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Smooth Movement Ruined Completely ( Update Rant)


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Oh haha very funny /sarcasm


Really do you think insulting me like a little child is going to get you anywhere in an argument?


you take a very one sided, close minded take on the whole ordeal. a certain "this is fact because i say so. these points are fact because i say so" attitude. you don't add to the discussion especially because you ignore a lot of posts both on this topic and threads that have been made over the months here on the forums

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I believe it's the RUSHERS fault this happened. Since everybody was rushing ahead and not killing everything. Leaving Rhino and Frost in the dust it detracted from the fun of the game.


Now RUSHERS are complaining that this is some ungodly thing and that it needs to be fixed with NO regards to people that play Rhino or Frost.


The thing is Rushers abuse fast frames like Loki and don't kill anything leaving the guys who have been left behind to deal with the crap ton of enemies the guy left behind.


Rushers also used exploits such as "knife-skating" which is why the slide cooldown happened


It's clear due to rushers and turtles this game can only be Solo'd or played in Private with friends


The only way this can be fixed is to give every frame the exact same speed


If rushers hadn't left everybody behind this wouldn't have happened.


And we wouldn't have all these whine posts.


So it's clear


Rushers only have themselves to blame.

You are seeing only one side of the issue here and blaming one side of it in turn. 


I have rushed I have farmed I have even strolled through a level taking in the view so to speak but to say it's so and so who caused this issue is like saying it's your fault that I never got a drop for a bp I needed... It doesn't add up.


  The two sides don't see eye to eye so they will fight each other about it there are no clean hands in why this happend just like it isn't your fault i didn't get a bp I needed.

Edited by DreadWolf7
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you take a very one sided, close minded take on the whole ordeal. a certain "this is fact because i say so. these points are fact because i say so" attitude.

He starts off his post with "I believe that...". Direct admittance of personal opinion not enough for you?

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Oh haha very funny /sarcasm


Really do you think insulting me like a little child is going to get you anywhere in an argument?

The funny fact is that you ignored all the previous comments in the thread when you first posted your "opinion"

So why should i waste my time trying to explain every single detail if you can't be bothered to read ?

btw still want the link ?

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You are seeing only one side of the issue here and blaming one side of it in turn. 


I have rushed I have farmed I have even strolled through a level taking in the view so to speak but to say it's so and so who caused this issue is like saying it's your fault that I never got a drop for a bp I needed... It doesn't add up.


  The two sides don't see eye to eye so they will fight each other about it there are no clean hands in why this happend just like it isn't your fault i didn't get a bp I needed.

However look at how many complaints there were about rushers before U8 There were THOUSANDS of them.


People complained that rushers are ruining now rushers are complaining that turtles are making the game less fun and that there the reason that the slid nerf happened when really if the rushers hadn't rushed through everything then the pugs or turtles wouldn't have complained.

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He starts off his post with "I believe that...". Direct admittance of personal opinion not enough for you?

He also ends it by saying "it's clear that it's rushers fault" try reading the whole comment before approving disapproving it.

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However look at how many complaints there were about rushers before U8 There were THOUSANDS of them.


People complained that rushers are ruining now rushers are complaining that turtles are making the game less fun and that there the reason that the slid nerf happened when really if the rushers hadn't rushed through everything then the pugs or turtles wouldn't have complained.

The two sides don't mix but changing the slide doesn't fix the issue it effects everyone in some way. Also you have stated you blame rushers without looking into why they play how they do.  A fix would be to make it so the people who want to play one way don't need to deal with the ones that play another and they don't have to fight over it after.


fix doesn't = only play with friends and solo fix would be to have an option to look for a farming group a running group or maybe a searching group who knows.

Edited by DreadWolf7
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However look at how many complaints there were about rushers before U8 There were THOUSANDS of them.


People complained that rushers are ruining now rushers are complaining that turtles are making the game less fun and that there the reason that the slid nerf happened when really if the rushers hadn't rushed through everything then the pugs or turtles wouldn't have complained.

You're not bringing anything to this table so i'll kindly ask you to leave.

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He also ends it by saying "it's clear that it's rushers fault" try reading the whole comment before approving disapproving it.

Oh, so if I say "it's my opinion that it is clearly cold outside" that means I just stated a fact?



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Oh, so if I say "it's my opinion that it is clearly cold outside" that means I just stated a fact?



 He said it was clearly the rushers fault at the end...  You seem to keep missing that part. adding a clearly so and so is at fault is is away of stating something to be fact more then opinion.

