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Smooth Movement Ruined Completely ( Update Rant)


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Looking like a ninja =/= sliding across the ground 24/7 like a disco junkie

 Being/Looking like a ninja =/= making half a dozen enemies float by stamping the ground really hard, killing them all with spray-&-pray from double Machine pistols then smashing anything left into pulp with a giant Hammer, all while shrugging off multiple Shotgun and Rifle shots to the face.


Your point?

Edited by Aeshi
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"Stop liking what I don't like"

Opinions, get over them. I dislike slugs like you. Do I whine about them and ask them to get nerfed by swarm of stalkers if you can't keep up? No. Because I'm not a whiny kid who understands that people prefer different gameplay.


And yet you're whining about DE fixing an exploit that allowed players to move faster than intended through abuse of game mechanics, which left sliding perfectly fine for its intended purposes.

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And yet you're whining about DE fixing an exploit that allowed players to move faster than intended through abuse of game mechanics, which left sliding perfectly fine for its intended purposes.


You're probably "that guy" who will call strafe-jumping and rocket-jumps cheating in Quake. gg

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And yet you're whining about DE fixing an exploit that allowed players to move faster than intended through abuse of game mechanics, which left sliding perfectly fine for its intended purposes.

Being able to utilize higher APM than casuals like you = exploiting. Also, mind explaining how I'm contradicting myself in that post? Because so far all of your arguments are "my opinion takes higher priority than yours because magic".

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I posted this in another topic bout stamina and cooldown, but i gotta do it again.



DE this is how stupid we look with the new cooldown.


PS: Flip your tables  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

dont let your tables flip you ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\
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You're probably "that guy" who will call strafe-jumping and rocket-jumps cheating in Quake. gg


They were exploits, not cheating. They weren't fixed, which was a decision by those developers.


Removing the movement exploits was also DE's decision. If DE adds helicoptering back into the game, then I won't raise a fuss. But I support this decision because I personally never liked slide exploiting. That's my feedback.


Being able to utilize higher APM than casuals like you = exploiting.


Exploiting slide mechanics to helicopter = exploiting. APM has nothing to do with it; an infant could learn to helicopter.


Also, mind explaining how I'm contradicting myself in that post?

Well if you must know,

"Stop liking what I don't like"

Opinions, get over them. I dislike slugs like you. Do I whine about them and ask them to get nerfed by swarm of stalkers if you can't keep up? No. Because I'm not a whiny kid who understands that people prefer different gameplay.

You say you don't whine about changing mechanics, but you are whining about DE attempting to remove slide exploits. It's still whining.


Because so far all of your arguments are "my opinion takes higher priority than yours because magic".


So far all of my arguments are in support of what DE has already done, not my magic opinion. I'm responding to their change of slide exploits positively, as feedback. It's not better than your opinion, or worse, but I'm still going to state it.

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They were exploits, not cheating. They weren't fixed, which was a decision by those developers.


Removing the movement exploits was also DE's decision. If DE adds helicoptering back into the game, then I won't raise a fuss. But I support this decision because I personally never liked slide exploiting. That's my feedback.



Exploiting slide mechanics to helicopter = exploiting. APM has nothing to do with it; an infant could learn to helicopter.


Well if you must know,

You say you don't whine about changing mechanics, but you are whining about DE attempting to remove slide exploits. It's still whining.



So far all of my arguments are in support of what DE has already done, not my magic opinion. I'm responding to their change of slide exploits positively, as feedback. It's not better than your opinion, or worse, but I'm still going to state it.

I say I don't whine about changing mechanics, so if I whine about something else, it's automatically related to mechanics somehow? Gee, magic. So far all your arguments were "I dislike something" aka subjective opinion. Our arguments were that sliding increased skill ceiling, albeit not by much, but it still did, hence, objective. Learn to properly refute points instead of circle arguing with same points over and over pretending that you're winning. Also, I never stated anything about helicoptering, plus half the game couldn't helicopter chain properly, so your argument kind of falls flat. Especially considering the amount of people complaining how they can't rush.

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Can someone show me a video of how it was before and how it is now?! I can play perfectly fine just as i could before. I noticed absolutely zero change in my ability to move around the map.

I don't have recording capability to show this in details but i'll see if i can find anything on youtube.

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I say I don't whine about changing mechanics, so if I whine about something else, it's automatically related to mechanics somehow? Gee, magic. So far all your arguments were "I dislike something" aka subjective opinion. Our arguments were that sliding increased skill ceiling, albeit not by much, but it still did, hence, objective. Learn to properly refute points instead of circle arguing with same points over and over pretending that you're winning. Also, I never stated anything about helicoptering, plus half the game couldn't helicopter chain properly, so your argument kind of falls flat. Especially considering the amount of people complaining how they can't rush.


My argument is that DE has just fixed slide exploits and I support it. Yes, I support it personally because I didn't like it; it made certain weapons desirable only for movement purposes and allowed players to move faster than originally intended. But me liking it or not doesn't change the fact that it was an exploit, and not functioning properly with what DE had intended.


My ideology for sliding and slide exploits is supported by DE's actions, and yours are currently not. I'm not going to tell you to stop posting your opinion, however, but I will continue to support keeping slide exploits out of the game.

Edited by MoonicusMaximus
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I posted this in another topic bout stamina and cooldown, but i gotta do it again.



DE this is how stupid we look with the new cooldown.


PS: Flip your tables  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

dont let your tables flip you ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\


Oh, definitely. I really wish we kept to the old system. I mean, how good was this:


Can someone show me a video of how it was before and how it is now?! I can play perfectly fine just as i could before. I noticed absolutely zero change in my ability to move around the map.

There's the video of the original version pre-update 7.x It's become a lot less ridiculous ever since they nerfed it the first time, but this is the type of behaviour they're trying to prevent. Also comes in teabagging variants that are similarly ridiculous.

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My argument is that DE has just fixed slide exploits and I support it. Yes, I support it personally because I didn't like it; it made certain weapons desirable only for movement purposes and allowed players to move faster than originally intended. But me liking it or not doesn't change the fact that it was an exploit, and not functioning properly with what DE had intended.


My ideology for sliding and slide exploits is supported by DE's actions, and yours are currently not. I'm not going to tell you to stop posting your opinion, however, but I will continue to support keeping slide exploits out of the game.

More closed circle arguing and trying to suppress my opinion by plastering yours all over it. Keep going, drone.

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