been playing this game for almost 1 year now I hope to find a group of warframe players that I can enjoy playing with. Hope to join this clan, sounds awesome :D.

I OFFER: To be honest I don't know, i'd like to say I know a lot about this game I mean I have spent a lot of time soloing that I kinda know more than the mechanics xD. But I hope to bring my personality into the clan to hopefully help new players and enjoy time with people who are more experienced at Warframe than me. Oh and raids, I love to do raids and compete in events however conclave I am still learning so i'm not experienced in that yet :(.

Hopefully i'll here from you soon.


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On 3/9/2016 at 11:42 AM, whitechalk234 said:


Well you can never have too many helpful hands, welcome to the Vanguard friend! 

1 hour ago, I_AM_A_FLAMMIN_DUCK said:


Well met friend, if you're looking for colorful personalities then you've come to the right place! 

If you read our personal bios you can get a pretty good idea of what to expect X)

Now go! Descend upon the clanchat with dank memes and terrible puns! 


Invites have been sent to both of you gentlemen, check your inbox.

13 hours ago, MadHatHacker said:


Thank you for your kind words Hat, i couldn't have said it better myself.  

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