Edited by DreadWolf7
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 He said it was clearly the rushers fault at the end...  You seem to keep missing that part. adding a clearly so and so is at fault is is away of stating something to be fact more then opinion.

Your refusal to acknowledge an obvious, admitted rant baffles me, especially in a thread like this.

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Your refusal to acknowledge an obvious, admitted rant baffles me, especially in a thread like this.

I can't make you understand but by your own words you seem to have that issue as well. Oh I know it's a rant but I am pointing that it goes from opinion to clear blame at the same time nothing more.

Edited by DreadWolf7
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This patch completely ruined the smooth flow of movement this game had.

This so called change was clearly implemented because of little ( insert f word) demanding that everyone shares their play style of space turtles .

WE are supposed to be space ninjas ! this is the only thing this takes away from!

This won't stop me from rushing at ALL! in fact to boycott this change that's the only thing i'm gonna do now.

Thanks for the toggle sprint button that helps me with the rushing a lot!

This whole change did not effect rushers at ALL. What it does do is take more fun outta the game.

If this is how whiny complainers get their point across to you DE and ruin our game that's exactly what i'm gonna do from now on.

I'm starting a petition to reverse all the changes to movement and stop experimenting till you actually figure out a way to promote both play styles without shoving down a specific play style in our throat!.


I myself am not a rusher, 90 % of the time i will run off track to kill a few enemies and loot a few chests but does that mean that players who decided to skip that should be penalized ? NO! they might already have the stuff i'm farming for so they are not obliged to do the same.

I'm not gonna go around looking for every locker on the map because i know that redoing the mission and popping a few chests on the way will grant better results.

We are not bodyguards to so called explorers who try to loot every single corner on the map if they wanna do that they can play solo or with friends.


So i ask fellow Tenno who want to keep this space ninja game the way it's supposed to be and not turn us into space turtles! to boycott this change by rushing every mission just to show DE how badly they messed this up!

I love this game and it pains me to see it ruined by people who want EVERYTHING to be their way.


Edited to be more welcoming for people who can't stand rude language as asked by the community moderator.



You're not bringing anything to this table so i'll kindly ask you to leave.

I am bringing something to the table i am stating why this happened and why it will most likely stay.


Also look at your post. Boycotting by rushing? Your only feeding the complainers. People want everybody to play their way? WRONG!!!!! people just don't want to get left behind by BUTTER NINJA so that they can collect stuff without having to lose it all because BUTTER NINJA sild past every enemy so while he was waiting at extraction you have to deal with the ton of enemies he left behind.


Whiny Complainers? No. They were tired of losing their rewards because BUTTER NINJA wouldn't reset the countdown timer.


Because of rushers, turtles and pugs this is a game that pretty much can only be played Solo or Private.


Oh and for those of you who say "They should just play in Private" some people need help with the game because they're not very good at action-shooters and don't want to cram up their contacts list.

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I can't make you understand but by your own words you seem to have that issue as well. Oh I know it's a rant but I am pointing that it goes from opinion to clear blame at the same time nothing more.

Well, after his last post up here I can't really defend him anymore.

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I am bringing something to the table i am stating why this happened and why it will most likely stay.


Also look at your post. Boycotting by rushing? Your only feeding the complainers. People want everybody to play their way? WRONG!!!!! people just don't want to get left behind by BUTTER NINJA so that they can collect stuff without having to lose it all because BUTTER NINJA sild past every enemy so while he was waiting at extraction you have to deal with the ton of enemies he left behind.


Whiny Complainers? No. They were tired of losing their rewards because BUTTER NINJA wouldn't reset the countdown timer.


Because of rushers, turtles and pugs this is a game that pretty much can only be played Solo or Private.


Oh and for those of you who say "They should just play in Private" some people need help with the game because they're not very good at action-shooters and don't want to cram up their contacts list.

 The issue here is that both sides are not getting along both have said play with friends or solo no one is clear of that. The only way to solve it again is to keep the sides from having to play with one another not by changing something to try and slow one side down. Also you shouldn't try to come up with a new word for people that want to rush it's like me saying slug ninja it doesn't catch it just hangs there as a wtf thing.


Caps and underline won't make it anymore important ether...


On a side note I have never seen butter move fast let alone at all.

Edited by DreadWolf7
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I am bringing something to the table i am stating why this happened and why it will most likely stay.


Also look at your post. Boycotting by rushing? Your only feeding the complainers. People want everybody to play their way? WRONG!!!!! people just don't want to get left behind by BUTTER NINJA so that they can collect stuff without having to lose it all because BUTTER NINJA sild past every enemy so while he was waiting at extraction you have to deal with the ton of enemies he left behind.


Whiny Complainers? No. They were tired of losing their rewards because BUTTER NINJA wouldn't reset the countdown timer.


Because of rushers, turtles and pugs this is a game that pretty much can only be played Solo or Private.


Oh and for those of you who say "They should just play in Private" some people need help with the game because they're not very good at action-shooters and don't want to cram up their contacts list.

You only don't get credits if you don't make it in time which is fair if half your team wants to end the missions credits are not hard to come by.

I said that i would show DE that this in no way shape or form fixes rushing by doing exactly what it supposedly wanted to fix.

Once again stop talking if you have nothing new to bring to the table.

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You only don't get credits if you don't make it in time which is fair if half your team wants to end the missions credits are not hard to come by.

I said that i would show DE that this in no way shape or form fixes rushing by doing exactly what it supposedly wanted to fix.

Once again stop talking if you have nothing new to bring to the table.

You also don't get bonus EXP

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I am bringing something to the table i am stating why this happened and why it will most likely stay.


Also look at your post. Boycotting by rushing? Your only feeding the complainers. People want everybody to play their way? WRONG!!!!! people just don't want to get left behind by BUTTER NINJA so that they can collect stuff without having to lose it all because BUTTER NINJA sild past every enemy so while he was waiting at extraction you have to deal with the ton of enemies he left behind.


Whiny Complainers? No. They were tired of losing their rewards because BUTTER NINJA wouldn't reset the countdown timer.


Because of rushers, turtles and pugs this is a game that pretty much can only be played Solo or Private.


Oh and for those of you who say "They should just play in Private" some people need help with the game because they're not very good at action-shooters and don't want to cram up their contacts list.


Why do you need the game to be made especially for you in that case?

Why not step up YOUR game and keep up, why not adapt and overcome the challenge created by the mythical BUTTER NINJA?


If you aren't good at action-shooters, learn to be good at them or find a different game. What is it with people not being able to just accept they can't do something and that they are not entitled to getting everything handed on a silver platter.


I can't play Dark Souls, I am S#&$ at it, I didn't whine at From Software to changing the game to accommodate me being S#&$. Why can't YOU do something instead of expecting everything being done FOR you by others?

Edited by Mietz
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Most people like myself would never have noticed the very very minor cool down on slide if it was not for threads like this


I could move plenty fast and rush if needed without doing whatever uber fast mega slide trick crap you all pulled....get over it

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Why do you need the game to be made especially for you in that case?

Why not step up YOUR game and keep up, why not adapt and overcome the challenge created by the mythical BUTTER NINJA?


If you aren't good at action-shooters, learn to be good at them or find a different game. What is it with people not being able to just accept they can't do something and that they are not entitled to getting everything handled on a silver platter.


I can't play Dark Souls, I am S#&$ at it, I didn't whine at From Software to changing the game to accommodate me being S#&$. Why can't YOU do something instead of expecting everything being done FOR you by others?

Did i say anywhere that I wasn't good at action games? No. I was stating that other people might not be good at them.

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Did i say anywhere that I wasn't good at action games? No. I was stating that other people might not be good at them.


The question stays the same. Why don't those people step up their game.


The second question then becomes why are you defending behavior that makes games globally S#&$.

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"Stop liking what I don't like"

Opinions, get over them. I dislike slugs like you. Do I whine about them and ask them to get nerfed by swarm of stalkers if you can't keep up? No. Because I'm not a whiny kid who understands that people prefer different gameplay.


Actually, I wouldn't mind that at all. I might be able to get the stalker drops I've been looking for since u8 came out. That little S#&$ has avoided me for quite a while now and I'm starting to get miffed.


If you could get this done by tomorrow that'd be great.

Edited by f3llyn
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The question stays the same. Why don't those people step up their game.


The second question then becomes why are you defending behavior that makes games globally S#&$.

But then another question arises why should rushers force you to play better? I can't think of a reason

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Personally, I think a good fix would be to leave the unintended mechanic the way it is but instead of a cooldown, it could use a little bit of stamina with no stamina recovery while sliding.


This will stop people from spamming it but will still allow people to use it. This also would make mods like Marathon and Quick Rest much more appealing and less useless atm. Why waste a mod slot for more stamina when you can slide and recover it without losing speed?

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